dhammamegha's picture

Free the Dharma - Tales of Freedom free eBook

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 08:28

Free the Dharma - Tales of Freedom free eBook

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 08:28

This week’s free eBook from Windhorse Publications is Tales of Freedom. You can download it here.

Its author, Vessantara, tackles how to work with our minds when the chips are down. Vessantara is one of Triratna’s most experienced retreat and meditation leaders. He is also a very good storyteller. He shows us that we can find freedom even when life isn’t easy or predictable. Freedom of the kind the Buddha taught is possible whatever your situation. Even when it’s extreme. Even in...

Dhammadassin21@gmail.com's picture


From Frome Triratna Group on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 15:42


From Frome Triratna Group on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 15:42

Sailing the Worldly Winds
A Buddhist Way through the Ups and Downs of Life

Dear Sangha Friends,
I hope you are staying well, and adapting smoothly to life’s changes. At our next seven Wednesday evenings, we’ll be exploring the Eight Worldly Winds - a teaching from the Buddha that’s very relevant for our turbulent times. Please notice the change of start time - 8pm, not 7.30pm. You’ll find all the material at the wonderful Dharma Toolkit here including

  • a short talk each ‘day’ (so for us that’s each week) from
  • ...
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Working Together to Hold Suffering

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Saraha speaks to several themes from the Sigalaka Sutta. Firstly, friends are helpful, stand by you, give you time. Secondly, those who serve and support society, do we treat them as real people? Do we (as a society) look after them when they are ill? Our Buddhist Centres are here to bring peace, love, and agency with the ability to hold suffering close to your heart. The Sigalaka Sutta guides us on how to treat our fellow human beings.

From the...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Triratna News on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 13:07

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Triratna News on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 13:07

We are very happy to announce the public ordination of ex-Gus Miller took place on Sunday 5th April at the London Buddhist Centre.

The ordination was not public, but was live-streamed (you can see it here).

Gus becomes Sthiramanas, a Sansksrit name meaning Steadfast Mind. (Registered spelling Sthiramanas.)

Maitreyabandhu was his private preceptor and Paramabandhu was his public preceptor.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Paramabandhu's picture

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Order Connection on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 13:04

Ordination at the London Buddhist Centre

From Order Connection on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 13:04

Dear friends,

I am very happy to announce the public ordination of ex-Gus Miller took place on Sunday 5th April at the London Buddhist Centre. The ordination was not public, but was live-streamed (you can see it at: https://www.youtube.com/user/LBCvideosite).

Gus becomes Sthiramanas, a Sansksrit name meaning Steadfast Mind. (Registered spelling Sthiramanas.)

Maitreyabandhu was his private preceptor and I was his public preceptor.
With metta

kusaladevi's picture

Changing Practice in Times of Crisis - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 12:36

Changing Practice in Times of Crisis - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 12:36

In today’s reflection, Vajragupta suggests we review our practice so far and how we are getting on with Sailing the Worldly Winds. In times of adversity, I am often more able to honestly review my practice - how am I coping with the uncertainty? Based on my response to a crisis, I can often see more clearly which areas of my practice require attention and where I have set up positive conditions and responses within my mind. I...

Carol Robertson's picture
Carol Robertson

Living Well in Interesting Times (Facebook Live 4.04.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 11:07

Living Well in Interesting Times (Facebook Live 4.04.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 11:07

Prajnanandi explored “living well in interesting times” on Saturday 4th April. In the short talk, Prajnanandi used verses from the Dhammapada to explore three strands of practice; Going for Refuge, Guarding the Senses, Meditation. This was followed by a led mindfulness of breathing meditation

Padmadaka's picture

Coronavirus Crisis Appeal Update: Thank You for Your Incredible Response!

From Karuna Fundraisers on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 11:05

Coronavirus Crisis Appeal Update: Thank You for Your Incredible Response!

From Karuna Fundraisers on Mon, 6 Apr, 2020 - 11:05

One week ago today, we asked for your support in our largest appeal ever. Your answer was extraordinary.

In that short time, you have already raised nearly £30,000 to support those most affected by the coronavirus crisis in India and Nepal.

Thank you so much for the donations and for spreading the word.

These donations are already making a difference. In the photo is Varsha, who has participated in one of our women’s leadership and livelihood projects.


Sadayasihi's picture

How I'm Remembering to Remember - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 5 Apr, 2020 - 14:02

How I'm Remembering to Remember - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 5 Apr, 2020 - 14:02

In these times, when so much is going on - when there’s a constant flow of information and the situation is seemingly changing by the hour - it can feel hard to maintain one’s practice. It can be hard to not be blown about by the worldly winds. 

I’ve been acutely aware of the extremes of my responses to even the smallest of things these past few days: joy at the sunlight streaming in the window, at exchanging smiles with a stranger...

kusaladevi's picture

Truthfulness As a Teacher - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat, Day Two

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sat, 4 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Truthfulness As a Teacher - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat, Day Two

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sat, 4 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Truthfulness has always been very important to me. It’s something which I valued long before I came across the Dharma. So I was quite struck when Vajragupta suggested the opportunity to practice truthfulness when the winds of Praise and Blame are blowing. Praise and Blame are the Worldly winds I notice most in my experience, or perhaps the ones I am blown about by most strongly.

So I started to reflect on this - how might truthfulness help me when...
