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What is a Home Retreat?


Dharma practice is changing. Even without a pandemic, many of us are spending a lot more time online in all sorts of ways.

We want to support you in finding the resources you need to stay connected and inspired. And to explore how online practice can be an antidote to some of the issues we all face: misinformation, anxiety, an increased sense of isolation. Like any context in life, online will only work for us if we set up the conditions well. We hope these Home Retreats can be part of what helps you figure that out.

You’ll find a great set of resources within each dedicated Home Retreat space. They’re designed to take at your own pace and can be tailored to your needs.

During our live Home Retreats we provide:

  • Daily practice sessions. If you’re doing the retreat later, you can watch these back within each dedicated Home Retreat space.
  • Specially curated Dharma resources.
  • A chance to connect with and ask questions to the Dharma teacher leading the Home Retreat.
  • Meet others on retreat to share inspiration.

Whether you have the time to engage with a full-on, urban-retreat style week at home – or are super occupied already with kids or work and just want some useful structure to book-end your days with a little calm and inspiration: these are for you.

Connect to learn about new Home Retreats as they are released


Form Is Empty – Is It?

Exploring Suññata

Led by Tejananda

The Three Bodies of Belonging

Meditation in Community

Led by Singhashri, Viveka and Balajit

The Heart of Imagination

Connecting to creativity and the imagination through art, mindfulness and nature

Led by Vishvapani and Amitajyoti

The Promise of a Sacred World

Shinran’s Teaching of Other Power

Led by Nagapriya and friends

Emptiness and Compassion

The Divine Abodes

Led by Tejananda with friends

Following the White Deer

Answering the Mythic Call in Meditation

Led by Paramananda with Bodhilila

Emptiness and the Nature of Mind

A deep dive into the nature of the mind and emptiness

Led by Tejananda with Upekshanandi

Entering the Mandala

Mindfulness and Imagination

Led by Vidyamala and Vishvapani

Forces for Good

Challenging Emotions as Portals to Liberation

Led by Viveka, Singhashri and Balajit

Climate, Conditionality and Karma

Triratna Earth Sangha Urban Retreat 2023

Led by Triratna Earth Sangha

The Poetics of Awakening

Opening the heart and imagination to your own deepest nature

Led by Paramananda with Bodhilila

Emptiness and the Heart Sutra

A hands–on method of practice and realisation

Led by Tejananda with Prasadavajri

Ten Ways to a Better Buddhist Life

⁠Los diez caminos hacia una mejor vida Budista

Essential Wisdom from the Deer Park

Sabiduría esencial desde el Parque de los Venados

Led by Parami and Nagapriya

Dirigido por Parami y Nagapriya

The Earth is Our Witness

Loving Self and World Through the Climate Crisis

Led by Triratna Earth Sangha

The Myth of Meditation

Restoring Imaginal Ground Through Embodied Buddhist Practice

Led by Paramananda with Bodhilila

How to Really Save the World | Cómo Realmente Cambiar el Mundo

The Dharma life as a revolution for everyone | La vida en el Dharma como una revolución para todos

Led by Parami and friends | Dirigido por Parami y amigos

In the Footsteps of the Buddha

Where the Buddha’s Story Meets Our Own

Led by Mandarava and Nagasiddhi

The Alchemical Heart

Meditating with our bodies and imagination

Led by Paramananda

Alive, Aware, Awake!

The four foundations of mindfulness

Led by the Taraloka Retreat Team

Meditating in the Mandala

An embodied system of practice

Led by Tejananda

Turning Arrows Into Flowers

A seven-point mind training

Led by Yashobodhi

Being Divine Online

Meditations on Love

Led by Ratnavandana

Sailing the Worldly Winds

A Buddhist Way Through the Ups and Downs of Life

Stay connected to community


Subscribe now and we’ll keep you posted by email on new retreats as they become available.

If you prefer to get your inspiration on social media, we’ll be there too: connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.


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With deep thanks to the all the teachers and teams for their generosity in providing the resources for these retreats, as well as leading live events each day. Heroic!

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