In 2018, Satyalila had the pleasure of sitting down with Akasasuri at the Adhisthana Library for an interview as part of the Fifty Years Fifty Voices project. Extracts from this interview were used in the project, and now we are gradually releasing the full interviews to provide a deeper dive into the lives of various members of the Triratna Buddhist Order across the globe.
In this far-reaching conversation, Satyalila and Akasasuri touch on many aspects of...
We are happy to announce that the Public Ordination of the following people was held on 18th March 2023 at Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bordharan, in Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Public Preceptor Dhammachari Amoghasiddhi:
Motilal Raut becomes Bodhimaṇi (registered spelling Bodhimani) meaning ‘Jewel of Awakening’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Ratnasiddhi
Sudhakar Patil becomes Vinayasāgara (registered spelling Vinaysagara) meaning ‘Ocean of Discipline’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maitreyasagar
Pramod Khandare becomes Ānandadīpa (registered spelling Anandadipa) meaning ‘Lamp of Joy’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maitreyasagar
Durwas Humne becomes Vivekasāgara (registered spelling Viveksagara) meaning ‘Ocean of Solitude’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maiteyasagar
We are happy to announce that the Public Ordination of the following people was held on 18th March 2023 at Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bordharan, in Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Public Preceptor Dhammachari Amoghasiddhi:
Motilal Raut becomes Bodhimaṇi (registered spelling Bodhimani) meaning ‘Jewel of Awakening’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Ratnasiddhi
Sudhakar Patil becomes Vinayasāgara (registered spelling Vinaysagara) meaning ‘Ocean of discipline’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maitreyasagar
Pramod Khandare becomes Ānandadīpa (registered spelling Anandadipa) meaning ‘Lamp of Joy’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maitreyasagar
Durwas Humne becomes Vivekasāgara (registered spelling Viveksagara) meaning ‘Ocean of Solitude’ Private Preceptor Dhammachari Maiteyasagar
With humour and engaging personal stories, Padmavajra speaks to the moment in our collective history when Bhante Sangharakshita changed the name of our community from Friends of the Western Buddhist Order to Triratna Buddhist Community.
Jnanadhara is joined by Saddhanandi and Nagabodhi for a special podcast about the upcoming online Triratna Day. Both excellent and engaging speakers, enjoy listening to them both reminisce about Triratna’s past as well as discuss Sangharakshita’s place within our tradition through the perspective of ‘Is a Guru Necessary?’ - a talk Sangharakshita gave in 1970.
To participate in the full online Triratna Day, view the programme.
In this 2007 talk, Sangharakshita helps celebrate the 40th anniversary of the FWBO (as well as the 60th anniversary of his own ‘Going Forth’). With characteristic clarity and conviction, he shares his reflections on the history of the Movement and Order he founded, as well as some pertinent thoughts on the future. If you’ve never heard him before - and just to put this in context - the first talk we have in...
We’re delighted to share a special Triratna Day 2023 podcast episode with you, recorded earlier this week and hosted by our friend Jnanadhara. He’s joined by Saddhanandi and Nagabodhi to discuss the upcoming online gathering of the Triratna Buddhist community, which celebrates its founding in April 1967.
Saddhanandi and Nagabodhi reminisce about past Triratna Day celebrations, recalling the excitement of travelling in large groups from Glasgow to London or Birmingham for the day or weekend. These events were...
Shraddha or 'confidence-faith' as an indispensable basis for the cultivation of Wisdom. In this talk Satyajyoti explores the teachings of the Buddhist teacher Shinran, who developed a tradition of complete and true entrusting to this dimension, sometimes referred to as 'other power'.
'Shinran overturns conventional tenets of Buddhism – and blows wide open our assumptions about how to live the Dharma life. Yet he is simply drawing out and taking to their furthest limits some essential teachings of the Buddha.' - Maitrisiddhi
A new and exciting opportunity has arisen to join the International Council Staff to implement, influence and further develop Triratna’s Communication Strategy
Key skills and attributes:
The successful applicant will be passionate about improving Triratna’s internal and external communications; have established writing and organisational skills; be experienced around fundamental aspects of Order and Triratna life online; as well as evident competence and confidence with digital communication and social media. They will be capable of self-managing their work, taking initiative within a team, and able...