Munisha's picture

Dedicating Adhisthana's new shrine

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 09:36

Dedicating Adhisthana's new shrine

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 09:36

The artistic pile of bricks and Buddharupas that formed the main shrine for Adhisthana’s first four years has been replaced by a remarkable piece of new Buddhist design. In Clear Vision’s latest NewsByte video Yashodeva tells the story of its creation and dedication, on 19th August at the UK and Ireland Area Order weekend.

+Follow Clear Vision on The Buddhist Centre Online.
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Amaradaya's picture

A new shrine at Adhisthana - NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 12:56

A new shrine at Adhisthana - NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 12:56

In August 2017 at the Combined Order weekend a new shrine was dedicated at Adhisthana.

Amaradaya's picture

Green Earth Awakening - NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 12:53

Green Earth Awakening - NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Thu, 2 Nov, 2017 - 12:53

Green Earth Awakening is a Buddhafield project which seeks to draw out the more ‘Engaged Buddhism’ element of the festival, where Buddhists, non Buddhists and activists and campaigners in various areas come together for a few days camping in the Blackdown Hills in Devon, UK.

Shantavira's picture

Shabda November 2017

From Order Connection on Wed, 1 Nov, 2017 - 11:43

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

Terms and...

Dhammalata's picture

Puja Friday Night

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 31 Oct, 2017 - 00:31

Puja Friday Night

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 31 Oct, 2017 - 00:31

On Saturday night it’s a full moon. A time when the earth’s energies are stirred and the tides moved!

To meditate under a full moon is especially efficacious!

So if the weather if fine we’ll have a short meditation and Buddhist devotional ceremony on the Coogee Headland but if it’s wet (as predicted) it will be held in the Coogee Croquet Club - I will send out an email on Friday letting you know
7.30 pm

Regular meditations

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

International Order Convention - Bodh Gaya 2018

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:54

International Order Convention - Bodh Gaya 2018

From Order Connection on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:54

For the third time, the 2018 International Convention will be held at Bodhgaya. We will practise on our own land at the Three Jewels Centre, and around the Bodhi Tree.

It will run from dinner on Sunday 4th February until after breakfast on Sunday 11 February 2018.

There will be no fixed charge, but a donation is requested to cover the cost of all food, and the considerable expenses associated with staging the convention. We need an average donation of £120 per head to break even.

Accommodation is provided, but...

akasajoti's picture

Spiritual Receptivity Retreat With Vessantara (Adhisthana 2017) - Complete Retreat Recordings

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:21

In August 2017 at Adhisthana, Vessantara continued his exploration of our mandala of spiritual practice with a second, deeper look at Spiritual Receptivity. This retreat focused on Just Sitting, a practice in which we’re open to the whole of our experience which forms a vital balance to structured practice, and is also the centre of the meditative mandala, where everything culminates in an experience which Sangharakshita describes as ‘existential relaxation’.

In this series of sessions, Vessantara weaves input around guided...

viriyalila's picture

Religion Without God

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 29 Oct, 2017 - 16:11

Religion Without God

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 29 Oct, 2017 - 16:11

Here are the talks referenced in today’s session, Religion Without God
a series of talks by Candradasa.

A four-part series looking at how you can have a full spiritual life as a 21st Century person without recourse to blind faith or setting yourself against the rational world we find ourselves in. The Buddha faced some of the same dilemmas as us in India in 500 BCE, and we face some new challenges with 2500 years of changed culture and experience in...

viriyalila's picture

History of South Meeting House

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 29 Oct, 2017 - 15:40

History of South Meeting House

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 29 Oct, 2017 - 15:40

Someone asked today about the history of the South Meeting House where we are holding our Sangha meetings on Sundays. Here is a very good write up available on Seacoast NH Online:

“The South Meeting House is significant as a well-documented example of the procedures involved in an ordinary municipal building project of the mid-nineteenth century. Whether or not by intent, a large part of the local building community was involved in its construction, producing a building which was simple, yet...

lokabandhu's picture

North Cyprus meditation group

From Triratna Anywhere on Fri, 27 Oct, 2017 - 22:37

North Cyprus meditation group

From Triratna Anywhere on Fri, 27 Oct, 2017 - 22:37

Barrie writes with news of a Triratna meditation group in North Cyprus, saying - “Hello.  I have been living in North Cyprus for 2 years and have been running a meditation class twice a week at my house for 18 months.

I have been a mitra ( formerly from Cardiff) for 10 years and asked for ordination 7 years ago.

I am aware of 2 mitras in South Cyprus but if anyone wants to meditate or study...
