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Free Buddhist Audio

Tasting the Bliss of Liberation

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 May, 2011 - 01:00
As part of Buddha Day festival, in this impassioned talk Padmavajra evokes the Buddha through the early descriptions of him, in particular the complete blissful freedom of his being. He discusses the necessity of an integration of the 'pleasure principle' and the 'reality principle', and finishes with practical pointers for a vivid engagement with spiritual life that leads towards the state of blissful liberation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Meaningful Work and Values (The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work)

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 18 May, 2011 - 00:00
Here's an hour-long talk from Saddharaja given at Uddiyana (the Windhorse:evolution HQ in Cambridge). The talk is the first of six talks on Right Livelihood in the modern world.

Saddharaja starts with a work story from his youth in the English Lake District and moves on to a recap of Sangharakshita's definitions of both Right Livelihood and Team-based Right Livelihood. He explores how most people in the modern world might find meaning in their work, with some help from the writings of Alain De Botton. He explores how Buddhists can make meaningful work a spiritual practice.

He suggests the use of shamatha and vipashyana approaches, and goes on to explore the 5 principles of Windhorse:evolution in that light. The talk finishes with a wonderful poem from Seamus Heaney on the joy of using a simple farm tool. The talk is peppered with Saddharaja's own work experiences, including a dramtic story involving a mine shaft in a Lake District slate quarry.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Meaningful Work and Values (The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work)

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 18 May, 2011 - 00:00
Here's an hour-long talk from Saddharaja given at Uddiyana (the Windhorse:evolution HQ in Cambridge). The talk is the first of six talks on Right Livelihood in the modern world.

Saddharaja starts with a work story from his youth in the English Lake District and moves on to a recap of Sangharakshita's definitions of both Right Livelihood and Team-based Right Livelihood. He explores how most people in the modern world might find meaning in their work, with some help from the writings of Alain De Botton. He explores how Buddhists can make meaningful work a spiritual practice.

He suggests the use of shamatha and vipashyana approaches, and goes on to explore the 5 principles of Windhorse:evolution in that light. The talk finishes with a wonderful poem from Seamus Heaney on the joy of using a simple farm tool. The talk is peppered with Saddharaja's own work experiences, including a dramtic story involving a mine shaft in a Lake District slate quarry.
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Free Buddhist Audio

A La Rencontre De Padmasambhava

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Tue, 17 May, 2011 - 01:00
Une conférence donnée par Jayamuni l'occasion de la fête de Padmasambhava au Centre Bouddhiste de Paris en 2009, couvrant un historique de sa vie et son rôle dans l'implantation du bouddhisme au Tibet et ce qu'il peut représenter pour nous dans le mond d'aujourd'hui, quels sont nos démons à subjuguer et comment.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart of Darkness (LBC Wesak Festival May 2011)

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 17 May, 2011 - 00:00
Talk given by Sarvananda, the author of 'Meaning in Life'at the London Buddhist Centre's Wesak Festival day on May 15th 2011.
