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Free Buddhist Audio

The Spiral Path: The Great Escape

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 12 May, 2011 - 00:00
'The Spiral Path....The great escape'

Faith, joy and delight in the spiritual life. Khemasuri talks about her own life and the importance of the Spiral Path, a fundemental teaching of Triratna Buddhism.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Vision

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 May, 2011 - 01:00
The last in a major new series of talks by Vishvapani to mark the launch of his new book: 'Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One' (Quercus, 2011).

Vishvapani is a well known figure in the Triratna Buddhist Community and is a regular contributor on the BBC's 'Thought for the Day'.

When the Buddha finally sat down under the Bodhi tree and saw deeply into the nature of things, what had brought him to that point? And what happened next? In his final take on the Buddha's journey of the heart and mind, Vishvapani focuses in on the Buddha's experience before, during and after Enlightenment, bringing his nuanced, perceptive reading to the words the Buddha himself is said to have employed in order to best evoke his experiences as he struggled to give voice to them. A fitting conclusion to a wonderfully insightful series.

Includes an adroit discussion of the issues around imagination and historical evidence, and how we can usefully approach the Pali texts as literature.

Talk given in Bristol, February 2011.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha and Society

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Mon, 9 May, 2011 - 00:00
The fourth in a major new series of talks by Vishvapani to mark the launch of his new book: 'Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One' (Quercus, 2011).

Vishvapani is a well known figure in the Triratna Buddhist Community and is a regular contributor on the BBC's 'Thought for the Day'.

The Buddha as a radical, as a holy man, as pragmatist, as tamer of demons, as visionary - in this wide-ranging, riveting talk Vishvapani gives us all these and more, and all in relation to the society Gautama took part in. Some provocative words and questions from the Buddha and from our speaker as we try to get to grips with a world vastly different from our own. What was the Buddha's social vision, and what can we learn from it? This is essential listening and holds some surprising insights into the life and times of a great sage in and out of his own culture and history.

Talk given in Birmingham, February 2011.

NB Some microphone noise throughout.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra Seminar 1

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Tue, 3 May, 2011 - 01:00
From a 4 part seminar on The Heart Sutra during a Heart Sutra retreat at Dhanakosa. Pasada has studied and meditated upon this text in depth over many years. Here he is referrring to Conze's translation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Personality

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 2 May, 2011 - 00:00
The third in a major new series of talks by Vishvapani to mark the launch of his new book: 'Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One' (Quercus, 2011).

Vishvapani is a well known figure in the Triratna Buddhist Community and is a regular contributor on the BBC's 'Thought for the Day'.

Great artists have tried and failed to grasp the essence of the Buddha's character. Beyond the narrative and the drama, what was the Buddha actually like? And what can be gleaned from the diverse sources that tell us about him? In this reflective talk Vishavapani looks behind the veils of history, legend and the texts themselves to conjur a vivid, felt image of the Buddha's personality. In a series of beautifully observed close-up drawings from the Pali Canon we are left with a portrait of spiritual genius that is both enigmatically distant and thoroughly human.

Talk given at the London Buddhist Centre, February 2011.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism and the Big Bang - a Five Week Seminar

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 25 Apr, 2011 - 00:00
A five week seminar given by Jnanavaca on the relationship between quantum physics, Buddhist practice and the nature of reality at the LBC's Dharma evening class.

During week 2 Jnanavaca played this you tube video:
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism, Science and Reality: How Can We Understand Ourselves? Vishvapani and Dorothy Rowe In Conversation

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 22 Apr, 2011 - 01:00
Vishvapani and Dorothy Rowe in Conversation - touching on themes of the Buddha, the historical resources we have of him and his teachings and modern understandings of neuroscience and echoes of Anatta.
