Film night scheduled for this coming Saturday now clashes with a welcome home evening at the Sydney Buddhist Centre for four men who’ve just been ordained in India.
So the good news is that you are warmly invited to join us for that at 7 pm at The Sydney Buddhist Centre - a shared curry dinner and tales from their mythic journey! and the other good news...
Venerable Dharmacharins Kamalashila and Sagaramati co-lead a study / meditation day exploring the nature of Right View with the help of Vasubandhu, Sangharakshita, Pali texts — and tailored meditation practices.
Mexico City is home to not one but two succesful Buddhist Centres! Watch how they spent their time over Christmas and New Year with 5 back to back retreats!
‘When we accept Step One - ‘This human life will bring suffering’ we are receptive to the four reminders - Our Precious Birth, Death is inevitable - Actions have Consequences, and the ocean of karmic suffering. By reflecting on the reminders they can wake you out of the addictive hell realm, and bring about a gradual awakening through a Spiritual death and Spiritual rebirth. Join...
‘But when we go deeper we realise that, however positive, uplifted, and connected our mind is, there’s always something getting in the way. Let’s say we’re focussing on the breath in meditation. Let’s say we’re absorbed in the physical sensations of breathing and finding it really pleasurable. Suddenly we think ‘Wow, this is going well!’ And immediately it’s gone. We’re back in our everyday mind. Or perhaps we’re at a concert being carried away...
In Spring of 2015 a team of volunteers spent six weeks at Karuna Trust Office in London giving the opportunity to the supporters to increase their donations for some of the poorest people in India.
We present here a review by Sarah Clelland of Anālayo’s new book, focussing on the interest and challenge of understanding the profound meditations that Anālayo writes about.
Anālayo: Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation
I have often wished that the Buddha was my meditation teacher. In the early texts, we get a glimpse into the work of a great teacher who spontaneously tailors his expression of the Dhamma to the person in...
Moksatara Amalasiddhi and Prajnaketu explain and share some of the highlights of this weekend at Adhisthana, from where we hear about inspiring international efforts to help young people express themselves fully in a Dharma life.
Lors d’une retraite fin janvier au Centre de retraite Saddhamma Pradeep en Inde, un certain nombre d’hommes, Australiens, Néo-Zélandais et Indiens ont été ordonnés. Parmi ceux-ci, un Australien, Chandramalin, est devenu le 2000ème membre de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna.
Tel un cercle toujours s’agrandissant, la Sangha croît…