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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 12

By Rijupatha on Wed, 6 Jan, 2016 - 22:09

Here we are! The final Day of FBA, and today we have for you a roundup of some of the other resources on Free Buddhist Audio that we haven’t mentioned already (and there were so many!).

First, though, our main offering today is a lovely interview that was recorded with Dharmachakra’s Director, Candradasa. Candradasa has been involved since the early days of Dharmachakra, when there was just a small collection of taped recordings that were copied and mailed out to people....

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 10

By Rijupatha on Mon, 4 Jan, 2016 - 11:00

On Day 10 of our 12 Days of FBA fundraising event we offer you another two absolutely excellent unreleased talks from the Free Buddhist Audio archives!

The main talk is a very special recording of Sangharakshita in a talk given to the European Chairs’ Assembly in 2009 called “The Teachers of the Past”. Sangharakshita makes clear his intentions around the creation of a Refuge Tree for the Western Buddhist Order, specifically drawing a distinction between the inspirational value of historical...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 9

By Rijupatha on Sun, 3 Jan, 2016 - 11:00

It’s Day 9 of our 12 Days of FBA fundraiser!  We’ve been sharing some great resources from our archive over the past days, which speak to the preservation of the long history of Buddhism and of the Triratna Community. Today we’d like to turn our gaze forward into the future and highlight those places in which the intersection of Buddhist thought and Western culture - and in particular Triratna’s role in bringing the Dharma to the west - are creating new history.

Our main...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 8

By Rijupatha on Sat, 2 Jan, 2016 - 16:54

Are you a podcast listener? If you are, then today’s gift for the 8th Day of FBA will be just your speed…

You may not know that Free Buddhist Audio hosts two podcasts each week. Our weekly FBA Podcast on Saturdays features full-length talks from our archive for leisurely weekend listening. And our second podcast, Dharmabytes, offers short snippets of Dharma on Mondays and Thursdays - perfect for your weekly commute.

Today we give you a taste...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 7

By Rijupatha on Fri, 1 Jan, 2016 - 15:16

Happy 2016 everyone! For the 7th Day of FBA we bring you three previously unreleased talks from the Free Buddhist Audio archives!

Our main selection is a talk from Parami entitled “Heartbeat of the Bodhichitta”. Parami in her typical engaging fashion speaks here on the topic of the Bodhichitta and its place in the Triratna (previously FWBO) Community.

We also have a great talk from Taravandana called “The Thread of Our Lives” and a full ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 6

By Rijupatha on Thu, 31 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

On Day 6 of Twelve Days of FBA we celebrate all around the world the turning of a New Year! Ushering in 2016 for all corners of the globe we’d like to give a little something to everyone, so here we offer a collection of talks from the FBA archive representing the great international diversity of the Triratna Community.

One of the things that I most enjoy about working with our Right-Livelihood team is the fact that I have the opportunity...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 5

By Rijupatha on Wed, 30 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

Welcome to Day 5 of our Twelve Days of FBA Fundraiser! For our main offering today we have two full-length talks by Dharmacharinis Vajratara and Vajrasara on the topic of the Buddha’s life. Like so many of the speakers in our archive, these two women demonstrate both their knowledge of the Dharma and their immense capacity to make it relevant to our modern life in these talks.

Vajratara’s talk, “An Overview of the Life of the Buddha”, starts us off with...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 4

By Rijupatha on Tue, 29 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

Our treat for you on the Fourth Day of FBA is a playlist of spectacular mantras from the Free Buddhist Audio archives. The first track is an introduction by Sangharakshita on the meaning of mantras and their purpose in Buddhist practice. We hope you enjoy today’s gift!

Please make your donation today to support Free Buddhist Audio in 2016

As part of each day’s offering we’ve been asking you to consider making a generous one-time contribution or ongoing pledge...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 3

By Rijupatha on Mon, 28 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

It’s the Third Day of FBA, and we give to you a fantastic collection of led meditations available on Free Buddhist Audio - perfect for your practice on the cushion!

Our main track today is an excellent introduction and lead-through of the Mindfulness of Breathing practice by Kamalashila. This track has its home on our Free Buddhist Audio space on Soundcloud, and is excerpted from this year’s online Urban Retreat.

Other Great Meditation Lead-Throughs and Resources Available from FBA:


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 2: Introductory Buddhism

By Rijupatha on Sun, 27 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

For the second day of our Twelve Days of FBA end-of-year fundraising event we’re highlighting the rich introductory resources we have available in our audio archive. One of the great things about Free Buddhist Audio is its wide reach around the world, offering the Dharma to people in places where there may not be a Buddhist centre or even many Buddhists! For some, this is an invaluable way of connecting with and learning about Buddhism that they wouldn’t be able...