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Puja texts in Hindi

By Viryabodhi on Tue, 10 Dec, 2024 - 10:29

Here are the updated ritual texts in Hindi.

Many thanks to Manidhamma for providing them.

with metta, Viryabodhi 


Vier buddhistische Texte in Deutsch

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 22 Jul, 2024 - 08:19

Vier buddhistische Texte in Deutsch:

  1. Die Weihungszeremonie (The Dedication Ceremony)
  2. Die Einfache Puja (The Threefold Puja)
  3. Die Siebenfältige Puja (The Sevenfold Puja)
  4. Tiratanavandana
  5. Pujaheft Gesamt (Collection of puja texts)

Hier können Sie das gesamte Triratna Puja Buch auf Deutsch herunterladen: Puja fuer Web

Bücher auf Deutsch 
Hier gibt es viele Dharma-Bücher in deutscher Sprache, die man kaufen oder kostenlos herunterladen kann:


[Updated 22 July 2024, by Viryabodhi.]

File NameSize
Weihungszeremonie29.26 KB
Die Einfache Puja37.67 KB
Die Siebenfältige puja299.32 KB
Tiratana-vandana168.59 KB
Pujaheft gesamt256.27 KB

Testi rituali buddhisti in italiano

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 24 Jun, 2024 - 10:48

In questa pagina si trovano la Cerimonia della Dedicazione e il Triplice Puja tradotti in italiano. Un ringraziamento speciale a Valentina, Jnanarajni e Carla per la traduzione (giugno 2024).

Here is the revised Dedication Ceremony in Italian, and also the Threefold puja. A special thanks to Valentina, Jnanarajni and Carla, June 2024.

File NameSize
la cerimonia della dedicazione258.91 KB
il tripicle puja207.26 KB
I refugio e i precetti in italiano27.6 KB

Ritual texts in Lithuanian

By Viryabodhi on Wed, 22 May, 2024 - 10:05

Here are a few of the ritual texts used in Triratna in Lithuanian:

- The Dedication Ceremony

- The Threefold Puja

- Refuges and Precepts

- The 5 and 10 Positive Precepts

Triratna Japanese Translation Group

Updated versions of ritual texts in Japanese

By Dharmasara on Sat, 28 Jan, 2023 - 21:42

Hello all,

here you can find the updated versions of the ritual texts, which have been translated by Shraddharocani and checked together with Maitripushpa and myself. Some words have been changed to create greater continuity between the texts as well as create the appropriate flow of language. 

I hope you enjoy them!


File NameSize
Dedication ceremony273.85 KB
Threefold Puja32.31 KB
Refuges and precepts236.24 KB
Sevenfold Puja – 七章のプジャ407.67 KB
