sanghadhara's picture

The Funeral and Burial of Urgyen Sangharakshita, 1925-2018

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 25 Oct, 2019 - 17:24

The Funeral and Burial of Urgyen Sangharakshita, 1925-2018

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 25 Oct, 2019 - 17:24

The beautiful film of one extraordinary day in October 2018 when tens of thousands of people watching online around the world joined the many assembled mourners at Adhisthana to say goodbye to their friend and teacher, Urgyen Sangharakshita - “Bhante”. 

It’s rare enough for one person to found an entire international spiritual Movement and community. Sangharakshita was one such person, and his death was a major staging point for everyone involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community as it begins its second 50...

Candradasa's picture

Pan-American Convention 2019 - Online Dharma Coverage!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 24 Oct, 2019 - 13:44

Pan-American Convention 2019 - Online Dharma Coverage!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 24 Oct, 2019 - 13:44

It’s a busy time in Triratna around the world, and here on The Buddhist Centre. Last week the livestream of ordinations from Mexico City and the corresponding great ordination of 31 Dharma farers from India.

This weekend we’ll have coverage of The Big One, Young Buddhists gathering from Adhisthana. And tomorrow we’ll also be beginning a week’s worth of online Dharma coverage from the Triratna Pan-American Convention 2019, live from the beautiful Chintamani Retreat Centre in...

vajrapriya's picture

A Book of Gratitude - Remembrances of Urgyen Sangharakshita (1925-2018)

A Book of Gratitude - Remembrances of Urgyen Sangharakshita (1925-2018)

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 24 Oct, 2019 - 04:20

As well as having an online memorial space to mark the passing of Urgyen Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community and one of the foremost western Buddhists of the 20th Century , we invited people from all around the world to contribute to a Book of Gratitude.

These have now been collated and bound into book form to be kept in the Sangharakshita library at Adhisthana. And now you can read the moving rememberances of Sangharakshita online too.

This is an opportunity...

Sadayasihi's picture

This Weekend - Live coverage of the 'Big One'

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Oct, 2019 - 16:32

This Weekend - Live coverage of the 'Big One'

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Oct, 2019 - 16:32

“…while still young, a black-haired young person endowed with the blessings of youth, in the prime of life, I shaved off my hair and beard, put on the yellow robe, and went forth from the home life into homelessness.” - Majjhima Nikaya, 36

The 2019 Triratna Young Buddhists’ Retreat (the ‘Big One’) takes place at Adhisthana this weekend. This year’s theme is ‘Blueprint for a New Society’, following in the archetypal footsteps of the Buddha, leaving behind the world of technology, busyness, and the...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Watch the Mexican Ordinations Livestream Here!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 20 Oct, 2019 - 14:36

Watch the Mexican Ordinations Livestream Here!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 20 Oct, 2019 - 14:36

Updated: view picture and clips on Instagram

The ordinations will be live streaming on Sunday 20th of October at 1pm local time / 2pm EST / 7pm UK / 8pm CET / 11.30pm India / 5am Sydney (Monday 21st) / 7am Auckland (Monday 21st).

La ceremonia pública se llevará a cabo en el Centro Budista de la Cuidad de México el día 20 de Octubre a las 13 horas hora local.

The public ordinations will be live here, as...

Vishvapani's picture

Bidding Farewell to Harold Bloom

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 19:09

Bidding Farewell to Harold Bloom

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 19 Oct, 2019 - 19:09

Here is a new appreciation of the critic and writer Harold Bloom, who died on October 14th 2019.

Vishvapani is a writer, broadcaster and Buddhist mindfulness teacher. His writing can be found at Wise Attention.


The sadness I feel at learning of the death, aged 89, of the great literary critic Harold Bloom, is softened only by my incredulity that he was living at all; that is, living in a modern world to which he seemed so alien....

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Ordinations Live From Mexico City - 2019 Edition!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 17 Oct, 2019 - 19:23

Ordinations Live From Mexico City - 2019 Edition!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 17 Oct, 2019 - 19:23

Updated: watch the ordination video here | view pictures and clips on Instagram

A couple of years ago in spring 2017, we were delighted to bring you live coverage of public ordinations taking place in Mexico City. It was a total delight to have so many people around the world tune in for it! 

So we are doubly delighted to let you know that this Sunday (20th) we will be bringing you a second live stream of ordinations from...

Ratnaprabha's picture

Animated Programme for the North London Buddhist Centre

From North London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 12 Oct, 2019 - 17:22

Animated Programme for the North London Buddhist Centre

From North London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 12 Oct, 2019 - 17:22

Have a look at this lovely animation of an Autumn Buddha by Aryajit, featuring our Autumn programme of open events. 

Suddhayu's picture

The Buddha and the Goddess of the Earth

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 8 Oct, 2019 - 22:03

The Buddha and the Goddess of the Earth

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 8 Oct, 2019 - 22:03

The Buddha and the Goddess of the Earth | an introduction to buddhism and meditation

Three consecutive Thursday evenings, 7-9pm, Nov 7 to Nov 21

Most of the stories about the Buddha take place outside. His Awakening took place beneath a tree, he walked everywhere, and many of his discourses were given beneath a canopy of leaves. In this introductory class, we will explore some of the mythic imagery and nature themes in the Buddha’s story. We will look at how these themes unfold...

Sadayasihi's picture

Wednesday Meditation: Above, Below, and All Around - The Four Immeasurables

From Online Meditators on Mon, 7 Oct, 2019 - 12:06

Wednesday Meditation: Above, Below, and All Around - The Four Immeasurables

From Online Meditators on Mon, 7 Oct, 2019 - 12:06

Body like a mountain, heart like an ocean, mind like the sky.” - attributed to Dōgen, 13th Century Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen

The Brahma Viharas are sometimes known as the four immeasurables because the number of living beings to whom they apply is immeasurable and the benefits of practising them are immeasurable. 

The Brahma Viharas meditation consist of cultivating loving-kindness (Metta), compassion / solidarity (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upeksha).

