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Attn: Mitras… We have places available on An Ordinary Person’s Guide to Becoming a Bodhisattva, from 27th Jan - 3rd Feb. Led by the experienced team of Maitrisiddhi, Sahajatara and Kusalasara, this is a fabulous opportunity to delve into the rich teachings of the Bodhicaryavatara.
Provocative and poetic, uncompromising and deeply kind: Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara, ‘Guide to the Bodhisattva Path’ gives us a path of vision and a path of transformation. How can we engage all of ourselves - messy, passionate, loving-hating beings that we...
Following up from the Sikkha Seminar on Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online, Ratnaguna and Danadasa, who led the seminar, have answered a number of questions from the seminar in the podcast below.
Here is eight different questions which they received from the seminar. If you are interested in a specific questions, the podcast timestamps are provide for each question. We hope you find this helpful!
(2:00 – 7:30) If there is the opportunity to choose, how many people would you have in a...
There are now 6 Mitras who attend the Triratna Chester Sangha. We’re really pleased to be starting our own face to face Mitra Study group on Monday 18 March 2019.
We have a new Mitra study module on Dr Ambedkar! Check it out in Year 3, Module 8.
About half the total Triratna Buddhist Community (friends and mitras) and a third of the Triratna Buddhist Order is in India. There is much that is shared throughout the whole Movement, including our basic teachings and practices, but one noticeable difference is the emphasis on Dr Ambedkar. At every class and on every retreat in India you will find on the...
“The culmination of wisdom is freedom from all views. You have nothing to say. When all the answers are in your being, you have no need to keep them in your head.” - Sangharakshita (Seminar on The Door of Liberation)
The goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Enlightenment - but what is Enlightenment? One way of describing it is seeing the true nature of reality and living in accordance with that vision. An Enlightened being is free...
Mitra Study Retreat led by Dh. Yashoratna from 20th to 26th Aug 2017. Subject of this retreat was Kalam sutta. Mitra from Bhuswal, and Mumbai attended it.
You will find corrected versions of all the course files on the site, as well as download versions designed for eBook use on all major platforms. As well as PDF, we now provide ePub, Kindle Reader, and Kindle app versions, which means they can be easily used on whichever device you prefer to do your reading on. We hope you’ll enjoy this next step in making the...
I’m happy to say that softback print versions of the Dharma Training Course are now available to purchase online from Lulu. Thanks to Lokabandhu for doing loads of work on this!
A number of Dharma books used in the Triratna Buddhist Community are available as print-on-demand titles and eBook distribution on this Lulu page, including the DTCM books.
Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA) and their guests have been meeting at Adhisthana since last Monday. They have spent the week creatively and very harmoniously, considering a number of matters to do with the future flourishing of Triratna.
Today we heard about the forthcoming publication of the first volume of Sangharakshita’s Complete Works – in English. Considering that just 5% of the world’s 70 million people are native English-speakers, we also heard of the work of the new,...