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Centre Team

Great Faith, Great Wisdom - Rainy Season Retreat 2017 by Ratnaguna, Day 1

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 11 Sep, 2017 - 20:54

Here are the two wonderful Dharma talks by Ratnaguna from the first day of the retreat this weekend, along with a led visualisation bringing the Pure Land of Sukhavati, made of all precious things, to life. As a treat to conclude, we also get the Bristol sangha chanting a beautiful, resonant version of Amitabha mantra.


Talk 1: Why hear the Pure Land Sutras?

An introduction to the three Pure Land sutras and to understanding the practice of Mahayana sutras in general. Other...

tejadhamma's picture

SWOT analysis workshop

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sun, 10 Sep, 2017 - 15:13

SWOT analysis workshop

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sun, 10 Sep, 2017 - 15:13

We had SWOT analysis workhop at Mahendranagar Center. It was open participation of the OMs. Tejadhamma led this workshop including energizer games, contemplation practice etc.

The discussion was very harmonious, open, sensetive and inclusive of all thoughts and encouragement was given to every participants. It was the great experience of friendliness...

Munisha's picture

European Buddhist Union Conference 2018 - call for papers

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Wed, 6 Sep, 2017 - 12:54

European Buddhist Union Conference 2018 - call for papers
“Spreading wisdom and compassion in European societies”
April 13/14/15 
Benalmádena, Malaga, Spain

The European Buddhist Union (EBU, www.europeanbuddhism.org) organises a conference event every 2 years. Following the “Buddhism in Action” conference in Berlin in 2016, there will be the another such event in April 2018.

The theme of the conference event is “Spreading wisdom and compassion in European societies”, with their specific socio-political, cultural and economic features.

Potential speakers...

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Munisha's picture

Ordinations in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 13:23

Ordinations in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 13:23

On 23rd April 2017 seven women were publicly ordained at the Mexico City Buddhist Centre after a Going for Refuge retreat held at Chintamani Retreat Centre. 

Mexican and Clear Vision director Sanghadhara was there and filmed the ordinations for NewByte, also interviewing Parami about how six women from Triratna’s Venezuela sangha came to be invited.\

Re-watch the live broadcast of the ordinations

+Follow Clear Vision on The Buddhist Centre Online.
Follow Clear Vision on Facebook.

Vidyavachin's picture

The 2018 Programme is Out

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 08:43

The 2018 Programme is Out

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 08:43

Exciting news this morning - the 2018 programme has arrived at Padmaloka. Click below to read more about the theme and when to expect your copy.


Dhammalata's picture

worship and Gratitude

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 08:08

worship and Gratitude

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 5 Sep, 2017 - 08:08

This week you are invited (in addition to our regular meditations) to a full moon puja at our Buddhist Community House (Jayakula)

Puja most literally translated means worship but i think we can also understand it as gratitude. Gratitude for everything, including our own effort, that helps us grow and develop. 

The sevenfold puja that we will do moves through a series of stages and takes us on a journey of gratitude, self-reflection, reverence and rejoicing. 

So this week:


dhammarati's picture

Sikkha, A Conversation with Dhammamegha And Dhammarati

From Adhisthana Kula on Mon, 4 Sep, 2017 - 20:12

In March 2017, Saddhaloka wrote about steps the Preceptors’ College would be taking in the coming months. One of these steps was to acknowledge the importance of the ‘shared system of teaching and practice that we derive from Bhante’s particular presentation of the Dharma, while allowing for its systematic and orderly evaluation and development, so that it is more and more effective’ .

One of the important ways that ‘evaluation and development’ is happening is through the work...

Amaradaya's picture

Women's Ordinations in Mexico

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 16:13

Women's Ordinations in Mexico

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 16:13

On 23 April 2017 seven women were publicly ordained in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre after being on a Going for Refuge Retreat at Cintamani Retreat Centre. 
Parami also tells us about how 6 women from Venezuela came to be invited to the event.

sanghadhara's picture

‘Everything of worth is defenceless’ - Arthakusalin

‘Everything of worth is defenceless’ - Arthakusalin

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Thu, 31 Aug, 2017 - 10:27

A poetic and uncompromising talk on the value of the Dharma jewel given on the Triratna International Gathering at Adhisthana, 26 August 2017

sanghadhara's picture

‘Wisdom’s Gathering: the difference that makes a difference’ - Dhammamegha

‘Wisdom’s Gathering: the difference that makes a difference’ - Dhammamegha

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Thu, 31 Aug, 2017 - 10:26

Dhammamegha speaks about Sangha as Dharma practice and how spiritual community and friendship with the admirable are part of our heritage in Triratna. A talk given on the Triratna International Gathering at Adhisthana, 27 August 2017
