Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Aparajita and Gunabhadri on working for the Development Team

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 14:17

Video - Aparajita and Gunabhadri on working for the Development Team

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 14:17

Gunabhadri and Aparajita from the ECA Development Team talk about what they love about their work during the 2020 Winter meeting.

Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Introducing Amaragita, the new Chair of Buddhafield

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 12:50

Video - Introducing Amaragita, the new Chair of Buddhafield

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 12:50

Amaragita is the new Chair of Buddhafield. She’s been a trustee for Buddhafield these past six years and recently became the Chair after Jayaraja stepped down.

In this short video she introduces herself and talks about what Buddhafield offers and their vision.

Visit the Buddhafield website

Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Maitridevi on the ECA's new strategic priorities

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 12:35

Video - Maitridevi on the ECA's new strategic priorities

From European Chairs' Assembly on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 12:35

Maitridevi from Taraloka outlines some of the strategic priorities that the European Chairs Assembly have agreed upon during the 2020 Winter meeting - and speaks more fully on the priority close to her heart: Dharmic engagement with social and ecological issues.

Listen to a podcast about the ECA’s new strategic priorities

Maitripa's picture

Build a Buddhist Business - 23 February, LBC

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 13 Jan, 2020 - 14:12

Build a Buddhist Business - 23 February, LBC

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 13 Jan, 2020 - 14:12

Are you looking for a more meaningful work context? Do you want to set up a business with other Buddhists? Then join us to co-create a Buddhist Business in one day!

Buddhist businesses are an ideal context for people to work and deepen their practice together. They are an essential part of the Buddhist vision for a new society because they have a social or environmental goal, and are an effective way to spread the Dharma and Buddhist values.

During this event you’ll be inspired by a...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Pursuing Purity

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 13 Jan, 2020 - 14:00

Working in the world is a game, and like any game, we need to know the rules in order to play it.

In this talk, Arthavadin presents his personal experience of working in the world, from a Buddhist perspective, using a series of clear models and vivid images.

From the talk entitled Getting Real given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Men’s Event, January 2012.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

Nagapriya's picture

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

From Order Connection on Sun, 12 Jan, 2020 - 10:38

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

From Order Connection on Sun, 12 Jan, 2020 - 10:38

Dear Order members,

I am delighted to announce that on January 11 at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico, we welcomed two new Dharmacharis into the Order from the Mexico City sangha.

Ex-Juan Antonio Diaz becomes: Subhananda which means He who has the joy of beauty or él que tiene la alegría de la belleza.
Private preceptor: Samamati
Public Preceptor: Virasiddhi

Ex-Pablo Sierra becomes: Satyabodhi which means Awakening to Truth or El despertar a...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

From Triratna News on Sun, 12 Jan, 2020 - 10:31

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

From Triratna News on Sun, 12 Jan, 2020 - 10:31

We are delighted to announce that on January 11 at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico, we welcomed two new Dharmacharis into the Order from the Mexico City sangha.

Ex-Juan Antonio Diaz becomes: Subhananda which means He who has the joy of beauty or él que tiene la alegría de la belleza.
Private preceptor: Samamati
Public Preceptor: Virasiddhi

Ex-Pablo Sierra becomes: Satyabodhi which means Awakening to Truth or El despertar a la verdad.
Private preceptor:...

Nagapriya's picture

Ordenaciones en México/Ordinations in Mexico

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 10 Jan, 2020 - 21:27

Ordenaciones en México/Ordinations in Mexico

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 10 Jan, 2020 - 21:27

El sábado 11 de enero, 2020, se van a llevar a cabo una transmisión en vivo de las ordenaciones de dos mitras mexicanos a las 12pm, horario de México. Se realizará la ceremonia en español en Chintamani, Morelos, México.

12pm México | 3pm Venezuela | 1pm EST | 7pm España | 6pm UK

We are delighted to announce that on Saturday, January 11, 2020, we will be live-streaming the ordination of two Mexican mitras. The live stream will...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Working With Adversity

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 11 Jan, 2020 - 14:00

When things go wrong in our life we can see them as an obstacle to an ideal spiritual life feel we should be leading. But there’s another way of looking at difficulties, and instead of trying to get rid of difficulties, we could be welcoming them as opportunities. 

Vajratara  draws on the Tibetan Mind Training tradition, as well as the Pali Suttas to examine how we can make adversity our teacher and the ground in which wisdom...

Aryajaya's picture

Metta to those affected by Australian Bushfires

From Adhisthana on Fri, 10 Jan, 2020 - 16:18

Metta to those affected by Australian Bushfires

From Adhisthana on Fri, 10 Jan, 2020 - 16:18

Here’s a message from Aryajaya, Shubhavyuha and James from Adhisthana (and also Australia) to those affected by the catastrophic bushfires which have been burning in Australia since late October.

Please join in a collective Metta wave in whatever way you can, wherever you are - not just for the loss but for the courage, bravery and dedication of those fighting the fires, rescuing animals and for all the acts of kindness that have been happening.

You can share what you are...
