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Sunday at the International Gathering

Sunday at the International Gathering

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 20:09

On our last full day we heard from Triratna Hungary, with a presentation from mitra Tibor Derdak of the Dr Ambedkar High School, which offers gypsy girls and boys a way out of poverty and discrimination. As he said, quoting Subhuti, if the Buddha were to walk down the street in Hungary today, everyone would assume he was a gypsy.

Dhammamegha gave us an excellent talk on the importance of sangha and friendship: ‘Wisdom’s gathering: the difference that...

Munisha's picture

Avalokiteshvara mantra

This Avalokiteshvara mantra from our final puja took an unusually inspired and energetic turn…

Munisha's picture

What the world needs now: our three speakers

Sanghadhara talks to the International Gathering’s three speakers: Prajnaketu, Arthakusalin and Dhammamegha.

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Ordinations Live From The USA!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 27 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

Ordinations Live From The USA!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 27 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

*Updated* Welcome to the Order, Medhahshri and Chittavan!

(Note: To hear the sound click unmute. If you can’t see the mute button please enter full screen mode first. In Safari, with playback issues, right click and choose play.)

Welcome to New Hampshire, where we are getting the North American Order Convention underway by bringing you live coverage of the ordinations of the beings formerly known as Rochelle Gatlin and Steve Wade.

Both have already been ordained privately and given their...

Munisha's picture

The mystery of the red T shirts

The mystery of the red T shirts

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sun, 27 Aug, 2017 - 15:46

Taking and editing pictures throughout the International Gathering, I’ve gradually become aware of a certain redness growing all around me.

More and more people are wearing red T shirts.

More and more people are taking out monthly standing orders to the FutureDharma Fund.

And people who commit themselves to monthly giving to Triratna projects around the world in this way get a free red “Pass it on” T shirt! (See the pictures.)

In celebration of generosity (and in...

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Wishing Bhante a happy 92nd birthday

Wishing Bhante a happy 92nd birthday

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sun, 27 Aug, 2017 - 08:44

Panorama: Bhante and the International Gathering crowd on his 92nd birthday at Adhisthana.

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Public Ordinations, Streaming Live From The USA

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 26 Aug, 2017 - 17:19

Public Ordinations, Streaming Live From The USA

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 26 Aug, 2017 - 17:19

Watch the archived version here! 


Join us on Sunday August 27th, and meet two new beings taking a great step into a new life…

2.45pm EST / 7.45pm UK, streaming live here on The Buddhist Centre Online and Facebook Live

Buddhist Centre Features | Facebook Live


Munisha's picture

Saturday at the International Gathering

Saturday at the International Gathering

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sat, 26 Aug, 2017 - 16:46

It being Bhante Sangharakshita’s 92nd birthday, at 10.45am all were assembled in the Adhisthana courtyard. As we waited we chanted the mantra sabbe satta sukkhi hontu (May all beings be well and happy!) Paramartha helped Bhante towards a chair, we sang Happy Birthday, he blew out the candles on a very small cake presented by Zoe Lim (the only mitra in Singapore) and Dhiraprabha presented him with a giant roll of birthday greetings from us.

Today, following on from the previous day’s slot focusing on...

upekshapriya's picture

Everything of Worth Is Defenceless by Arthakusalin

Arthakusalin gave a poetic and uncompromising talk on the value of the Dharma jewel on the Triratna International Gathering at Adhisthana.

upekshapriya's picture

The Return of the Bodhisattva by Prajnaketu

Prajnaketu’s inspiring talk from the Triratna International Gathering at Adhisthana gave us a new take on the Bodhisattva path, with ‘Look up!’, ‘Grow up!’ and ‘Wake up!’
