From Triratna News on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 12:14We are delighted to announce that the following men were publicly ordained on Saturday 30th September:
Public preceptor: Surata
Terry Diffey becomes Prasannamanas
meaning ’He whose mind is clear’
Private preceptor: Yashodeva
Public preceptor: Satyaraja
Lindsay Robertson becomes Akashavajra
(long first and second a)
meaning ‘He who has the qualities of both diamond and sky’
Private preceptor: Suriyavamsa
Les Robertson becomes Shantivajra
(long first a)
meaning ’Diamond thunderbolt of peace’
Private preceptor: Suriyavamsa
Public preceptor: Maitreyabandhu
Kelvin Heron becomes Shuddhavasin
(long second a)
meaning ’He who abides in purity’
Private preceptor: Dharmadipa