Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft
Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft
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About Us

We are a friendly Buddhist group which meets on Tuesdays from 7pm to 9pm in the heart of Great Yarmouth at the Friends Meeting house, behind Palmers Department store. Everyone who is interested in finding more about Buddhism and Buddhist meditation is welcome at any time though we would like people to do one of our 6 week meditation courses at some point (we have two of these a year).
Every four weeks, there is no class in Great Yarmouth but the chance to go to the Norwich Buddhist Centre to join with their Tuesday class. 
We have a donation system where people are invited to give what they can for the evening.
If you would like more information, please contact Satyagita (one of the people who runs the class) on satyagita1@gmail.com. 
Thank you. We look forward to meeting you.

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The course will give a thorough grounding in our two meditation practices: the mindfulness of breathing, which enhances our awareness and peace of mind; and the metta bhavana - the development of loving kindness - which brings about a gentle but potentially radical transformation in our emotional experience. Led by Saroja.
Six Tuesday evenings starting 24 September
Cost: £55/£40. Book by clicking link below


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Summer Programme

Hi everyone. We have an outline for our summer programme. We'll be listening to talks and doing things based around the Mandala of the Five Jinnas. A Mandala is many things but you could think of it as a symbolic representation of 'reality'; it maps how the pieces of the whole fit together. In this case our Mandala maps how various aspects of the Buddha's Wisdom and Enlightenment complement and augment each other. We'll link this to the actual setting of our practice in Yarmouth and seek out/explore the strength and beauty of that context. Anyone who knows our two main meditation practices is welcome to join us on these evenings. We hope to light up the summer!

12 June: An introduction to Mandalas and the Five-Buddha (Jinna) Mandala.
19 June: Exploring our personal Mandalas – seeing how the pieces of our lives fit together.
3 July: Meeting Akshobhya with Saroja.
10 July: Akshobhya-themed practice evening. We'll drive (sharing cars) to a place in the East of Yarmouth.
17 July: Meeting Ratnasambhava with Vajragupta.
31 July: Ratnasambhava-themed practice evening. We'll drive (sharing cars) to a place in the South of Yarmouth.
7 August: Meeting Amitabha with Gunakara.
14 August: Amitabha-themed practice evening. We'll drive together (sharing cars) to a place in the West of Yarmouth.
21 August: Meeting Amoghasiddhi with Aryadhi.
4 September: Amoghasiddhi-themed practice evening. We'll walk together to a place in the North of Yarmouth.
11 September: Meeting Vairocana with Bodhivajra.
18 September: Vairocana-themed practice evening. We'll walk together to a place in the centre of Yarmouth.

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2018 in Great Yarmouth

The meetings in Yarmouth will continue in 2018. As usual, Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 9:00pm at the Meeting House, Howard Street South, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1LN – but with one important change to the programme.

Classes in Yarmouth from January until June will be led by Saroja and Satyagita. An important change is that on the fourth Tuesday of each month we encourage the group to join the Three Jewels practice evening in Norwich (also 7:00-9:00pm) and NO class will be held in Yarmouth on those evenings (Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 27, April 24, May 22, June 26).

These classes are open to all and are by donation.

Jananbhasa will be running a 6-week Beginners' Introduction to Meditation course starting on April 17. This will run in addition to the regulars' drop in and will also run on the evenings when the main group attends the Norwich practice evening. This course will soon be bookable via the Norwich Buddhist Centre website http://www.norwichbuddhistcentre.com/meditation/courses
Fees will be payable: £55/£40.

Do come and join us.

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Summer/Autumn 2017

Currently we are not specifying fees for our courses and classes. Instead, in order to allow people access to what we offer irrespective of their financial situation, we invite participants to make a donation that they can afford to help us cover our costs and so continue to be able to offer classes to as many people as possible. We're confident we can rely on the practices of appreciation and generosity to keep us going.

Summer/Autumn programme

So it's all been quiet on the Great Yarmouth, Gorleston, Lowestoft Buddhist Group page lately. Well here is an update.

Saroja is taking a well-earned break from leading the regulars' group for the rest of the Summer and into the Autumn. In his place we will have visits from Triratna Order Members usually based in Norwich. The 'programme' looks like this:

22 Aug Gunakara
29 Aug Satyagita and Satyadaka

5 Sept Amrta
12 Sept Jnanabhasa
19 Sept Jnanabhasa
26 Sept Jnanabhasa

3 Oct Shraddhadhi
10 Oct Shraddhadhi
17 Oct Shraddhadhi
24 Oct Robin Allan
31 Oct Bodhivajra

7 Nov Jananbhasa
14 Nov Jnanabhasa
21 Nov Gunakara
28 Nov Gunakara

If you're an irregular regular, or a former regular who's lapsed a bit, please do feel free to come back for a session or two, we'd love to see you. If you're a regular regular, see you there!

Much metta

For queries email: info@norwichbuddhistcentre.com or call: 01603 627034

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