Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava’s Teachings: Dharmabyte No. 288

By viriyalila on Mon, 21 Oct, 2013 - 15:23
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Padmasambhava’s Teachings,” is an excerpt from the talk “Padmasambhava: Tantric Guru of Tibet” by Sangharakshita given in 1972. Padmasambhava, often known as the ‘Second Buddha’, is famous for converting the demons of Tibet. In this lecture we are given a brief biography of Padmasambhava and an outline of the progressive Nyingmapa practices attributed to him.
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Fear & Fearlessness - October Podcasts

By viriyalila on Wed, 16 Oct, 2013 - 02:10

Fear & Fearlessness - October Podcasts

By viriyalila on Wed, 16 Oct, 2013 - 02:10With the coming of autumn in the northern hemisphere, we thought we’d explore the theme of fear, and fearlessness as we begin the month of October. Subscribe to both our free podcasts! Every Saturday we release a full length talk in our FBA Podcast and then twice weekly we offer a little nugget of Dharma in our Dharmabytes. Our team loves putting these podcasts together for our community - info [at]
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Tasting Fear

By viriyalila on Mon, 30 Sep, 2013 - 13:23
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Tasting Fear,” by Kulaprabha is an an excerpt from the talk “Spiritual Death, Fear and Fearlessness.” Spiritual Death is about death of our fixed, bounded self, the self that is made up of bundled habits and preferences and views – especially views about existence and non-existence. So don’t be surprised if, when contemplating the impermanence and unreliability of that small self, you taste fear. It’s natural enough in the circumstances. After all,...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - Dharmasuri, Chair Nagaloka Buddhist Center, Portland, ME (skype interview)

By viriyalila on Sat, 22 Jun, 2013 - 14:24
Dharmasuri, Chair of Nagaloka Buddhist Center in Portland, ME, has been an inspirational force since the very early days of Triratna activities there. From renting a room from a counseling group in the mid ’90s to now being situated in a fantastic multi-use building in the downtown arts district they have a full program, a growing sangha, and strong community ties.

Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes!
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Community Highlights

Triratna America - Dayalocana, Chair of Aryaloka Buddhist Center

By viriyalila on Fri, 21 Jun, 2013 - 20:50
Dayalocana and I have been good friends for over 15 years. Here we are in Crackskull’s Cafe, in downtown Newmarket NH, having a conversation about what it has been like practicing at Aryaloka Buddhist Center for over 24 years. Starting out as the first volunteer at Aryaloka, taking responsibility, the growing Sangha, meaningful work and engaging playfully with practice…

Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - American Dharma Talk Podcasts

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 15:09

Triratna America - American Dharma Talk Podcasts

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 15:09Over on Free Buddhist Audio’s space, Viriyalila has written up a great series of podcasts she’s put together with Eric for this month to capture the spirit and history of Triratna America: ‘Heroism, Gratitude and Love’.

“Our FBA Podcasts for the rest of the month will feature talks by members of the Triratna Order who have helped shape and support the development of the Triratna Sangha in America.”

Talks by Dayalocana, Nagabodhi and...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Vision, And Yes, Transformation

By viriyalila on Thu, 16 May, 2013 - 14:58

Vision, And Yes, Transformation

By viriyalila on Thu, 16 May, 2013 - 14:58Here at Free Buddhist Audio this month we’ve been podcasting all sorts of perspectives on the theme of Vision - what is it that the Buddha saw when he realized the ultimate truth? Listen to members of our Order community share their thoughts and experiences…

Beginning with Ratnaprabha as part of our series of full talk podcasts, we took a look at the Buddhist path in terms of happiness, engagement, interest and delight...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Empathy, Receptivity, Silence... A Week of Podcasts on FBA

By viriyalila on Wed, 8 May, 2013 - 01:40

Empathy, Receptivity, Silence... A Week of Podcasts on FBA

By viriyalila on Wed, 8 May, 2013 - 01:40We start our podcast review with The Power of Empathy by Vajrasara. In this beautiful talk Vajrasara explores metta (loving kindness), the subtle art of listening, and Kuan Yin, the mysterious white lady of Compassion. One of a series of talks on the theme of ‘A Force for Good in the World’, given in the Dharma Parlour at the 2010 Buddhafield Festival in Somerset, UK

Then we give you two short Dharmabytes, little gems of Dharma...
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Community Highlights

Some pictures from day 3 (and a bit of sad news about the talks)

By Candradasa on Wed, 27 Feb, 2013 - 18:08

Some pictures from day 3 (and a bit of sad news about the talks)

By Candradasa on Wed, 27 Feb, 2013 - 18:08
Alas, alas… The organisers had arranged for someone to record audio and video of all the talks that are going on here each day, but they cancelled the day before the Convention! With iPhones and camcorders we are attempting to capture as much as we can, and the first two days went well in that regard. Unfortunately though, it’s now got very hot (well, for westerners!) and the many fans in the marquee are...
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Community Highlights

India Boo No. 6 - Lokamitra on the future in India

By Candradasa on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013 - 18:22
A very special extended edition of the podcast with Lokamitra, one of the first generation of Order members and founder of so much of the Triratna Movement in India. A chance then, on a day of explorations around leadership and the future, to turn our attention to India. Any conversation with Lokamitra tends to the fascinating and this is no exception. Much to ponder, and a chance to celebrate a complex, generous man whose work has benefitted so...
