Munisha's picture

21st-Century Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Action Month 2016 begins!

From Triratna News on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 12:04

21st-Century Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Action Month 2016 begins!

From Triratna News on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 12:04

It’s the first day of June, which means it’s Buddhist Action Month 2016!

BAM is an annual festival of Buddhist-inspired socially benficial activity. Under the ’21st-Century Bodhisattva’ theme, over the last few weeks, Triratna sanghas in Istanbul, Dublin, Australia, Essen (Germany), New Zealand and New Hampshire (USA), as well as all over Britain, have been posting news of their plans on the dedicated BAM space here on The Buddhist Centre Online. Have a look!

Planned events relate to topics including peace activism, environmental sustainability, capitalism, compassion and...

Shantavira's picture

Shabda June 2016

From Order Connection on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 11:07

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save the Order’s postage costs.

Terms and...

Dhammalata's picture

An Invitation

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 31 May, 2016 - 09:32

An Invitation

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 31 May, 2016 - 09:32

An invitation

On the Queen’s Birthday long weekend (June 10 - 13) there is a retreat for Coogee and Sydney Buddhist Centre meditators. I would like to encourage you to come along and enjoy this precious opportunity with us. 

It is going to be led by the management team of The Sydney Buddhist Centre and so there will be a lovely variety of colours and dimensions to the retreat with some very experienced and creative order members leading us. 


cremigio's picture

'Proceeding as though you are necessary'

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Fri, 27 May, 2016 - 05:00

'Proceeding as though you are necessary'

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Fri, 27 May, 2016 - 05:00

Launch of BAM 2016 at Cardiff Buddhist Centre - led by Bec

More info:

cremigio's picture

'The Worldly Winds, the Buddha and Me'

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:23

'The Worldly Winds, the Buddha and Me'

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 20:23

Sangha night, Tuesday 28th June, 7:30-9:45

‘The Worldly Winds, the Buddha, and Me’

As Buddhist Action Month 2016 comes to an end, the president of Cardiff Buddhist Centre, Vajragupta will be visiting for an evening of reflection, meditation and devotion for Sangha night on Tuesday 28th June.

Looking around right now, the worldly winds seem to be blowing at gale force. How can we possibly change the world for the better? This talk will look at how your Buddhist practice, ordinary and imperfect though it might...

cremigio's picture

Cardiff Buddhist Centre - Buddhist Action Month

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 19:45

Cardiff Buddhist Centre - Buddhist Action Month

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 19:45

For June the Cardiff sangha will be holding a series of events to support Buddhist Action Month 2016.  There will be talks and activities to focus our hearts and minds on caring for others. 

Tues 31st May - ‘Proceeding as though you are necessary’ - Launch of BAM 2016 at Cardiff Buddhist Centre - led by Bec

Tues 7th June – ‘Altruism in the Spiritual Life’ - led by Lynda

Tues 14th June  -  ‘The Journey of Metta’ - led by Medi and Matt

Tues 21st June -  ‘An Evening of...

Carol Robertson's picture
Carol Robertson


From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 15:57


From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 15:57

THEME : the theme will be TRANSFORMING SELF AND WORLD echoing our Sangha Morning class theme which is balancing transformation of self through exploring the Seven Fold PUJA with themes of transforming the world mainly through Buddhist Action Month.

Activities will mainly be focused on Saturday morning classes:

4th June : Amarapuspa will introduce Buddhist Action Month including the possibility of taking a precept for the month....

Candradasa's picture

Reflecting On Peace - A Sangha Gathering for Memorial Day

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 14:58

Reflecting On Peace - A Sangha Gathering for Memorial Day

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 14:58

To mark Memorial Day this year, we’ll be having s special sangha gathering this Sunday to meditate together, and then reflect on the Buddha’s message of non-violence as the only truly viable way to peace. In the Commentaries of the Anguttara Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya we hear tale of the Buddha intervening in a dispute between rival clans and helping prevent a full-scale war. You can listen to a talk about this by Sangharakshita here:


Nagapriya's picture

4 new mitras at Centro Budista de Cuernavaca

From Centro Budista de Cuernavaca on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 16:32

4 new mitras at Centro Budista de Cuernavaca

From Centro Budista de Cuernavaca on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 16:32

On Buddha Day, May 22, 2016, we welcomed four more mitras into the Triratna Mitra Sangha here in Mexico witnessed by around 100 people.

These wonderful people are:

Edith Palacios

Oscar Villegas

Paul Klein

Rodrigo Morales

Paul´s mother, Sabine, is already a mitra within our community and Rodrigo is just 15. We don´t know but he may be the youngest mitra in the world…

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Advice from the Zen Master – Don’t be a Jerk

From Western Buddhist Review on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 11:58

Advice from the Zen Master – Don’t be a Jerk

From Western Buddhist Review on Wed, 25 May, 2016 - 11:58

In this post we present a delightful review by Vidyavajra of a new book that tries to put Dōgen’s master-work, the Shōbōgenzō, into vernacular English – with some success, it would seem.

Brad Warner, Don’t Be a Jerk: And Other Practical Advice from Dōgen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master, New World Library, 2016 (£13 pback).

review by Vidyavajra

On the cover is a comic book depiction of a godzilla-like monster with beams of fire coming from its eyes, crossing a Hokusai-like sea of waves, towards a medieval Japanese village....
