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Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Come and join our North London Buddhist Centre Team

By Ratnaprabha on Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 - 11:59

2 Team Based Right Livelihood Opportunities at the North London Buddhist Centre

Are you a dynamic and versatile team player interested in working in a Team Based Right Livelihood?

The North London Buddhist Centre is looking for two Triratna Order Members or Mitras to join our Centre Team.

This is an opportunity to be involved in helping the Three Jewels to flourish and grow in North London as part of our small, friendly and dedicated team.

We are recruiting to two different roles, both of which require flexibility,...

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Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Manchester Buddhist Centre is recruiting!

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 10 Oct, 2018 - 11:27

An exciting opportunity to join a dynamic and harmonious team based right livelihood at Manchester Buddhist Centre. The Centre is a vibrant part of the City Centre’s bohemian Northern Quarter, offering a range of courses, events and talks to the public, schools and the Sangha.  

The role involves managing and maintaining a range of administrative functions, including responding to enquiries, managing course bookings and overseeing the maintenance and development of IT systems across the team. It is an important role...

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Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Brixton Buddhist Centre - Part-time Centre Manager

By Viryanaga on Tue, 10 Jul, 2018 - 15:24

Brixton is a small but rapidly growing Triratna group in South London. Over the last two years we have added a range of new courses and events to our programme and have a lively, youthful and friendly sangha who want to go deeper in their practice.

There is now an opportunity for a supported part-time centre manager to join the small team of volunteers helping to grow and flourish this important situation in South London.


Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

The Triratna Development Team is looking for a new team member

By Nandavajra on Tue, 24 Jan, 2017 - 14:01

For the welfare of the many - The Triratna Development Team is looking for a new team member.

We are looking for an Order member, to work for the FutureDharma Fund and European Chairs Assembly, who is inspired and enthusiastic about the Triratna Community and who wants to make a difference. You will be working to develop and support the FutureDharma Fund and take forward initiatives and projects for the Chairs Assembly.

The other members of the team are Nandavajra (team leader and FutureDharma...

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DT application form131.5 KB
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Two job vacancies at Windhorse:Evolution

By lokabandhu on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 17:17
Please see the PDFs for details of two job vacancies at Windhorse:Evolution, Triratna’s largest ‘Team-Based Right Livelihood’ business based in Cambridge, UK.
