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Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Old Mitra Study Course - Additional Material; Questions, Additional Reading, etc.

By Mokshini on Wed, 23 Nov, 2016 - 10:35

Additional questions and further reading to the old mitra study course

This material, which comprises suggested questions, further reading, brief introductions to the theme and subject material for sections of the course that are not based on Sangharakshita’s lectures, was developed by Nagapriya for the distance learning version of the original mitra study course. It is offered here as a help for study leaders should they wish to use it. The files are pdf versions which can be printed but not edited.

Mitra Support
Mitra Support

Welcome Pack For Mitras!

By Candradasa on Mon, 11 Jul, 2016 - 21:43

Here are a few general resources around what it is to be a Mitra to get you started, as well as some great background on Triratna itself. 

You can read an online version of the Dharma Training Course Guide, and get more detail about the general structure of Triratna. Or try exploring our timeline, and read more about our history over the past 50 years.

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Bienvenido a las páginas en español

Una guía acerca de hacerse mitra en la Comunidad Budista Triratna

Una guía acerca de hacerse mitra en la Comunidad Budista Triratna

By Candradasa on Tue, 3 Jun, 2014 - 17:18La palabra sánscrita ‘mitra’ simplemente significa ‘amigo’. Hacerse mitra es profundizar tu relación de amistad con la Orden Budista Triratna, lo que puede ocurrir cuando tu compromiso con sus ideales, valores y prácticas ha alcanzado un cierto nivel. Un mitra es alguien que ha hecho lo que nosotros llamamos un compromiso ‘provisional’ de practicar el Dharma en el contexto de nuestra comunidad espiritual. Esto implica un compromiso con el budismo, de practicar el camino Budista como se enseña en nuestra...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Becoming A Mitra (ePub/PDF versions)

By Candradasa on Fri, 20 Sep, 2013 - 23:15
Here are some versions of ‘Becoming A Mitra’ for pdf and any eReader that supports ePub. We are still working on getting a version together for Kindle and will update the post when it’s ready…
File NameSize
Becoming A Mitra.epub3.99 MB
Becoming A Mitra.pdf484.97 KB
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Becoming a Mitra in the Triratna Buddhist Community

Becoming a Mitra in the Triratna Buddhist Community

By Candradasa on Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 - 17:35

The Triratna Buddhist Community is open to all those who wish to practise Buddhism.

Most people encounter Triratna through a meditation or Buddhism class at a Triratna centre. Everyone who has contact with Triratna is considered a friend. However someone who wants to make a particular connection with our community and see their Buddhist  practice in that context can ask to become a ‘Mitra’ (which simply means ‘friend’ in Sanskrit).

If this might be of interest to you...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The newest Mitras!

By Candradasa on Thu, 30 Aug, 2012 - 21:53
Say hello to Bettye & Oz, the newest members of the international Triratna Mitra Sangha! ‘Mitra’ means friend, and Bettye & Oz, good friends to the Portsmouth Buddhist Centre in New Hampshire, give us a few words straight after a lovely simple ceremony to express their commitment to the Buddha’s path as they understand it in their lives… Congratulations!