FutureDharma: for all Triratna and the world

The FutureDharma Fund is coming! 

FutureDharma is a significant new international Triratna fund, intended to provide greatly improved financial support for Triratna worldwide as we move into our second 50 years, at a time of real challenge for humanity and the planet.

Amalavajra is the ECA’s fundraiser. He writes: “Grounded in Bhante’s vision, FutureDharma is a collaboration between Triratna’s International Order Office, College of Public Preceptors and European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA), as well as its International Council.

The Fund will focus on developing the depth, unity and breadth Triratna needs in order to respond to the cries of the world. Initially it has nine priorities, although its scope is not restricted to them:

1.    Developing opportunities for a ‘total Dharma life’, such as collective living and working, infused with the spirit of kalyana mitrata
2.    Encouraging young people to Go For Refuge to the Three Jewels, for example, through intensive study programmes at Adhisthana
3.    Creating financial abundance through promoting a culture of giving, including a Buddhist bank
4.    Training teachers and promoting best practice and excellence at Triratna centres, mainly at Adhisthana 
5.    Enhanced online and digital Dharma to reach more people
6.    Training and financial support for those starting new centres and groups
7.    Ensuring the College of Public Preceptors is well resourced to provide leadership
8.    Creating greater capacity at Adhisthana for larger and more international gatherings 
9.    Developing and resourcing Triratna’s International Council as a co-ordinating, unifying and decision-facilitating body 

We estimate we need to raise £3-5 million in gifts and loans and £500k in annual income over the next five years. It’s my exciting task to build a Money and fundraising team to do this.

FutureDharma Fund will be officially launched later this year. Once funds begin to flow in, we will invite your project applications!

I’d like to invite you to participate in this exciting and vital project to preserve and develop Bhante’s legacy over the next 50 years, for a world that is more than ever in need of the Dharma. This will require a deepening of our culture of giving and caring that is truly transformative, both for the world and for ourselves.”

Contact Amalavajra.

FutureDharma world tour
Amalavajra has just begun a world tour, to lead ‘Money Awakening’ events, train Triratna teams in fundraising, and to talk to potential donors. 

This month and next, he visits Nagaloka and Bor Dharan in India, and centres in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland and San Francisco.

Third picture shows the FutureDharma trustees and team:
(From front left, clockwise): Amalavajra, Saddhaloka, Dhammarati, Visuddhimati, Lokeshvara, Nandavajra, Mokshini, Jnanavaca and Ratnadharini