Shantavira's picture

Shabda November 2021

From Order Connection on Mon, 1 Nov, 2021 - 13:25

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

Terms and...

akasajoti's picture

The Central Buddhist Act: an event for all mitras who have asked for ordination + order members (english + française + deutsch + español) OM

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 18:16

The Central Buddhist Act: an event for all mitras who have asked for ordination + order members (english + française + deutsch + español) OM

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 18:16

Link to join the College Open Evening
Meeting ID: 895 8564 7751

An invitation to an international online gathering with the Preceptors’ College for mitras who have asked for ordination + order members

Sunday 14th November N America (PT) 12.00-14.00 | Mexico 14.00-16.00 | N America (ET) 15.00-17.00 | UK 20.00-22.00 | Europe (CET) 21.00-23.00 >> Monday 15 November Australia (AEDT) 07.00-09.00 | New Zealand 09.00-11.00

with live simultaneous translation / traduction française / traducción español / deutsche übersetzung

Link to join the College Open Evening
Meeting ID: 895 8564 7751

NB: We’ve had over...

Munisha's picture

Buddhist gospel music from the International Western Dharma Teacher Gathering 2021

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 12:25

Buddhist gospel music from the International Western Dharma Teacher Gathering 2021

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 12:25

The International Western Dharma Teacher Gathering closed on Sunday 24th October with this Buddhist Gospel song from a Black-led American Theravadin sangha. We’re told they are releasing an album soon, but for now we’ll have to be content with this!

Fuller report coming soon.

Munisha's picture

Sowing seeds of hope: online Buddhist events during COP26

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 12:08

Sowing seeds of hope: online Buddhist events during COP26

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 12:08

Sowing Seeds of Hope is a series of online faith meetings during COP26.

Monday 1st November sees a dialogue between Buddhists of several traditions on the theme ‘Can personal transformation lead to climate justice?’

Speakers include Triratna’s Shantigarbha and Parami.

Monday 1st November, 18.00-19.15 UK time

More information and registration here.

Munisha's picture

Sunday 31st October: a BIPOC/BAME-centred evening online to mark the start of COP26

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 10:08

Sunday 31st October: a BIPOC/BAME-centred evening online to mark the start of COP26

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 10:08

Buddhists Across Traditions is a UK BIPOC/BAME-centred initiative. They’re offering an online meeting to mark the start of the COP26 climate change talks in Glasgow, which falls on the last day of the UK’s Black History Month.

Sunday 31st October

17.30-19.00 UK time/19:30:-21:00 SA/13:30-15:00 EDT/ 12:30-14:00 CDT/10:30-12:00 PDT

Information and registration here.

They write: “We come together with Baba Mandaza & Nobantu Mpotulo (Africa), Valerie Brown (USA) & Alan Lechusza Aquallo (Turtle Island/USA...

Munisha's picture

Buddhist tips for mental wellbeing in London

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 09:51

Buddhist tips for mental wellbeing in London

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 - 09:51

During the pandemic the UK’s much-loved National Health Service (NHS) has been developing online resources to support mental wellbeing in London, with the help of the major religions present in London.

The project ’Good thinking: digital wellbeing for London’ offers a wide range of free online help including problems with sleep, low mood, stress; also for parents, young people, employers and employees.

In the ‘Faith and belief communities’ section you’ll find ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing and Buddhism’, the ‘Good Thinking’ project’s resources developed...

nataliak's picture

Do something new in 2022... come live and work at Taraloka!

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 16:22

Do something new in 2022... come live and work at Taraloka!

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 16:22

Taraloka offers a unique context for women to live a full-time Dharma life, for being of service to others and for personal and collective transformation.

Taraloka is recruiting for a new finance person to join the Operations team in the Spring or Summer of 2022. You will need to be an Order Member or GFR Mitra with a full, manual UK driving license. You will need to be able to work full time, be physically fit and have a strong desire to engage wholeheartedly...

Sophie_WLBCPublicity's picture

WLBC Sutrathon 2021 – Following the Golden Thread

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 12:43

WLBC Sutrathon 2021 – Following the Golden Thread

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 12:43

Dear Friends

With the end of October approaching and the evenings drawing in, it has been almost a year since Dharmavadana embarked on his feat of reading The White Lotus Sutra over a whole night. He raised the incredible  sum of £2,039 for our wonderful centre.  Following in the footsteps of Dharmavadana’s golden path of inspiration…. the annual Sutrathon is born!

Here we are now, 15 courses, 13 events, 10 retreats and many hours of shared practice in our weekly and monthly classes later....

Suryaprabha's picture

Great Ocean

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 12:02

Great Ocean

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 12:02

I am very pleased to say that bookings for screenings of Memories of the Road and Opening Out are now taking place. Suryaprabha - surya4 [at]

Suvannavira's picture

Введение в буддийскую медитацию в Москве

Введение в буддийскую медитацию в Москве

From Буддийская община «Триратна» on Sat, 23 Oct, 2021 - 20:19

Введение в буддийскую медитацию в Москве

«Переживания предваряются умом, ведутся умом и создаются умом».


ПОГРУЗИТЕСЬ в буддийскую медитацию, используя её как мощный инструмент для раскрытия внутринней энергии и радости.

ИЗУЧИТЕ простые и доступные практики, которые помогут вам открить силу своего ума и измените свою жизнь к лучшему.

ОТКРОЙТЕСЬ для себя мудрость Будды.

19:00-20:30 по воскресеньям. Ближайшие: 19-го и 26-го мая.

Занятия проходят в центре «Открытый Мир», метро Тульская, ул. Павловская, д.18, г. Москва.

(Вход со стороны улицы Даниловский Вал. Администратор находится на втором этаже).

+7 (999) 847-72-26

Стоимость занятия 1000 руб.

Не упустите возможность обогатить свою жизнь...
