Dhammalata's picture

Living in Community

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Wed, 22 Jun, 2016 - 13:40

Living in Community

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Wed, 22 Jun, 2016 - 13:40

I want to say something about living in community today. I took the two photos above this morning at 6.45 am as Matty and I were finishing our morning mediation. 
We were up in the Copper House as our regular ‘Batcave’ meditation space has been taken over by renovation goings on. 

Whilst living communally has its challenges it also has its rich rewards and sitting in meditation together in the tranquil dawn hours under a full moon after listening...

Christine's picture

June 26 @ 13:15 in Great Hall > Meditate for Peace, for Nuclear Disarmament, for Mass Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

From Earth Metta Sangha on Wed, 22 Jun, 2016 - 11:44

June 26 @ 13:15 in Great Hall > Meditate for Peace, for Nuclear Disarmament, for Mass Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

From Earth Metta Sangha on Wed, 22 Jun, 2016 - 11:44

On June 26, Sheffield Buddhist Centre will join the international Triratna Buddhist Community to demonstrate our desire for peace, and our opposition to nuclear power. Santasiddhi and Christine will lead the event, which may be akin to a ”love-in” as prescribed by  Sangharakshita in his 1984 talk on “Buddhism, World Peace, and Nuclear War” (*).

The meditation will take place in the Great Hall during Summer Fair at 13:15.

In 2016, parliament will vote whether to replace and modernise the UK’s nuclear weapons system called Trident. It’s made up of four submarines – one of...

Candradasa's picture

Meditation Tuesday - Imagination And Empathy In Action

From Online Meditators on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 19:45

Meditation Tuesday - Imagination And Empathy In Action

From Online Meditators on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 19:45

This week we’ll be looking at bridging the gap between imagination and action. In a difficult week around the world with extreme violence near at hand, we’ll be engaging with Metta (loving kindness) as a radical way to connect with others, and calling forth a sense of urgency to explore together how we might help bring forth a more peaceful world. Come and help us build our meditative community, and take a stand for deep kindness and compassion in the...

The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

BAM Chanting Challenge

From Abhayaratna Trust on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 14:44

BAM Chanting Challenge

From Abhayaratna Trust on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 14:44

Sponsor us to chant a mantra in an unusual place. We aim to raise £1000 for our ‘Help in an Emergency’ fund. 
www.givey.com/emergencyhelp OR www.abhayaratnatrust.org/donate/
Thank you!

Christine's picture

Sheffield June 19 > Day of rejoicing (in our efforts, so far)

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 14:31

Sheffield June 19 > Day of rejoicing (in our efforts, so far)

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 20 Jun, 2016 - 14:31

A small group came together for a day of reflection, contemplation and rejoicings on Sun. June 19th. Although we were only 5 individuals, we had all participated on Sheffield’s first BAM event (Natural Dharma), so we were familiar with each others’ Green Precepts and with each other.

In addition to meditation, Suddhacandika led us through reflections of gratitude, for which we wrote our rejoicings on paper-cut-out hands and offered these to the shrine, to Avalokitesvara. Later we Harvested the gifts of the...

Christine's picture

BAM! Khemasuri's talk at Sheffield sangha night > Ethics and an interconnected world

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 19:14

BAM! Khemasuri's talk at Sheffield sangha night > Ethics and an interconnected world

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 19:14

Titled “Ethics and an Interconnected World”, Khemasuri gave a special talk at sangha night on June 7th (part 7 of the theme: The Way to the Beyond for the Benefit of All). 

Christine's picture

BAM! 2016 litter pick @ Ponderosa

From Earth Metta Sangha on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 18:32

BAM! 2016 litter pick @ Ponderosa

From Earth Metta Sangha on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 18:32

What a great day: thanks to everyone who came along on our BAM litter pick! After a dedication ceremony at the Centre, before a shrine to Avalokitesvara, we went to Ponderosa for a few hours of mindful litter picking. Some of the top finds included an office chair (Tansel), music speakers (Tom), a towel (water-logged and very heavy) (John), a large gym bag (Christine), and even a big...

Tejopala's picture

BAM Melbourne - Sangha divestment day

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

BAM Melbourne - Sangha divestment day

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Sat, 18 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

On June 18 members of the Melbourne Triratna Sangha will have the chance to learn how to divest from fossil fuels. This will be a two-hour workshop led by Tejopala.

For information about divestment go to www.gofossilfree.org

Saccanama's picture

Ordinations in Dehradun, north India June 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Fri, 17 Jun, 2016 - 10:20

Ordinations in Dehradun, north India June 2016

From College of Public Preceptors on Fri, 17 Jun, 2016 - 10:20

Ordinations at Dehradun, North India

We are very happy to announce that the following nine people were ordained on 12th June 2016 in Deharadun, India. The Public preceptor for this event was Amoghasiddhi.

Private preceptor Bodhisagara:

Jagdish Gautam from Gutam Buddhanagar, UP, becomes Vishuddhavirya
Sanskrit name: Viśuddhavīrya 

Munisha's picture

'Angry Buddha' coming soon

From Triratna News on Thu, 16 Jun, 2016 - 23:36

'Angry Buddha' coming soon

From Triratna News on Thu, 16 Jun, 2016 - 23:36

As we move toward the 60th anniversary of Dr Ambedkar’s conversion, we hear news of a documentary film about the curious and inspiring story of the Hungarian gypsies who were inspired to start Dr Ambedkar High School, to help young Roma/gypsies to a better life.

Due for international launch and screenings later this year, ‘Angry Buddha’ is the work of Austrian filmmaker Stefan Ludwig. Giving a picture of life in a Hungarian gypsy community, it tells the story of Janós...
