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Free Buddhist Audio

Big Egos, Addicts and Beings In Pain

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
The third layer of the wheel of life depicts the six realms of worldly existence: the kinds of world we can live in according to our state of mind. Building on the fundamental truth of karma - the fact that actions have consequences - the six realms show how our experience of life, the world and other people is shaped in dependence upon the mental states that result from how we act. In this talk, Bodhinaga gives us a tour of three of these realms, helping us to recognise when we're in them and what the Buddha offers as a way to uplift our mental states and leave these worldly realms. The traditional language of the titan realm, the hungry ghosts and the hell realm could be translated in today's words as 'big egos, addicts and beings in pain'. By understanding which realm we tend to inhabit, we can choose the best path to overcome our habitual mental states and move towards a world where we can be healthy, happy and make spiritual progress. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: Which of these three realms do you spend most time in? What is it that really nourishes you? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 21.1.20
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Free Buddhist Audio

Perfect Vision - How Far Can You Go?

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
Akashamitra introduces a series of podcasts ('Budcasts') at the North London Buddhist Centre on the theme of the Eight Ways of the Noble Ones with a talk on vision. Why does it start the path? Have we already had path of vision experiences?
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Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava's Advice On Moving Into New Year

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
An inspiring and practical talk to prepare for the new decade. Given on a big weekend retreat at Vajrasana with a great mix of levels of experience, so suitable for beginners and old hands. Provoked by Padmasambhava's advice to Queen Ngang Chung, which covers meditation, renunciation, lifestyle and emptiness. "As in an empty house the raindrops slowly gather..."
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Free Buddhist Audio

Big Egos, Addicts and Beings In Pain

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
The third layer of the wheel of life depicts the six realms of worldly existence: the kinds of world we can live in according to our state of mind. Building on the fundamental truth of karma - the fact that actions have consequences - the six realms show how our experience of life, the world and other people is shaped in dependence upon the mental states that result from how we act. In this talk, Bodhinaga gives us a tour of three of these realms, helping us to recognise when we're in them and what the Buddha offers as a way to uplift our mental states and leave these worldly realms. The traditional language of the titan realm, the hungry ghosts and the hell realm could be translated in today's words as 'big egos, addicts and beings in pain'. By understanding which realm we tend to inhabit, we can choose the best path to overcome our habitual mental states and move towards a world where we can be healthy, happy and make spiritual progress. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: Which of these three realms do you spend most time in? What is it that really nourishes you? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 21.1.20
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Free Buddhist Audio

Perfect Vision - How Far Can You Go?

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
Akashamitra introduces a series of podcasts ('Budcasts') at the North London Buddhist Centre on the theme of the Eight Ways of the Noble Ones with a talk on vision. Why does it start the path? Have we already had path of vision experiences?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava's Advice On Moving Into New Year

From North London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 22 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
An inspiring and practical talk to prepare for the new decade. Given on a big weekend retreat at Vajrasana with a great mix of levels of experience, so suitable for beginners and old hands. Provoked by Padmasambhava's advice to Queen Ngang Chung, which covers meditation, renunciation, lifestyle and emptiness. "As in an empty house the raindrops slowly gather..."
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Development Team

New Chair wanted for Brighton

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 16:04

New Chair wanted for Brighton

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 16:04

Subhadassi has decided that he will step down as Chair of Brighton Buddhist Centre this summer.  

The Centre is in a period of change, with some new initiatives in process and others that are still at the planning stage.  Amongst those that are already thriving are the young peoples group and weekly Dharma Night.  

We are looking to find a new chair with the energy and enthusiasm to continue moving the centre forward. There are many elements of our situation that will be...

Sadayasihi's picture

The Inauguration of Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 12:04

The Inauguration of Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 12:04

On Friday 17th January, the Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico was formally inaugurated. The Toluca Buddhist Centre arose from the friendship of three friends who wanted to share their practice with each other and with other people.

Fifteen years ago, Sanghadhara, Ruchiramati and Bodhikamala, then 16 years old, living in Toluca, met Buddhism through the Mexico City Buddhist Centre and began practicing together. Toluca is a city located in the middle of the country, 70 km...

Viryabodhi's picture

Första drop-in meditationen 2020

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 20 Jan, 2020 - 16:10

Första drop-in meditationen 2020

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 20 Jan, 2020 - 16:10

Ikväll leder jag första drop-in meditationen på Stockholms Buddhistcenter. 

Dhammaloka's picture

From experiencing to experiences and (never quite) back again

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 20 Jan, 2020 - 14:41

In this article, I aim to explore both the interplay between experiencing and experiences. I hope to show that the relation between both and our ability to work creatively in or with it is crucial to our making sense of life in general, including spiritual practice. It is also the basis for what I call ‘phenomenological practice’ (which might include practice reviews, reflective dialogue, autobiographical undertakings, Dharma study and more). 

I will also explore ‘first-person authority’ and its relation to ‘self-knowledge’. In my...

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