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Tag: Dharma Training Course for Mitras

The Sikkha Project
The Sikkha Project

Podcast #1 of 2 - Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online

By Vajrashura on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 19:21

Podcast #1 of 2 - Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online

By Vajrashura on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 19:21

Following up from the Sikkha Seminar on Leading Dharma Study and Discussion Groups Effectively Online, Ratnaguna and Danadasa, who led the seminar, have answered a number of questions from the seminar in the podcast below.

Here is eight different questions which they received from the seminar. If you are interested in a specific questions, the podcast timestamps are provide for each question. We hope you find this helpful!

(2:00 – 7:30) If there is the opportunity to choose, how many people would you have in a...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: 21st Century Bodhisattva

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 4 May, 2019 - 14:00

In the FBA Podcast this week 21st Century Bodhisattva Saravantu explores the role of active engagement in the world’s problems, and the various pitfalls along the way, into which activists can so easily fall.

This talk launches a series of talks entitled “The 21st Century Bodhisattva”, inspired by Akuppa’s module in the Dharma Training Course.

Subscribe to the FBA podcast

Mitra Support
Mitra Support

Printed books of the Course are now available

By Vajrashura on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 18:33

Printed books of the Course are now available

By Vajrashura on Mon, 28 Nov, 2016 - 18:33

Hi all.

I’m happy to say that softback print versions of the Dharma Training Course are now available to purchase online from Lulu. Thanks to Lokabandhu for doing loads of work on this!

A number of Dharma books used in the Triratna Buddhist Community are available as print-on-demand titles and eBook distribution on this Lulu page, including the DTCM books.

You can also find the individual years here:

Year One (including the Course Guide for Students)
Year Two

Mitra Support
Mitra Support

Welcome Pack For Mitras!

By Candradasa on Mon, 11 Jul, 2016 - 21:43

Here are a few general resources around what it is to be a Mitra to get you started, as well as some great background on Triratna itself. 

You can read an online version of the Dharma Training Course Guide, and get more detail about the general structure of Triratna. Or try exploring our timeline, and read more about our history over the past 50 years.

To go deeper, subscribe to...