Munisha's picture

Ordination in Dublin, Ireland

From Triratna News on Tue, 10 Oct, 2017 - 12:45

Ordination in Dublin, Ireland

From Triratna News on Tue, 10 Oct, 2017 - 12:45

We are happy to announce the first Triratna ordination in Ireland! Keith Hogan’s public ordination was held Saturday, 7th October 2017, at the Sophia Centre, Dublin, Ireland.

Keith Hogan becomes Rijumuni
meaning ‘Honest/sincere sage’
Private preceptor: Khemadhamma
Public preceptor: Saddhaloka

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Munisha's picture

Ordination at Tiratnanaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Oct, 2017 - 18:58

Ordination at Tiratnanaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Oct, 2017 - 18:58

We are delighted to announce the public ordination of Claire Walsh on Saturday 7th October, at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, amidst a gathering of over 100 sangha, family, and other friends.

​Claire’s private ordination took place at Tiratanaloka on Wednesday 4th October, during a retreat specially arranged so that her husband and their recently adopted baby could stay with her throughout.

Claire becomes Nischalasri
(acute accent over both s to be pronounced sh; second i is long)
meaning ’She whose radiance is unwavering’.

Ujumani's picture

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

From Espace Sangha de Paris on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

From Espace Sangha de Paris on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Sangharakshita, le fondateur de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna, ont récemment fait la déclaration traduite ci-dessous, condamnant la violence perpétrée par des bouddhistes en Birmanie (Myanmar) contre les Rohingyas.

Tous les membres de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna qui animent le Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris ou qui y enseignent soutiennent entièrement cette déclaration et s’y associent.

Déclaration au sujet des violences menées par des bouddhistes contre la population musulmane en Birmanie (Myanmar), 2017

En tant que bouddhiste, je m’oppose totalement aux encouragements à la violence et...

Candradasa's picture

Money, Sex, God, Death, America! A New Five-Part Series At PBC

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 4 Oct, 2017 - 22:44

Money, Sex, God, Death, America! A New Five-Part Series At PBC

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 4 Oct, 2017 - 22:44

Sunday October 8th through Sunday November 5th, 9.30am-12pm

Join us over the next 5 Sundays for a new series exploring what we turn to for deep satisfaction in America today. We’ll be meeting as an intentional community, meditating together, and looking with humor, humility and maybe even some grace at how the Buddha’s vision of reality relates to the big themes of this human life, so rich and so complex and, sometimes, so totally confusing!

Weeks 1 & 2 (Sex & Money) hosted by our friends...

Nandavajra's picture

Dhanakosa New Team Member

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 4 Oct, 2017 - 16:04

Dhanakosa New Team Member

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 4 Oct, 2017 - 16:04

Dhanakosa New Team Member

Dhanakosa is looking for someone to join the centre team this winter or early next year. Ideally, this person will work principally as part of the house and grounds team mostly in general maintenance but also supporting the general work of the retreat centre across a range of required tasks, possibly including some office based tasks depending on skills and experience. As such, practical aptitude and physical fitness are our priorities. However we will, in the end, appoint...

Dhammalata's picture

Discipline and Joy

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 22:51

Discipline and Joy

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 22:51

Without spiritual discipline we are never going to wake up or advance on our journey through this life. But our discipline must be wedded to joy, and we must find pleasure in the myriad wonders that this life offers.

—Joan Gattuso, “The Balancing Buddha”

I generally experience life as a balancing act between aspiration and the effort arising from that and a desire for enjoyment and pleasure. If it’s all about discipline and effort then it...

Munisha's picture

Nordic Order retreat 2018

From Orden i Sverige on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 16:10

Nordic Order retreat 2018

From Orden i Sverige on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 16:10

Dates for your diary!

Dharmagiri, July 20-29th 2018,
led by Vessantara, Vijayamala and team

Munisha's picture

Ordinations at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 12:14

Ordinations at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 12:14

We are delighted to announce that the following men were publicly ordained on Saturday 30th September:

Public preceptor: Surata

Terry Diffey becomes Prasannamanas
meaning ’He whose mind is clear’
Private preceptor: Yashodeva

Public preceptor: Satyaraja

Lindsay Robertson becomes Akashavajra
(long first and second a)
meaning ‘He who has the qualities of both diamond and sky’
Private preceptor: Suriyavamsa

Les Robertson becomes Shantivajra
(long first a)
meaning ’Diamond thunderbolt of peace’
Private preceptor: Suriyavamsa

Public preceptor: Maitreyabandhu

Kelvin Heron becomes Shuddhavasin
(long second a)
meaning ’He who abides in purity’
Private preceptor: Dharmadipa


The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Abhayaratna Trust seeks Director

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 10:00

Abhayaratna Trust seeks Director

From Abhayaratna Trust on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 10:00

Founded in 2008, the Abhayaratna Trust supports Order members around the world who are experiencing financial hardship. Over nine years we have been helping an increasing number to maintain their Dharma practice and sangha connections, as well as assisting with urgent living costs. We expect this number to continue to grow in the coming years. 

Now we are looking for an Order member to enable the further development of the work of the Trust and lead the team in the effective pursuit...

Nandavajra's picture

Abhayaratna Trust seeks Director

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 2 Oct, 2017 - 09:44

Abhayaratna Trust seeks Director

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 2 Oct, 2017 - 09:44

Abhayaratna Trust seeks Director
Founded in 2008, the Abhayaratna Trust supports Order members around the world who are experiencing financial hardship. Over nine years we have been helping an increasing number to maintain their Dharma practice and sangha connections, as well as assisting with urgent living costs. We expect this number to continue to grow in the coming years. 
Now we are looking for an Order member to enable the further development of...
