The final talk in Padmavajra’s wonderful series on the Dhammapada, the most popular of early Buddhist texts. All of the Buddha’s core teachings are here - held in heart and mind there’s more than enough in the Dhammapada to take us as far in our practice as we can imagine, and then on beyond…
Vishvapani explores the dynamic vision of Urgyen Sangharakshita in setting up a new Buddhist movement in the West, and asks how we might relate to him now. Voices and stories, told and untold, come echoing through as Vishvapani makes the case that a deeper examination of Sangharakshita’s teaching and approach reveals a deeper rhythm to his life and work that is relevant to everyone practicing in Triratna today.
It’s only five days till our new Home Retreat begins! There’s still time to join Paramananda and Bodhilila for a week of meditation, poetry and deep engagement with the Dharma life as it manifests day by day. With over 100 bookings already it’s sure to be a wonderful community event, offering encouragement and support for your practice from two of Triratna’s best-loved meditation teachers.
I am very happy to announce the public ordination of three men from the Mexico City Sangha at Chintamani on 14th January 2023.
David Chavez becomes Dayāketu, a Sanskrit name meaning ‘Kind Comet’ (Cometa de bondad) Registered spelling: Dayaketu
Private Preceptor: Virasiddhi Public Preceptor: Nagapriya
Marco Velasco becomes Suvarnakīrti (dot under the n), a Sanskrit name which means ‘He who has the lustre of gold’ (él que brilla como el oro). Registered spelling: Suvarnakirti ...
An informal event around the fire at Padmaloka, hosted by Padmasagara and consisting of three short talks. Surata, Maitrikumara and Alokavira share stories that have moved them and given ‘soul’ to their Going for Refuge.
The evening was part of a retreat for men who’ve asked for ordination on the theme of Going for Refuge.
The first of Padmavajra's talks on the Diamond Sutra, given on the Padmaloka men's winter retreat devoted to the Diamond Sutra and Just Sitting, Padmavajra speaks on the opening of the sutra and the Buddha's response to Subhuti's question on how a Bodhisattva "should stand, how progress, and how train their mind". He also explores viewing the conditioned as if it were stars. In the course of his talks he talks about Bhante's life in relation to the sutra and references the story of Dabba of the Mallas. He also does his best to show how The Diamond Sutra might inspire us.
The second of Padmavajra's talks on the Diamond Sutra, given on the Padmaloka men's winter retreat devoted to the Diamond Sutra and Just Sitting, Padmavajra speaks on the opening of the sutra and the Buddha's response to Subhuti's question on how a Bodhisattva "should stand, how progress, and how train their mind". He also explores viewing the conditioned as if it were stars. In the course of his talks he talks about Bhante's life in relation to the sutra and references the story of Dabba of the Mallas. He also does his best to show how The Diamond Sutra might inspire us
In this talk given on the Men's Great Gathering at Padmaloka, Padmavajra explores the Buddha's proclamation that just as the great and mighty ocean has the taste of salt, the Buddha's Dhamma has the taste of freedom.
By freedom, the Buddha meant complete liberation from the wheel of life, but he also indicated the importance of social freedom and Padmavajra begins with a quotation from the great Indian Dalit leader, Dr B R Ambedkar on the occasion of the great mass conversion to Buddhism of hundreds and thousands of Dalits. The talk focuses on the practices that lead to liberation, with a presentation of the Buddha's great teaching of the five teachings that lead to the maturing of the liberation of the heart.