Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Alive! Aware! Awake! - Home retreat starts Friday!

By Centre Team on Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 - 17:52

Alive! Aware! Awake! - Home retreat starts Friday!

By Centre Team on Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 - 17:52

Alive! Aware! Awake!
A chance to thoroughly explore the Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness, with the Taraloka Retreat Team. 

Friday July 10 – Thursday July 16

Daily live practice sessions:
USA 11.30am PST | México 1.30pm | USA 2.30pm EST | UK & IE 7.30pm | Europe 8.30pm CET |  India 12am (following day) | Sydney 4.30am | Auckland 6.30am

Find all the retreat resources and the link to join the live sessions on the home retreat space


Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Return to Nature on the Inside (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 18)

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 5 Jun, 2020 - 15:14

Return to Nature on the Inside (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 18)

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 5 Jun, 2020 - 15:14

“The only way we can face the suffering in the world is to be involved in ending it.”

Back in April, The Buddhist Centre Online commissioned a series of podcasts called ‘Hair On Fire: Using the Threefold Way of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom to Turn Toward Climate Change’, released to mark Earth week.

To introduce that series we had a great conversation with Sara Khorasani and Akuppa, voyaging through time and the underworld of our own life,...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Middle Way Podcast: Sangharakshita and the Middle Way

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 4 Jul, 2018 - 12:42

The Middle Way Podcast: Sangharakshita and the Middle Way

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 4 Jul, 2018 - 12:42

The Middle Way Society is an international group for the study, promotion and practice of the Middle Way.  In June, Robert M. Ellis, a member of the Society, interviewed Sangharakshita about the Middle Way for their podcast.  The conversation covered much ground: starting with an exploration of the Middle Way in the context of the Buddha’s life, it moves into the areas of right effort, eternalism and nihilism, rebirth, livelihood and more.

The Middle Way ultimately is a matter of practice. One
