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Empathy, Receptivity, Silence... A Week of Podcasts on FBA
We start our podcast review with The Power of Empathy by Vajrasara. In this beautiful talk Vajrasara explores metta (loving kindness), the subtle art of listening, and Kuan Yin, the mysterious white lady of Compassion. One of a series of talks on the theme of ‘A Force for Good in the World’, given in the Dharma Parlour at the 2010 Buddhafield Festival in Somerset, UK

Then we give you two short Dharmabytes, little gems of Dharma hand selected from our vast audio library...

Firstly, into the Diamond Sutra we go as Padmavajra speaks on Gratitude and Receptivity. From the talk “The Diamond Sutra: Taking Mind to it’s Limits – 2″ of the fascinating and comprehensive series on “The Diamond Sutra” by Padmavajra given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2004.

And then, we offer a morsel from our teacher and founder, Sangharakshita titled: Appreciating Silence from the talk: “No Dependence on Words and Letters” by Sangharakshita, 1965. One of our earliest recordings in the FBA archive!

Tune in and subscribe to both our Podcasts available at Free Buddhist Audio - FBA Podcast and FBA Dharmabytes! We offer our Dharma service openly and freely to the worldwide Buddhist community and beyond. We do so through the generous donations of the support of our community. If you like our work, please consider a supporting donation - your gifts will help spread the Dharma, the greatest gift of all time.