
Buddhist ritual texts in Albanian – Tekste rituale budiste në shqip

By Viryabodhi on Tue, 23 Jul, 2024 - 08:13

Shumë faleminderit Aryavasin për përkthimet e tij të shumë teksteve bazë Triratna në shqip. Tekstet më poshtë do t’i gjeni në faqen e tij të dedikuar:

Këtu është një përzgjedhje e teksteve rituale:

Në të njëjtën faqe interneti ka gjithashtu një gamë të gjerë tekstesh të tjera budiste dhe hyrje në meditim.

Më poshtë mund të shkarkoni tekste individuale në format pdf.


Many thanks to Aryavasin for his translations of many...

Ukrainian flag

Буддійські ритуальні тексти та церемонії українською мовою

By Viryabodhi on Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 - 15:35

Буддійські ритуальні тексти та церемонії українською мовою

Ось перші ритуальні тексти українською мовою в перекладі Дхармачарі Адбхутаджі.

Щиро дякуємо за це!

З найкращими побажаннями, Вірьябодгі (для ITTB)


Here are the first ritual texts in Ukrainian, translated by Dharmachari Adbhutaja.

Many thanks for that!

Best wishes, Viryabodhi (for the ITTB)

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Project Initiator subtitling videos and other spoken word projects

By gunabhadri on Fri, 19 Feb, 2021 - 20:32

One of the Mainland Europe Area Council’s priorities is to investigate how to make Triratna teachings and other spoken word projects in Triratna more available to people who speak other languages than English by means of subtitling. To this end a working group has been set up consisting of delegates from the Area Council, the Translations Board and Development team to the ECA. After some initial exploration we have applied for funding and are looking for a person to initiate...

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The Refuges and Precepts in Esperanto

By lokabandhu on Fri, 15 May, 2020 - 17:13

The Refuges and Precepts in Esperanto, translated and read by Paul Harry Barron.  For more languages, please visit the Triratna Translations pages at


Triratna ceremonies in Finnish

By lokabandhu on Wed, 28 May, 2014 - 23:05
Here are downloadable copies of three core Triratna ceremonies in Finnish -

Pyhitysseremonia - The Dedication Ceremony
Lyhyt Puja - The Short Puja
Seitsenkertainen Puja - The Sevenfold Puja (including the Precepts and the Heart Sutra)

Many thanks to Sarvamitra for contributing them.

For Buddhist texts in 30 other languages see

Dedication Ceremony Refuges and Threefold Puja

By lokabandhu on Sun, 27 Apr, 2014 - 22:48
Here’s a PDF with Malayalam translations of Triratna’s Dedication Ceremony, Refuges and Precepts, and Threefold Puja. Many thanks to Sudhi Pooniyil of Alleppey, Kerala for supplying these.

For Triratna texts in many other languages, including Hindi, Marathi and Telegu please see the Translations Project homepage.
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Texte für das Stadt-Retreat 2013

By Sraddhabandhu on Wed, 6 Nov, 2013 - 13:15
Ein Begleitheft zum Stadtretreat 2013; zusammengestellt, übersetzt und formatiert mit der Hilfe verschiedener Ordensmitglieder und Mitras aus mehreren deutschen Triratna-Zentren.

Triratna ceremonies in Pali

By lokabandhu on Mon, 28 Oct, 2013 - 20:57
Here’s an unusual peice of translation work: three well-known Triratna ceremonies ‘back-translated’ from English into Pali - translations usually being FROM the Pali! We’re delighted to present the Dedication Ceremony, the Refuges and Precepts, and the Threefold Pūja. Many thanks to Dhivan and others for preparing them; we’re hoping for the Sanskrit versions soon!

They are part of the Triratna Translations project, hosted on The Buddhist Centre Online.
Latin Translation Group
Latin Translation Group

Latin translation of Triratna Texts

By lokabandhu on Mon, 16 Sep, 2013 - 17:09

Perhaps our most unusual translation yet - the Latin version of three key Triratna Texts! We’re delighted to present the Three-fold Puja, the Dedication Ceremony, and the Refuges and Precepts - all translated, perhaps somewhat inaccurately, by Google. Suggestions for improvements are welcome, please email us at translations [at]!  Seriously though, we are in touch with volunteers from the ‘Make Mars Speak Latin’ project, and may have some results to publish soon.  

