Centre Team
Centre Team
Join us for the Big Weekend! May 2-5
National UK People of Colour Gathering


The National Gathering is the biggest event on the People of Colour calendar. It is four days of practising meditation, slowing down, teachings from highly experienced practitioners of colour and connecting with one another whilst living in community.

Retreatants gather from all around the UK and further for this annual event in the beautiful, peaceful, springtime blossoming grounds of Adhisthana.

This People of Colour event welcomes those who identify as: Black, Asian, South-East Asian, Latinx, Arab/ Middle Eastern, biracial, mixed heritage and multiracial.

Book now and find out how to apply for a bursary

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Sangharakshita 100: A Garland of Rejoicings 💐
Triratna Day 2025, live online on April 6. Open to all!

The Triratna Buddhist Community was founded by Urgyen Sangharakshita and 2025 marks the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. For this special anniversary year our online celebration of Triratna Day will be a rejoicing in his life and qualities. 

In each of the three sessions we will hear from three Order members - from different generations and parts of the world - about life changing encounters they had with Sangharakshita and the qualities that were communicated through those encounters. 

Speakers include: Akasaka (UK/Finland), Buddhadasa (UK/Australia), Guhyavajra (New Zealand), Karunadevi (USA), Sridevi (Finland), Suryapala (USA) and Tarahridaya (India).

After the talks we’ll hear briefly about new initiatives from Future Dharma and the International Triratna Translations Board, then meditate together as an international spiritual community.

April 6 2025

Session 1: A Garland of Roses (90 mins)

Guhyavajra (New Zealand)
Akasaka (UK/Finland)
Dhibhajana (Austria/UK)

USA PST 01:00 | Mexico 02:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09:00 | Europe 10:00 CET | India 13:30 | Australia AEST 18:00 | New Zealand NZST 20:00

Session 2: A Garland of Lotuses (90 mins)

Sridevi (Finland)
Tarahridaya (India)
Suryapala (USA)

USA PST 08:00 | Mexico 09:00 | USA EST 11:00 | IE & UK 16:00 | Europe 17:00 CET | India 20:30 | Australia AEST 01:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 03:00 (next day)

Session 3: A Garland of Marigolds (90 mins)

Buddhadasa (UK/Australia)
Karunadevi (USA)
Ruchiramati (Mexico)

USA PST 11:00 | Mexico 12:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe 20:00 CET | India 23:30 | Australia AEST 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 06:00 (next day)

Led by Jnanadhara – International Movement Coordinator


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Centre Team
Centre Team
The Rote Burg
A Retreat Centre in the Heart of Europe

The Berlin sangha is building a retreat centre in the forest north of Berlin at the site of the "Rote Burg" (the Red Castle). Our vision is to create a meeting place where we can dedicate ourselves to deepening our Buddhist practice in nature – for the Berlin sangha as well as for the wider Triratna community from all across the European continent.

The site features two red brick buildings with 960 square metres of floor space which are surrounded by four hectares of meadows and a beautiful oak forest. It‘s very well connected to the public transport system and can be reached from Berlin airport/train station within 1.5 to 2 hours. When the building is complete we will be able to accommodate up to 59 people.

Since we bought the land and buildings in summer 2020, we have been working with a team of architects, engineers and specialist planners to realize our vision. We received planning permission in August 2024. In the next project phase, we now want to convert the buildings according to our needs and aim at opening the retreat centre in autumn 2026. As an increasingly international sangha we will offer retreats in English as well as in German.

In this video, you can get a taste of the beauty of the landscape that surrounds the Rote Burg and listen to Padmavajra, who is the president of the Berlin sangha, share our vision for the place.

Please visit our website for more information:

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Ordinations at Chintamani
in Mexico

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following people took place at Chintamani, Mexico, on 5th January 2025. 

With metta, Virasiddhi

Public Preceptor Virasiddhi:

Abelardo Mancinas becomes Gambhīradāsa
Registered spelling: Gambhiradasa

A Sanskrit name meaning 'He who serves the profound; Él que sirve a lo profundo'

Private preceptor: Nagapriya 

Adolfo Echeverría becomes Dharmaratna
Registered spelling: Dharmaratna

A Sanskrit name meaning 'Jewel of the Dharma; La joya del Dharma'

Private preceptor: Nagapriya

Raul Chimil becomes Ākāśamati
Registered spelling: Akashamati

A Sanskrit name meaning 'The mind that is open like space; La mente abierta como el espacio'

Private preceptor: Viryakirti 

Jorge Carmona becomes Nāgaruci
Registered spelling: Nagaruchi 

A Sanskrit name meaning 'He who has the brilliance of the nagas; Él que tiene el resplandor de los nagas'

Private preceptor: Samamati 

Eduardo Cifuentes becomes Paramakīrti
Registered spelling: Paramakirti 

A Sanskrit name meaning 'Supreme Glory; La gloria suprema'

Private preceptor: Nagapriya

Claudio Herrera becomes Rucirasiddhi
Registered spelling: Ruchirasiddhi

A Sanskrit name meaning 'Brilliant Success; Éxito brillante'

Private preceptor: Nagapriya

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Centre Team
Centre Team
News from Suvana Cohousing
Imagine a new kind of Buddhist community

Imagine a new kind of Buddhist community, a webinar on January 13th

Suvana Cohousing is Triratna’s first cohousing project, and it is going to be built just outside Cambridge. Each household will have its own private home and share community spaces. Residents will manage the community and participate in shared activities. There are opportunities for purchase or rental and it may also appeal to investors.

Suvana is entering the design stage with TOWN, the UK’s leading cohousing developer.

Joining the webinar is free.  

To find out more and for the chance to shape your new community and home, visit the website.

Email us or follow us on instagram.

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The recording of Yashobodhi and friends at the North London Buddhist Centre for the online live stream of a memorial service and practice day for Kamalashila.

© 2024 Photo courtesy of Viramati

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Ordination at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre, UK
Welcoming Amalaghosha

Dear Friends in the Order,

We are happy to announce the public ordination of Andy McEleny at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre in the UK on Monday 18th November.

Andy McEleny becomes Amalaghosha  - He whose speech is stainless.

Public Preceptor Padmavajra

Private Preceptor Jayagupta

With metta,


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Ordinations at Sudarshanbhumi Retreat Centre
In Nagpur, India

Dear Friends in the Order,

We are very happy to announce the public ordinations of the following men at Sudarshanbhumi Retreat Centre, Jakhegaon, Nagpur on 11th October 2024.

Public preceptor: Amoghasiddhi

Dhammapal Maitrikar becomes Ksantinaga
Meaning: Naga of patient acceptance
Private Preceptor: Nagaketu

Nitesh Meshram becomes Amrutkumar
Meaning: Prince of the Deathless (Nirvana)
Private preceptor: Nagaketu

Kailas Humane becomes Nitibhushan
Meaning: He who is adorned with ethical conduct
Private preceptor: Nagaketu

Vijay Tayde becomes Kalyanapriya
Meaning: He who is devoted to the good
Private preceptor: Lokanath

Subhash Gajbhiye becomes Nipunveer
Meaning: Skilful hero/astute hero
Private preceptor: Ratnasiddhi

Vikas Maitrikar becomes Samathabodhi
Meaning: He whose awakening comes from calmness of mind. 
Private preceptor: Ratnasiddhi

Atul Khobragade becomes Prakasaratna
Meaning: Bright and shining jewel.
Private preceptor: Ratnasiddhi

Pravin Meshram becomes Sucimuni
Meaning:  Radient sage, sage of purity
Private preceptor: Jnanaratna

Public preceptor: Nagaketu

Charandas Gajbhiye becomes Sraddhaditya
Meaning: Sun of faith
Private Preceptor: Lokanath

Arun Brahmne becomes Kusalasattva
Meaning: He whose nature is skilful
Private Preceptor: Lokanath

Rahul Bagde becomes Tejodipta
Meaning: He who blazes with incandescent light
Private Preceptor: Ratnasiddhi

With metta,

Amoghasiddhi, Amrutdeep & Nagaketu

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Ordinations at Tiratanaloka
Welcoming Eight New Dharmacharis

Dear Friends,

The following public ordinations which took place at Tiratanaloka on Tuesday 1st October:

Public Preceptor: Sucimani 

Liz Kiff becomes Viryadaya (long first “i” and last “a")
Registered spelling: Viryadaya
Meaning: She who has energy and kindness
Private Preceptor: Saddhanandi

Claire Easingwood becomes Hrdayadhi (dot under the “r”, long “i")
Registered spelling: Hridayadhi
Meaning: She whose wisdom comes from the heart
Private Preceptor: Sridakini

Sheila Puri becomes Padmaprajna (tilda over the “n”, long last “a")
Registered spelling: Padmaprajna
Meaning: She whose wisdom is of the lotus
Private Preceptor: Viryadevi

Public Preceptor: Santavajri

Julie Bailey becomes Tarajaya (long first, second and last “a")
Registered spelling: Tarajaya
Meaning: She who has the victory of Tara
Private Preceptor: Satyajyoti

Carolyn Lee becomes Padmasiri (long last “i”)
Registered spelling: Padmasiri
Meaning: She who has the radiance of the lotus
Private Preceptor: Suchitta

Rachel Floater becomes Abhayasakhi (long last “i”)
Registered spelling: Abhayasakhi
Meaning: She who is a fearless friend
Private Preceptor: Vanaraji

Tina Belton becomes Manjusuri (tilda over the “n”, accent on the “s”, long second “u” and long “i")
Registered spelling: Manjushuri
Meaning: Gentle heroine
Private Preceptor: Suryamati

Annie Gogarty becomes Moksayogini (dot under the “s”, long last “i")
Registered spelling: Mokshayogini
Meaning: She who practises for liberation
Private Preceptor: Sugati


Sucimani and Santavajri

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Connecting Gender Diverse Practitioners in Triratna
Join our retreats, studies, and international community

For the past 10 years there have been activities for Gender Diverse practitioners in the UK, including day and weekend retreats, mitra study both in person and online, awareness training for centres, and an international meeting for gender diverse allies and friends in the Order. These have seeded activities for gender diverse people in local centres and provided a vital context for those who do not feel met by the binary system.  As well, a chapter of gender diverse order members are involved in supporting mitras and those training for ordination, and were involved in running the retreat at Adhisthana this year (our retreat next year is Sept 12-15 at Adhisthana).  Some of the activities of this chapter in supporting gender diversity inclusion are supported financially by the European Chairs Assembly. 

If you consider yourself gender diverse and would like to connect with others in Triratna, please contact Nagakusala (fremder@riseup.net) to be added to an international Whatsapp group.

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Memorial Service and Practice Day for Kamalashila
Join Yashobodhi and friends at the North London Buddhist Centre on Sunday November 17th

Sunday, November 17th

Attend online on Zoom (click to join)


Meeting ID: 840 4998 1501
Passcode: 895546

Please join Yashobodhi and friends at the North London Buddhist Centre on Sunday November 17th for the online live stream of a memorial service and practice day for Kamalashila.

The day will be in two parts with a break between sessions: 

First session (2 hours 15 mins)
USA PST 02:45  |  México CST 04:45  |  USA EST 05:45  |  IE & UK 10:45  | Europe CET 11:45  |  India 16:15  |  Australia AEDT 21:45  |  New Zealand NZDT 23:45

  • Practice morning with recorded led meditations on video by Kamalashila

Break (1 hour)

USA PST 05:00  |  México CST 07:00  |  USA EST 08:00  |  IE & UK 13:00  | Europe CET 14:00  |  India 18:30  |  Australia AEDT 00:00 (Monday) |  New Zealand NZDT 02:00 (Monday)

Second session (2 hours 45 mins)
USA PST 06:00  |  México CST 08:00  |  USA EST 09:00  |  IE & UK 14:00  | Europe CET 15:00  |  India 19:30  |  Australia AEDT 01:00 (Monday) |  New Zealand NZDT 03:00 (Monday)

  • Live rejoicings from those attending in-person in London
  • Puja (video recording led by Kamalashila), after which Kamalashila’s ashes will be given to people representing the four directions


For support around joining the online stream, please contact support@thebuddhistcentre.com

Please note the service will be recorded. Only video from the shrine room in London will be used in any versions posted online.

Image courtesy of Viramati © 2024

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Ordination at the Newcastle Buddhist Centre, UK
Welcoming Jayapala

Dear friends,

I am delighted to announce the public ordination of Norman Powell at the Newcastle Buddhist Centre in the UK on Saturday 28th September 2024.

He becomes Jayapala
'Victorious Protector'
Public preceptor Padmavajra
Private preceptor Akuppa

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

With metta,


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Ordinations at Guhyaloka
Mahamati Welcome Ten New Dharmacharis

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to announce the ordinations of the following ten men at Guhyaloka on Thursday 26th September 2024.

With metta,

(Public preceptor for all ten men)

Ron Chartier becomes Buddhagosha
'He who has the voice of the Buddha'
Private preceptor Shantinayaka

Hans Wijtman becomes Jayabandhu 
'He who is a friend of victory'
Private preceptor Arthamitra

Shaun Moran becomes Kusaladhi 
'He who has a wisdom which is skilled and wholesome' 
Private preceptor Khemaka

Stuart Lloyd becomes Chandrapriya
'He who loves the moon of wisdom'
Private preceptor Padmasimha

David Rey becomes Viryanatha
'He whose protector is energy'
Private preceptor Kshantivajra

Andy Madel becomes Bodhisetu
'He who is a bridge to awakening'
Private preceptor Dayasara

Otti Nuhaan becomes Priyabandhu
'He who is a beloved friend'
Private preceptor Arthamitra

Todd Johnson becomes Suryapala
'Guardian of the Buddha sun'
Private preceptor Ananta

Marc Buehner becomes Jnanadasa
'He who is a servant of knowledge'
Private preceptor Padmasimha

Matty Evans becomes Adityadasa
'He who serves the sun-like radiance of the Buddha'
Private preceptor Dharmashalin

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

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Ordinations at Akashavana
Welcoming Nine New Dharmacharinis

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce the following public ordinations which took place at Akashavana on Friday 13th September.

Public Preceptor: Vajratara 

Hannah Phillips becomes Moksadharini (‘s’ as in ‘sh’, long second a, retroflex n)
Registered spelling: Mokshadharini
Meaning: (She who touches) the earth of liberation
Private Preceptor: Amaragita

Pretti Desai becomes Nagavajri (long first a, long i)
Registered spelling: Nagavajri
Meaning: She who is a vajra of the nagas or dragons
Private Preceptor: Srivati

Rebecca Glyn-Jones becomes Supaksini (second ‘s’ as in ‘sh, long second i)
Registered spelling: Supakshini
Meaning: She who is blessed with the wings of Awakening
Private Preceptor: Srivati

Clare Morley becomes Dayabodhini (long second a, long second i)
Registered spelling: Dayabodhini
Meaning: She who is awakening through compassion
Private Preceptor: Satyalila

Seden becomes Khemalila (long i, long second a)
Registered spelling: Khemalila
Meaning: She who dwells in tranquillity, security, and playfulness
Private Preceptor: Aryajaya

Sally Davies becomes Hrdayanita (trilled r, long i, long final a)
Registered spelling: Hridayanita
Meaning: She who is guided by the heart of the Buddha´s teachings
Private Preceptor: Dharmavasini

Karen Levine becomes Upayadevi (long first a, long i)
Registered spelling: Upayadevi
Meaning: Goddess or queen of skilful means
Private Preceptor: Suryaka

Jane Essex becomes Maitriyodhini (long second and final i)
Registered spelling: Maitriyodhini
Meaning: She who is a warrior of love
Private Preceptor: Karunagita

Anni Herbert becomes Jayamaitri (long final i)
Registered spelling: Jayamaitri
Meaning: She whose loving kindness is victorious
Private Preceptor: Kalyacitta

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

With metta,


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Centre Team
Centre Team
Suvana Cohousing
Create a Buddhist Community of Households

Suvana Cohousing has been looking for a way to create a Buddhist community of 20 - 40 households, with a common house, shared garden and other facilities, for several years, and now it looks very likely to happen. We are delighted to be able to share the exciting news that we are collaborating with TOWN, the UK’s leading developer of cohousing, as we explore the delivery of homes for our community on part of their site in the Northstowe development in Greater Cambridge. More details below. 

So our vision moves closer to reality - the vision for a mutually supportive multi-generational community in which residents of individual homes also share and look after common spaces and facilities, living based on universal Buddhist values. We could meditate together in a shared shrine room, eat meals together, and have art or workspaces. We would love for this to be a prototype for cohousing communities in other places too.

But this will only happen if enough of us wish to be part of it! So it means that we are inviting people – particularly younger folk – who want to live in a community of kindness and mindfulness to join us in Northstowe. 

If you aren’t already involved with Suvana, your first step is to become a co-creator. This enables you to be part of co-designing the community and get priority over your choice of home. There’s no commitment. 

We already have over 40 cocreator households, so you’ll be in good company.


Suvana and TOWN in Northstowe

Northstowe is a new town roughly halfway between Cambridge and St Ives - about 9 miles from Cambridge City Centre. It is surrounded by countryside and has a network of walks, open grassy areas, trees and lakes, where swans and geese abound. Phase One has been completed, and our development is part of Phase Two, along with the town centre, shops and some community buildings like a medical centre. The plot that TOWN has acquired will create 130 - 150 new homes, in four discreet blocks, one of which will be Suvana, and another of which will be another co-housing community. We are in weekly meetings with TOWN and have a brief-setting weekend with them planned for November. If all goes to plan we could move into our new homes during the second half of 2027. If you are curious, do come to our event on the 21st in Cambridge, or get in touch with us at https://suvana.org/contact.

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Great news about Chintamani Retreat Center
Help build a Buddha land in Mexico!

Dear Sangha friends,

Greetings from Mexico! It is with great enthusiasm and joy that I share news about our Chintamani Retreat Center, which is entering a new phase of growth to support the deep practice of our Order.

In 2002, two mitras, now known as Saddhajoti and Moksasi, bought 3.5 hectares of land in the state of Morelos, about two hours from Mexico City. Their vision at the time was to create a retreat center as a personal investment project, but also to support the activities of the Triratna Buddhist Community. Since then, Chintamani has rented its beautiful facilities for GFR retreats, ordination retreats for both men and women, several Pan-American Conventions, and retreats from different Buddhist centers across Mexico. It has also hosted non-Triratna groups and teachers.

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Saddhajoti, she has agreed to loan the land and facilities so that Chintamani can become a Triratna Retreat Center with its own program. A council of six Order members has been established, and I, Jnanadakini, have committed to acting as Director for at least two years while we prepare someone else to take on the role. Some years ago, during a meeting at Adhisthana, I envisioned Chintamani as a mini Adhisthana, and it now seems that we are beginning to make that vision a reality.


As the Order continues to use and engage with Chintamani, the possibility of it becoming a Pure Land grows. You are welcome to:

  • Enjoy a solitary retreat
  • Participate in retreats
  • Donate resources
  • Join work retreats
  • Simply come and visit us

All we need is your active presence at Chintamani for it to flourish and become a place of deep and joyful Dharma practice for our Sangha and Order.

You can get in contact with us through our website


With Metta, Jnanadakini

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The First Mainland European GFR Convention
40 GFR Mitras and 20 Dharmacarinis from 11 Countries

History was made in mid-August this year, when 40 GFR Mitras and 20 Dharmacarinis from 11 countries in Mainland Europe came together for 5 days in a Findhof, in Germany, for our first Mainland European GFR Convention. Countries represented were from as far as up in the Nordic region down south to Spain and east to Turkey.

 At the very start, there was a lot of joy, laughter and rejoicing, as women from different countries who often only see each other on Zoom events or meetings, recognised each other and had the opportunity to come together in person. We had three substantial talks from Sanghadarsini on ‘Friendship to Insight’, from Manibhadri on ‘Harmonious Communication’ and from Kulanandi on the ‘Three Myths’, followed by discussion in groups. In the afternoons, there were offers from Mitras and Dharmacarinis in the ‘Open Space’ time for bodywork, creativity and meditation workshops on working with dukkha and developing compassion. In the evenings, we had evocative and creative Pujas highlighting the themes of the three talks, led by Akasasuri, Amritapurna and Vassika. Everything was in English and because most people there are not native speakers of English, there is less inhibition about speaking English, whatever level you have and of course, a lot of support given to express yourself.

This event allowed GFR Mitras and Dharmacarinis from more isolated or smaller Sanghas in Mainland Europe to come together and experience a wider GFR Sangha. It was a memorable event with joy and harmony very present in the atmosphere. Even the owners of the locality, Findhof, commented on the atmosphere which they could pick up on!

We plan to repeat the Mainland European GFR Convention every three years.


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Ordinations at Aryaloka
Welcoming Three New Dharmacarinis

Dear friends,

We are delighted to announce that three Dharmacarini Ordinations took place at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday 7th September. 

Nancy Artz becomes Drdhajyoti (dot under r)
'She who is a firm, strong and steady light'
registered spelling Dridhajyoti
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Amala

Rohini Shah becomes Sukhamaya (long final a)
'She who is full of happiness and joy'
Registered spelling Sukhamaya
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Ashokashri

Laura Rivchun becomes Karunamala (dot under n, each a except first is long)
'She who is garlanded with compassion'
Registered spelling Karunamala
Private Preceptor Padmadharini
Public Preceptor Amala

(pictured left to right)

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!!!

With metta,

Amala and Ashokashri

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Ordination at the Manchester Buddhist Centre
Welcoming Shraddhavijaya 

Dear Order Members,

I am delighted to announce that the Public Ordination of ex-Cia Vinten of the Manchester Buddhist Centre, UK, took place on Sunday 4th August 2024 following a special short Ordination Retreat at Adhisthana. 

She first came along to the original Manchester Buddhist Centre in 1981, where she met Suvajra and Ratnaguna, and they were both present at the ceremony. Among other guests there were 41 Order Members there, and it was quite an afternoon. 

She was given the name: 

Shraddhavijaya (long third and final 'a') meaning "she who is victorious through faith"

Private Preceptor: Kalyanaprabha
Public Preceptor: Dayanandi 

Sadhu  Sadhu  Sadhu!!!

With metta,


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Ordinations at Padmaloka
Public Ordinations on Friday 2nd August 2024

Dear Order Members,

I am delighted to announce the ordinations of the following five men at Padmaloka on Friday 2nd August 2024.

with metta,


Public preceptor Satyaraja

Tim Wright becomes Danacharin “He who practises giving”
(long first and third 'a')
Private Preceptor Sujana

Steve Odell becomes Upayalila “He for whom skilful means is play”
(long first 'a' and 'i')
Private Preceptor Jinapalita

David Float becomes Shubhadasa “He who is a servant of beauty”
(long second 'a')
Private Preceptor Priyananda

Damien Dufourd becomes Padmanara “Man of the Lotus”
Private Preceptor Padmavajra

Ian JD becomes Shraddhin “He who has trusting faith and confidence”
Private Preceptor Danapriya

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