jyotika's picture

Virasiddhi and Nagapriya: New members of the College

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 17 Jul, 2019 - 11:48

Virasiddhi and Nagapriya: New members of the College

From College of Public Preceptors on Wed, 17 Jul, 2019 - 11:48

Appointment of Virasiddhi and Nagapriya as Public Preceptors

I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Virasiddhi and Nagapriya as Public Preceptors. They are our first Public Preceptors from Mexico, and Virasiddhi is our first native Mexican Public Preceptor.This is a very significant development for Triratna in Latin America.

with metta


I encountered the Dharma in 1995 at Mexico City, thanks to the work of Upekshamati. Meditation and...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

The #lifechangingbooks campaign needs YOU!

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 16:16

The #lifechangingbooks campaign needs YOU!

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 16:16

Have you heard about Windhorse Publications’ #lifechangingbooks campaign? They’re inviting you to join them on social media (InstagramTwitter or Facebook) to watch people talking about a Windhorse book that has changed their life. 

In this video, Priyananda, Publishing Director at Windhorse Publications, gives the low-down on the campaign. Visit the #lifechangingbooks page on Windhorse Publications’ website to view all the videos they’ve shared to date.

The purpose of the campaign is two-fold: to share inspiration about the power of books to...

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Scholarly and Philosophical events in Triratna

From Western Buddhist Review on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 09:41

Scholarly and Philosophical events in Triratna

From Western Buddhist Review on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 09:41

Some information on two scholarly and philosophical events coming up in our Triratna Buddhist community:

Triratna Scholars Network study retreat Sunday 15 Dec–Thursday 19 Dec 2019 at Adhisthana (ending after lunch on the Thursday), led by Sāgaramati, Dhīvan and Śraddhāpa. Please book through the Adhisthana website, or contact Dhivan (thomas [at] dhivan.net) with questions. Open to Order members and mitras. The theme will be:
Early Perfection of Wisdom. The Aṭṭhakavagga or Chapter of the Eights, from the Sutta Nipāta of the Pāli canon, presents an early version of...

Dhammalata's picture

Cleaning Windows

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 06:38

Cleaning Windows

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 - 06:38

Window Cleaning

I had a cataract operation this week. Amazing! Under a local anaesthetic they do a micro incision to your eye, break up your old foggy lens, suck it out and replace it. Eye patch on and out you walk.

The following day the surgeon takes off the eye patch and hey presto - bright, clear vision through a new windscreen and the colours and clarity almost surreal ……..

Gratitude to modern medicine...

Satyalila's picture

Prakasha on William Blake and the Vajrayana (with Satyalila)

From Order Dharma (test space) on Thu, 11 Jul, 2019 - 21:27

Prakasha has been asked to lead the Order in the practice of Bhante Sangharakshita’s main sadhanas at this year’s UK & Ireland Area convention at Wymondham.  

In this interview, Prakasha shares the remarkable story of the unfolding of his Dharma Life from a fascination with the English poet, painter and visionary William Blake in the late 1970s and early 80s and how this led him to a deep immersion in the Vajrayana approach...

Dhammalata's picture

When I sit down ,,,,

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 9 Jul, 2019 - 05:10

When I sit down ,,,,

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 9 Jul, 2019 - 05:10

As I settled down to sit this morning aware that I would be doing metta practice, I reflected that I was commencing another round of training. 

To do metta is to train our mind to be kind.

The longer I do the practice the more I come to an understanding that whatever one does in the practice that wakes one up to the value of kindness is valid. It may be gently turning over the traditional...

lokabandhu's picture

Triratna InHouse rediscovers long-lost seminar!

From Triratna InHouse Publications on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 14:22

Triratna InHouse rediscovers long-lost seminar!

From Triratna InHouse Publications on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 14:22

Some very exciting news here at Triratna InHouse Publications has been the rediscovery and republication of a long-lost but very important seminar by Sangharakshita, ‘Dhyana for Beginners’.  This was the principal inspiration for Vajraloka’s meditation teaching for many years.  You’ll find it in a new Volume VII of the Mahayana Texts, Sutras and Sadhanas series within the 17 volumes of Sangharakshita’s Collected Seminars - along with two other unpublished seminars, the Ratnagunasamcayagatha and some questions and answers on...

Shantavira's picture

Shabda July 2019

From Order Connection on Mon, 1 Jul, 2019 - 11:38

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

Shabda contains...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Which Windhorse book has changed YOUR life?

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 1 Jul, 2019 - 09:00

Which Windhorse book has changed YOUR life?

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 1 Jul, 2019 - 09:00

Windhorse Publications is excited to announce the launch of its #lifechangingbooks campaign.

Windhorse Publications has been publishing books on mindfulness, meditation and Buddhism for 45 years. Over that time, thousands of people’s lives have changed as a result of reading a Windhorse book.

In this video, Sadayasihi from Dublin talks about a Windhorse book that has changed her life: Mind in Harmony by Subhuti.

Windhorse Publications is inviting you to:

  • join them on social media (InstagramTwitter or Facebook) to watch people talking about a Windhorse book that has
  • ...
Candradasa's picture

The Gen-X 2019 Podcast

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Fri, 28 Jun, 2019 - 22:43

At the end of this podcast you’ll discover about six minutes of musical joy as we’re played out by the amazing marimba band from Great Vow Zen Monastery, hosts of the 2019 Generation-X Dharma Teachers conference near Portland, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA

But before that… A terrific round-table conversation with some of the organizers and participants gathering to look at ethics and power dynamics in the life of Buddhist communities. Join Candradasa, Rebecca...
