Munisha's picture

Friday at the International Gathering

Friday at the International Gathering

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 22:08

It’s been a lively, warm and sunny day here in Herefordshire, UK. Our numbers swelled to around 330 by the end of a well-spent day.

The shrine tent was impressively full for 7am meditation, well rewarded by the efforts of the Sheffield Porridge Team, who cooked porridge for 200. Later in the morning the Polish sangha introduced themselves, after which Prajnaketu, Young Buddhist Co-ordinator, gave the morning’s excellent talk (without notes), entitled “The Return of the Bodhisattva”. You can listen to it...

JoCross80's picture

Help Bihar Flood Victims - NNBY

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 16:13

Help Bihar Flood Victims - NNBY

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 16:13

Dear Friends

You may be aware of the recent flooding in Bihar,  which has badly affected more than 65,000 people in the region, leaving them without shelter, food and the loss of their livelihoods.

Supplies are not getting to those that are the most in need.

NNBY (National Network of Buddhist Youth) are raising funds to help those most in need..

The following is a list of emergency supplies needed:

Medical health services
Safe drinking water through establishment of water purification plants, accessibility of Aqua-tab or...

Candradasa's picture

This Weekend - Live Coverage of the International Gathering & Public Ordinations

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 10:15

This Weekend - Live Coverage of the International Gathering & Public Ordinations

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 10:15

The International Gathering at Adhisthana is now underway! As usual, we’ll be bringing you the best of the event online throughout the weekend: talks, interviews, podcasts, video and pictures as people come together to explore the Dharma and celebrate community.

+ follow the International Gathering space for Dharma content. And connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the great gathering through Monday:

Follow us on: Instagram  | ...

Munisha's picture

"What the world needs now": Triratna's International Gathering kicks off!

From Triratna News on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 09:16

"What the world needs now": Triratna's International Gathering kicks off!

From Triratna News on Fri, 25 Aug, 2017 - 09:16

Adhisthana plays host to Triratna’s International Gathering 2017 this weekend, with around 330 Friends, Mitras and Order members from at least 10 countries spending a long weekend together in many languages. Our theme is ‘What the world needs now”.

It’s a family-friendly event, with children running merrily around the place, enjoying a children’s tent, special activities and storytelling in the shrine tent each evening before the puja. There are workshops, a choir, beginners’ classes, talks, meditation, food… and friendship.


upekshapriya's picture

The Practice Lotus and the Sikkha Project - Dhammamegha, Karunagita and Amaragita OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 23 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

The Practice Lotus and the Sikkha Project - Dhammamegha, Karunagita and Amaragita OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 23 Aug, 2017 - 19:06

Talks from the Sikkha Project at the Triratna Buddhist Order Combined UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend held at Adhisthana, 19 August 2017.

The theme of the weekend was “A rich and many-splendoured thing - valuing the contribution of every Order member”. There were three elements to the theme:

1. Extending outwards
2. Going deeper
3. Learning from the past

Within the going deeper element - the Sikkha project works to support and share depth and strength in our...

upekshapriya's picture

‘As we grow - minimise the rules!’ by Lokeshvara

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 16:19

‘As we grow - minimise the rules!’ by Lokeshvara

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 16:19

A talk given to conclude the Triratna Buddhist Order Combined UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend held at Adhisthana, 20 August 2017.

The theme of the weekend was “A rich and many-splendoured thing - valuing the contribution of every Order member”. There were three elements to the theme:

1. Extending outwards
2. Going deeper
3. Learning from the past

upekshapriya's picture

‘Triratna in the Bardo’ by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 15:58

‘Triratna in the Bardo’ by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 15:58

Triratna in the Bardo: Bhante and the Order in 2017 - A talk given on the Triratna Buddhist Order Combined UK & Ireland Order Weekend held at Adhisthana, 18 August 2017.

The theme of the weekend was “A rich and many-splendoured thing - valuing the contribution of every Order member”. There were three elements to the theme:

  1. Extending outwards
  2. Going deeper
  3. Learning from the past


Vishvapani’s personal talk introduced discussion related to learning from the past framed around the following two questions:

  1. “Of all that we care
  2. ...
tejadhamma's picture

Women's SELF HELP GROUP for next term

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 09:35

Women's SELF HELP GROUP for next term

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 09:35

Anushri recently distributed money among the members of SHG at Vajrakuti office. Women were so happy to get them interests on basic contribution. They all gathered as the term was finished but again they all decided to restart the group for next 3 years.

Now women are taking more responsibility to run this group. They are happy to feel and act as an empowered women. 

Dhammalata's picture

It's So Simple But .......

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 02:35

It's So Simple But .......

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 22 Aug, 2017 - 02:35

It’s so simple but …….

Our two basic practices are so straightforward and the aims of each very clear:

Mindfulnes of our breath = Stopping and noticing

Metta Bhavana = Kindness to self and other

Lots of us don’t doubt the value of cultivating a mind secured by these qualities but we struggle to gain momentum and consistency in practising them.

So …….. just recognise this in a kindly, clear way. Find small, non-demanding moments and spaces in your day (or night) to...

Munisha's picture

Adults at risk/Vulnerable adults training event

From European Chairs' Assembly on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:32

Adults at risk/Vulnerable adults training event

From European Chairs' Assembly on Mon, 21 Aug, 2017 - 13:32

Booking now open for a half day training event for Triratna Safeguarding officers and trustees in the UK and Ireland, helping us all develop our understanding of the definition of ”Adults at risk’ previously known as ‘Vulnerable adults’.

Wednesday 4th October 2017
Birmingham Buddhist Centre 
12 noon bring your own lunch
1pm-4pm training with an external trainer from the CCPAS

Bookings by email to 
munisha [at]

Who can attend?
This is an event for Order members...
