
100 hours of Metta

By Alexbeard on Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 - 11:25

100 hours of Metta

By Alexbeard on Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 - 11:25

FutureDharma donors support thousands of Mitras training for ordination each year. Dan Sleat, a GFR Mitra from the London Buddhist Centre generously dedicated himself to 100 hours of Metta on behalf of our vital projects supporting those wishing to join the Triratna Order.

Training for ordination is an area close to his heart and he recognises the importance of creating a...


February at Adhisthana

By Rush on Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 - 16:05

February at Adhisthana

By Rush on Mon, 4 Mar, 2024 - 16:05

The first few months of every year are usually a bit quieter. With fewer people on site this means the cooks have a chance to get more creative; Jayadhi made a great Pad Thai, Bodhiketu created a spicy Lasagne, and Harry has been mastering a variety of recipes that you’ll get a chance to taste when you’re next here.

There are changes afoot again as Prajnanita hands over being manager to Prakashamitra. She will now be the Director – a new role...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Primera ceremonia de mitras en Sevilla

By Prajñajyoti on Tue, 27 Feb, 2024 - 15:50

Primera ceremonia de mitras en Sevilla

By Prajñajyoti on Tue, 27 Feb, 2024 - 15:50

-Primera ceremonia de Mitras en Sevilla-

Con gran alegría os queremos informar de la primera ceremonia de mitras de la Comunidad Triratna en Sevilla, que tuvo lugar este sábado pasado, 24 de Febrero. Silamani ofició la ceremonia y varios MMOO, mitras y amigos, de varios lugares de España, estuvieron presentes.
¡Bien hecho Belén Cuadrado!

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu...

Bienvenido a las páginas en español
Bienvenido a las páginas en español

Primera ceremonia de mitras en Sevilla

By Prajñajyoti on Tue, 27 Feb, 2024 - 15:38

Primera ceremonia de mitras en Sevilla

By Prajñajyoti on Tue, 27 Feb, 2024 - 15:38

-Primera ceremonia de Mitras en Sevilla-

Con gran alegría os queremos informar de la primera ceremonia de mitras de la Comunidad Triratna en Sevilla, que tuvo lugar este sábado pasado, 24 de Febrero. Silamani ofició la ceremonia y varios MMOO, mitras y amigos, de varios lugares de España, estuvieron presentes.
¡Bien hecho Belén Cuadrado!

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Centre Manager opportunity

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 29 Jan, 2022 - 19:23

Centre Manager opportunity

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 29 Jan, 2022 - 19:23

THE POST IS NOW FILLED. Many thanks, Ratnaprabha


Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:50

Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 17 Apr, 2021 - 12:50

What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend would you like to be?

Is there any limitation to the heights that faithful friendship can reach?

Explore the possibilities of friendship with brothers and sisters in the sangha, through looking at traditional understandings of friendship in society and the spiritual life.

We will draw primarily on The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam seminar, with supporting material from the seminar on the Sigalavada Sutta. Both texts were studied by Sangharakshita in 1983. With The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam, he took...

Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Mitra Retreat on Jan 21

By Saddhammapradip on Thu, 25 Feb, 2021 - 18:23

Mitra Retreat on Jan 21

By Saddhammapradip on Thu, 25 Feb, 2021 - 18:23

New year 2021 open with Mitra retreat on What meditation really is? Led by Dh. Chandrashil. First physical retreat, which went very well with silence of three days. Nice talk by Dh Chandrashil as well sort of meditation workshop by Dh. Guhyacitta. Retreat was supported by Dh. Jnanabal, Dh. Jnanaveer and Dh. Tejovajra.

Community Highlights
Triratna Young Buddhists

Mitra Ceremony at the 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 11:51

Mitra Ceremony at the 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 21 Feb, 2020 - 11:51

The 2020 International Buddhist Youth Convention is taking place in Bodhgaya, India. This year’s theme is “Building a New Buddhist World: United in Diversity” and is a chance for young Buddhists across Triratna to come together and practice in the home of the Buddha.

During the Convention two of the international participants, Lucy and Dan, took the step of becoming mitras under the Bodhi tree! You can watch the ceremony online here.

Keep an eye on the Young...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Upcoming Mitra Ceremony for Penelope

By viriyalila on Sat, 25 May, 2019 - 19:51

Upcoming Mitra Ceremony for Penelope

By viriyalila on Sat, 25 May, 2019 - 19:51

Portsmouth Buddhist Center is pleased to announce the Mitra Ceremony for Penelope Morrow on June 30, 9:30 am. Penelope has been a steady and inspiring member of our community for many years. As a professor at the University of NH, she arranged to bring hundreds of students to Aryaloka Buddhist Center over several decades. It was when to her delight that she learned Portsmouth Buddhist Center was established just a few blocks from her home that she started attending...
