Here we are! The final Day of FBA, and today we have for you a roundup of some of the other resources on Free Buddhist Audio that we haven't mentioned already (and there were so many!).
First, though, our main offering today is a lovely interview that was recorded with Dharmachakra's Director, Candradasa. Candradasa has been involved since the early days of Dharmachakra, when there was just a small collection of taped recordings that were copied and mailed out to people. He was the main driving force behind the transformation that put those recordings in digital format and brought you Free Buddhist Audio!
Here he talks about that transformation and later Dharmachakra developments like creation of The Buddhist Centre Online, as well as growing a vision for how the Dharma and the online world intersect harmoniously.
Other Study Resources from Free Buddhist Audio:
The Free Buddhist Audio Text Archive - An excellent resource for study and reading, this archive of transcribed talks is rich and extensive. It includes transcriptions of many of the audio talks already on Free Buddhist Audio, but also includes some older talks and seminars by Sangharakshita and others that have not yet been released.
The Dharma Training Course for Mitras - Hosted on Free Buddhist Audio, this fantastic multi-year long course is designed and maintained for mitras as a resource for intensive study of the Dharma as taught by the Triratna Buddhist Community. Best studied in the company of other mitras and skilled teachers, but others might also appreciate its depth on a variety of topics.
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Help Us End this Fundraiser with Success!
Free Buddhist Audio needs your support as we enter 2016. We have some incredible changes planned for the new year and to bring those to you more quickly we need to have the security of regular giving from the people in our community who use Free Buddhist Audio.
Did you know that only about 1-2% of FBA users ever make a donation? Even though our name is Free Buddhist Audio, we rely on the generosity of people like you to keep it all running properly, to make sure our staff is supported and to keep up with the changing dynamics of the internet and bring you the best experience possible.
Please make a generous donation today at and be a part of investing in this incredibly important resource for making the Dharma available to everyone.
Thank you very much, we hope you've enjoyed 12 Days of FBA and may you have a year filled with joy!