Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Cracks in the Ice

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 26 Dec, 2019 - 14:00

This is a gem of a talk, with a wintery theme.

Parami starts by singing ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ by Christina Rossetti. She then goes on to bring out the underlying meaning of some of the imagery in the poem.

The first metaphors are about bleakness, with the earth as hard as iron and water like a stone, times when we struggle and it seems as if no growth is possible. She talks about her early experience of doing the metta bhavana and...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Amitabha and The Infinate Light

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 25 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Suryagupta takes us further into the mandala of the five Buddhas on the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Winter Retreat. She calls to mind the the deep red Buddha of love and meditation, Amitabha. Traversing the myth and symbolism of the Buddhist tradition with tales from her own childhood and dream-life, Suryagupta offers up a talk that truly evokes the warm love of the Buddha of the Western realm.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Amitabha and The Infinate Light

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 25 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Suryagupta takes us further into the mandala of the five Buddhas on the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Winter Retreat. She calls to mind the the deep red Buddha of love and meditation, Amitabha. Traversing the myth and symbolism of the Buddhist tradition with tales from her own childhood and dream-life, Suryagupta offers up a talk that truly evokes the warm love of the Buddha of the Western realm.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Patience of the Deep Blue Akshobhya

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 24 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Paramabandhu kicks off the 2019 London Buddhist Centre Winter retreat with a talk introducing colourful, symbolic world of the Five Buddha Mandala. After introducing the theme of the five Buddha mandala, Paramabandhu goes on to explore the image and symbolism of Akshobhya - the deep blue Buddha of the eastern realm. In this talk Paramabandhu particularly emphasizes the patience (ksanti) of Akshobhya and how it can help us overcome our own anger.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnasambhava: Stories of Gold and Generosity

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 24 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Kusalasara gives the second talk exploring the mandala of the five buddhas at the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Winter Retreat. In it she evokes the jewel born Ratnasambhava - the golden yellow buddha of generosity, abundance and beauty.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Patience of the Deep Blue Akshobhya

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 24 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Paramabandhu kicks off the 2019 London Buddhist Centre Winter retreat with a talk introducing colourful, symbolic world of the Five Buddha Mandala. After introducing the theme of the five Buddha mandala, Paramabandhu goes on to explore the image and symbolism of Akshobhya - the deep blue Buddha of the eastern realm. In this talk Paramabandhu particularly emphasizes the patience (ksanti) of Akshobhya and how it can help us overcome our own anger.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnasambhava: Stories of Gold and Generosity

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 24 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Kusalasara gives the second talk exploring the mandala of the five buddhas at the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Winter Retreat. In it she evokes the jewel born Ratnasambhava - the golden yellow buddha of generosity, abundance and beauty.
Nagapriya's picture

Forthcoming ordinations at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico

From Order Connection on Mon, 23 Dec, 2019 - 22:08

Forthcoming ordinations at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico

From Order Connection on Mon, 23 Dec, 2019 - 22:08

Dear Order members,

Juan Antonio Diaz and Pablo Sierra from Mexico City will have their private ordinations during a short retreat at Chintamani Retreat Centre, January 3-12.

The public ordination will take place at 12pm on Saturday, January 11, also at Chintamani. Order members and mitras who have asked for ordination are invited to attend. The ceremony will be in Spanish and will also be live streamed. Details of this will be posted elsewhere.

With metta,

LauraHB's picture

Recipe: Vegan Tempeh and Cranberry Pot Pie

From Vegan Buddhist on Thu, 12 Dec, 2019 - 19:25

I split a weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share - a veg box! - with my husband and another friend. I love that it gives us local produce throughout the year, connects us to the landscape and the seasons where we live, and the farmers who provide our food, and is much more environmentally friendly than getting all our fruit & veg from the grocery store. 

In our last November share, we were given a surprise bag of...

Sadayasihi's picture

Developing Mindfulness in Wales

From Triratna News on Thu, 12 Dec, 2019 - 13:06

Developing Mindfulness in Wales

From Triratna News on Thu, 12 Dec, 2019 - 13:06

Vishvapani is a writer, teacher of Buddhism and meditation, and a trainer in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR/MBCT) through Mindfulness in Action. He’s also an Associate of Breathworks Mindfulness and of The Mindfulness Initiative, supporting the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group in the UK parliament and advocating mindfulness to the Welsh Government.

Here he gives us an update on what he’s been working on, particularly in relation to developing mindfulness teaching in Wales in collaboration with the Welsh Government. 

“In March...
