Tag: Preceptors' College

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Introducing Ashokashri

By Saccanama on Sun, 13 Mar, 2016 - 09:47

Parami is delighted to introduce her friend of 40 years - Ashokashri -  who is attending her first meeting as a new member of the Triratna College of Public Preceptors, with particular responsibility for the USA.

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Satyaraja and Maitreyabandhu on developments in the Guhyaloka ordination course

By Saccanama on Fri, 11 Mar, 2016 - 13:46

Satyaraja and Maitreyabandhu led the 4-month ordination course for men at Guhyaloka last year and began a 3-year process of implementing changes to the course. Here they explain some of their reasons for these developments.

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Subhuti in India - a film by Mokshapriya

By Saccanama on Thu, 11 Feb, 2016 - 15:36

Subhuti in India - a film by Mokshapriya

By Saccanama on Thu, 11 Feb, 2016 - 15:36

Subhuti, a leading member of the Preceptors’ College, spends much of his time in India. His winter 2014/15 visit lasted 85 days, including 12 retreats, and covered over 3000 miles. It began at Bhaja, Maharashtra and concluded at the place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment.

Running time: 80 minutes

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Indians, Australians and a New Zealander ordained together at Bhaja in India

By Saccanama on Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 - 14:24

Indians, Australians and a New Zealander ordained together at Bhaja in India

By Saccanama on Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 - 14:24

21 men were ordained recently at Bhaja retreat centre in India on a retreat led by Sona. It was a coming together of men from Australia, New Zealand and India for an unusual event cutting across cultural boundaries. 

With these ordinations, there are now over 2000 Order members worldwide.

Eric Barrett (Sydney) becomes: Maitribandha
Meaning of name: He who is bound by Maitri...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita’s secretary, Sthanashraddha, reports from Adhisthana in Herefordshire, UK:

“Some 10 weeks have passed since the last report and in that time Adhisthana has passed through the longest night of the winter months and the seasonal nadir of the year. Yet so far one would hardly have noticed, with barely a handful of frosty nights and only one real freezing spell when the ponds froze over leaving the duck population mostly high and dry, if a little cold of foot.

For Bhante the time has passed...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ashokashri appointed as a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Fri, 22 Jan, 2016 - 15:02

Ashokashri appointed as a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Fri, 22 Jan, 2016 - 15:02

Ashokashri found the movement in 1977, having discovered she was a Buddhist and starting to meditate a few months before. She was ordained by Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita at Padmaloka in 1980. For the next 7 years she lived in a women’s community, worked in the team-based livelihood (a café and shop) and taught at the Croydon Buddhist Centre. During those years, she was also involved in leading activities for...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Sthirabandhu ordained at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre

By Saccanama on Thu, 21 Jan, 2016 - 12:57

Sthirabandhu ordained at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre

By Saccanama on Thu, 21 Jan, 2016 - 12:57

At the Birmingham Buddhist Centre on the 3rd January 2016, Colum Lavelle was publicly ordained by Arthapriya. His private ordination took place during the course of the winter retreat at Padmaloka with Alokavira as his private preceptor. Many Order members and friends from different Triratna centres attended.

Colum Lavelle becomes Sthirabandhu - a Sanskrit name meaning ‘He who is an unwavering Kinsman...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Subhadramati appointed as a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Thu, 21 Jan, 2016 - 10:34

Subhadramati appointed as a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Thu, 21 Jan, 2016 - 10:34

Subhadramati was ordained in 1995 at Tiratanaloka, privately by Anjali and publically by Sanghadevi. In 1999, after 13 years during which she worked in the team-based right livelihood at the Cherry Orchard restaurant and lived in communities around the London Buddhist Centre, she moved to Dublin. She lived there for 7 years, helping to run the Centre. She is now president of the Dublin Buddhist Centre and visits...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordinations at Adhisthana, UK

By Munisha on Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 - 10:34

Ordinations at Adhisthana, UK

By Munisha on Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 - 10:34

We are delighted to report the public ordinations of six more women at Adhisthana, UK, on Saturday 19th December 2015.

Public preceptor Parami
Sue Bower becomes Karunabala: a Sanskrit name meaning “One whose strength is from compassion”. (Dot under the ’n’, long second ‘a’.) Westernised spelling Karunabala.
Private preceptor Padmavajri

Sioned Wynn becomes Prabhakari: a Sanskrit name meaning “She who illumines”. (Long second ‘a’, long ‘i’). Westernised spelling Prabhakari.
Private preceptor Dhammadinna

Nicki Cowburn becomes Varasakhi: a Sanskrit name meaning “Noble friend or companion”. (Long  ‘i’)...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Six Ordinations at Adhisthana December 2015

By Saccanama on Mon, 21 Dec, 2015 - 10:12

Six Ordinations at Adhisthana December 2015

By Saccanama on Mon, 21 Dec, 2015 - 10:12

On Saturday 19th December 2015, six women were publicly ordained at Adhisthana.

In the photo, left to right back row - Karunabala, Dharmasetu, Prabhakari, Dayakarini. Front row - Varasakhi, Parami, Punyamala, Mokshadipa.

Public Preceptor Parami:

Sue Bower becomes Karunabala: a Sanskrit name meaning “One whose Strength is from Compassion”. (dot under the ’n’, long second ‘a’.)...
