The first few months of every year are usually a bit quieter. With fewer people on site this means the cooks have a chance to get more creative; Jayadhi made a great Pad Thai, Bodhiketu created a spicy Lasagne, and Harry has been mastering a variety of recipes that you’ll get a chance to taste when you’re next here.
There are changes afoot again as Prajnanita hands over being manager to Prakashamitra. She will now be the Director – a new role which hasn’t existed at Adhisthana before. This will enable her to offer her many skills in serving the Women’s Dharma Life Courses and supporting Khemabandhu as Chair, as well as Prakashamitra as Manager. Vilasamuni will be Prakashamitra’s deputy, so there is always someone on hand to help the other members of the Operations Team.