Sadayasihi's picture

Triratna Responds to the Coronavirus

From Triratna News on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 09:57

Triratna Responds to the Coronavirus

From Triratna News on Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 - 09:57

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, how have Triratna Buddhist Centres and team-based right livelihood businesses been responding?

By now most Triratna Buddhist Centres and groups have closed their doors - but many have opened up on the digital universe and invited their sanghas to join them online. Various Triratna Centres across the world are now offering courses classes, pujas, urban retreats and other events online. Now is a great time to try out joining in some of the...

amritamati's picture

From a mountain lockdown

From Akashavana on Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 - 14:17

From a mountain lockdown

From Akashavana on Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 - 14:17

So, here we are two weeks into the lockdown in Spain, four women who have only been living together roughly the same length of time, getting to know each other and luckily finding we laugh a lot…over Spanish practice, which recently involved learning a song which we recorded and sent back to our teacher (or nuestro maestro!)…europop still rules it seems…and also over a number of amusing video clips sent by friends around the coronavirus (sometimes humour is needed to cope with something so...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Keeping Good Company

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 - 13:00

Here Padmasuri shares stories of friendship between the early Buddhist nuns and the Buddha. Featuring glimpses into the lives of Mahapajapati, Patajara, Dhammadinna, Kisagotami, Mitta, Queen Mallika. Many of these women would have gone forth for friendship, a sort of cradle of friendship, in which the truth teachings would be held and practiced. Just so then, so now.

Exerpted from the talk The Buddha Was a Friend As We Can Be a Friend, the fourth and final in a...

maitripala's picture

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

From Order Connection on Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 - 09:43

A forthcoming Public Ordination in Melbourne, Australia

From Order Connection on Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 - 09:43

Dear Order Members,

I plan to conduct a Public Ordination for Itir Binay on Saturday 28th March at 6.30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The ceremony will take place at the Three Cords Buddhist community (named by Bhante Sangharakshita) in Melbourne, Australia.

Chittaprabha privately ordained Itir on Thursday 12th March in NSW Australia.

In this extraordinary situation the ceremony will be attended by two Order members from the community. A large number of invited sangha and Order Members will witness the ceremony on Zoom.

We hope...

Saddhammapradip's picture

25th Mar 1993 Ordinations

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Wed, 25 Mar, 2020 - 17:06

25th Mar 1993 Ordinations

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Wed, 25 Mar, 2020 - 17:06
On 25th March 1993 32 order member ordain by Dh Subhuti and Dh Suvajra. Most order member in this were from Buddhanukur community of Mahavihar Dapodi. Most of order member name end with Bhadra (a beautiful one).
Camille's picture

La puissance de l'esprit : habiter une pensée

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Wed, 25 Mar, 2020 - 16:38

La puissance de l'esprit : habiter une pensée

From Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne on Wed, 25 Mar, 2020 - 16:38

Non, je ne vais pas vous parler du confinement, mais de ces sentiments mélangés, uniques, forts, que j’ai ressentis lors de la journée portes ouvertes de notre nouveau centre, le samedi 7 mars 2020, juste avant que tout se referme… Je veux les consigner ici car ils ont été importants pour moi, pour nous, et je ne voudrais pas qu’ils se perdent.

Tout était prêt ce matin là : nous descendons les escaliers qui sépare notre communauté du centre pour aller saluer l’autel,...

Nandavajra's picture

Nandavajra message about Exeter Activities online

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 14:49

Nandavajra message about Exeter Activities online

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 14:49

Nandavajra’s message about Triratna Exeter Activities online

The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Grants for Order members affected by Coronavirus

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 13:22

Grants for Order members affected by Coronavirus

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 13:22

The Abhayaratna Trust is responding to the financial hardship resulting from the spread of Covid-19. We are offering short term relief through cash grants of up to £500 per Order member as support in urgent need at this time.

We made our first £3000 of grants last week. We know from our general grant programme that many of us have few or no resources, and will struggle with food, bills and rent shortfalls. 

So if you are struggling financially and would be helped by...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

The Unexpected Intimacy of Online (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 2)

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 11:41

Today’s episode brings friends together from Ireland, England and the USA to look at the very technology that connect us for use in things like this. Come and get meta with us about Zoom!

With the launch of our daily meditations we discuss how better versions of the Internet and its underlying technologies mean an evolution – and possibly a revolution – in how we conceive of Buddhist practice (and everything else) in community. 

What does a mature web context for...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Utöva Dharma I Ovissa Tider

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 00:00
En dharmakväll som ägde rum både på centret och online via zoom samtidigt. Ett föredrag samt en ledd meditation. Temat var hur vi kan fördjupa vår dharmapraktik i ovissa tider, just nu under covid-19-pandemin.
