Vimalasara's picture

Going forth from the prison of our minds

Going forth from the prison of our minds

From Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction on Thu, 4 Feb, 2016 - 18:50

Please join me this Saturday February 6th - 7pm UK time - 11am Pacific time  on World Wide Insight -   as I explore free ourselves from the prison of our minds. Healing and Insight 

Munisha's picture

The Triratna Buddhist Order is 2,000 strong!

From Triratna News on Wed, 3 Feb, 2016 - 08:58

The Triratna Buddhist Order is 2,000 strong!

From Triratna News on Wed, 3 Feb, 2016 - 08:58

The following men were publicly ordained at Bhaja, India, on 24th January 2016, bringing the total number of living Order members worldwide to 2,000. Around 1,000 people attended the ceremony.

The public preceptors were Amoghasiddhi, Amritdip, Yashosagar, Subhuti and Sona but we do not have the details of which men were ordained by Amoghasiddhi, Amritdip and Yashosagar.

Shamsundar D. Jondhale becomes Chandragarbha
Meaning of name: Cool like the interior of the moon
Private preceptor: Chandrabodhi

Manik D. Akhade becomes  Kalyanaratna
Private preceptor: Jnanadhvaja

Yashvant Shripati Gholap becomes Samantratna

Munisha's picture

Vishvapani's latest radio appearances

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 23:36

Vishvapani's latest radio appearances

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 23:36

As you may know, Triratna’s Vishvapani is the regular Buddhist contributor to ”Thought for the Day”, part of BBC Radio’s 4’s daily flagship news programme, “Today”, which has a regular audience of over 7 million listeners per week.

Here is a roundup of his “Thoughts” from the last six months, each taking less than three minutes to comment on an an item of current news from a Buddhist perspective.

20/1/2016: Caring for the world by helping people care for themselves
13/01/2016: ...

Prajnaketu's picture

Cambridge Young People's Night

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 15:12

Cambridge Young People's Night

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 15:12

The Young People’s Night at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre is an alternative Friday night for young people.

2016 starts with a three month drop-in series of talks on the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This month Leigh Smith will introduce us to the Dharma, the doctrine or universal truth common to all individuals at all times.

We will start the night with meditation and the evening events will be followed by a late night tea bar (until...

Prajnaketu's picture

Berlin Young Buddhists - Neue Workshopreihe / New Workshop Series

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 14:31

Berlin Young Buddhists - Neue Workshopreihe / New Workshop Series

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 14:31


In dieser Workshopreihe wollen wir das Ziel des Buddhismus – Erleuchtung – näher untersuchen. Erleuchtung hat viele Namen, darunter Erwachen, Erkennen, Sehen wie die Dinge sind, Nirwana, etc.

In unseren Treffen wollen wir die drei Kernqualitäten der Erleuchtungserfahrung untersuchen, Mitgefühl, Weisheit und Energie. Wir werden im gemeinsamen Austausch und in Workshops untersuchen, was Erleuchtung, bzw. Mitgefühl, Weisheit und Energie für uns bedeutet, wo wir in unserer Erfahrung...

Dhammalata's picture

Why we go on Retreat

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 11:48

Why we go on Retreat

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 11:48

I often describe getting myself away on retreat as having to rip myself away from velcro …….. the pull of my busy life in Sydney wants to tell me I can’t afford the time out …….. and yet when I do I realise it’s just what I need. 

We go on retreat in order to put things in perspective. By removing ourselves from the mundane whirl of our life and having some down time, especially down time with stillness and...

Munisha's picture

Sangharakshita's diary

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita's diary

From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita’s secretary, Sthanashraddha, reports from Adhisthana in Herefordshire, UK:

“Some 10 weeks have passed since the last report and in that time Adhisthana has passed through the longest night of the winter months and the seasonal nadir of the year. Yet so far one would hardly have noticed, with barely a handful of frosty nights and only one real freezing spell when the ponds froze over leaving the duck population mostly high and dry, if a little cold of foot.

For Bhante the time has passed...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Vishvapani on Getting a Sense of the Buddha

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 16:34

Vishvapani on Getting a Sense of the Buddha

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 16:34

Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One weaves ancient sources and modern understanding into an insightful and thought-provoking biography. In an interview with Hannah Atkinson, author Vishvapani discusses how his research into the Discourses provided him with a strong sense of the Buddha.

Gautama Buddha is an incredibly full and rich account of the Buddha’s life and teachings. I think you wrote it over a period of three years?

Yes, and it was by far the hardest...

Prajnaketu's picture

Practice morning for young men - Cambridge

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 14:59

Practice morning for young men - Cambridge

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 14:59

Cambridge BUddhist Centre 13th Feb, 10am-1pm

This event is aimed at young men in their late teens, 20’s and 30’s, no prior experience of meditation is necessary.

The ancient teachings of the Buddha led to freedom from suffering. During this event we will explore how we can get closer to experiencing this freedom in our busy day-to-day lives.

This event is run by young people from the Triratna buddhist community, and is suitable for complete beginners and...

viriyalila's picture

Introduction to Buddhism: 4-week Course

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 03:42

Introduction to Buddhism: 4-week Course

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 1 Feb, 2016 - 03:42

Introduction to Buddhism: 4-week Course

Thursday evenings, February 4-25, 7-9 pm

A practical exploration of the core teachings of the Buddha. Topics covered will include:

—The life of the Buddha
—The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
—Buddhist visions of Reality

The course runs for four consecutive Thursdays, the 4th through the 25th February, 7-9 pm. Suitable for all levels of experience. Offered by donation — $80-$40 suggested for the four weeks.

Register on Eventbrite
