From Triratna News on Wed, 3 Feb, 2016 - 08:58The following men were publicly ordained at Bhaja, India, on 24th January 2016, bringing the total number of living Order members worldwide to 2,000. Around 1,000 people attended the ceremony.
The public preceptors were Amoghasiddhi, Amritdip, Yashosagar, Subhuti and Sona but we do not have the details of which men were ordained by Amoghasiddhi, Amritdip and Yashosagar.
Shamsundar D. Jondhale becomes Chandragarbha
Meaning of name: Cool like the interior of the moon
Private preceptor: Chandrabodhi
Manik D. Akhade becomes Kalyanaratna
Private preceptor: Jnanadhvaja
Yashvant Shripati Gholap becomes Samantratna