Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Tonglen Retreat Day 3 - Self-Tonglen Led Meditation

By Centre Team on Mon, 24 Mar, 2014 - 17:17
A led meditation from Day Three of the 2014 Spring Tonglen Retreat at Taraloka.

Self-tonglen: First turning towards your own experience, then towards the unsatisfactory aspects and later to the joyful aspects. You end by simply being in a space of open awareness.

This meditation can also be downloaded at Free Buddhist Audio
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Tonglen Retreat Day 2 - Led Meditation

By Centre Team on Sun, 23 Mar, 2014 - 17:37
Saddhanandi leads us into a heart space of open awareness in this led meditation from Day Two of the 2014 Spring Tonglen Retreat at Taraloka.

The led meditation can also be downloaded on Free Buddhist Audio.
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte - Metta Bhavana: Letting Kindness Happen

By Rijupatha on Mon, 17 Feb, 2014 - 12:29
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a short talk by Ratnaguna about the metta bhavana, or development of loving kindness, given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre in February 2012.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast here: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dharm…hist/id416832097

Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

Complete course of 21 meditations for recovery

By Vimalasara on Mon, 9 Dec, 2013 - 07:10
We have posted all 21 meditations for you. Please use them to beneft yourself and or others. Be happy.

Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

A loving kindness meditation

By Vimalasara on Sun, 8 Dec, 2013 - 04:36
‘There are never endings, only separations and new beginnings.’ Separations can be bumpy, and often we move away from the uncomfortable feelings by latching on to an old coping mechanism. Over these past three weeks you have hopefully begun to cultivate some positive coping mechanisms. You can always go back to some of your favourite meditations and listen to them. We give you this final meditation in this series, to set you up on track for your journey that will...
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

Just sitting with a gong bath

By Vimalasara on Sat, 7 Dec, 2013 - 05:38
Day 21 is a just sitting meditation with a gong bath. This is an opportunity to let go of making a lot of effort and just be with how you are now. In the meditation we sit or lie with a broad awareness. Making as little effort as possible, we allow thoughts, feelings and body sensations to arise and pass by like clouds passing through the sky. As we do that we can allow the sounds of the gong bath...
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

Amtabha mantra

By Vimalasara on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 06:05
Day 20 is the Amitabha mantra. Amitabha is a deep red archetypal Buddha. He is particularly associated with love and loving kindness, and with meditation. When we chant the Amitabha mantra you could imagine feeling connected to a great red sun of love and stillness; to the heartbeat of loving kindness. You could visualize or feel rays of ruby light streaming towards you and filling you with love, easing your suffering and stilling your heart and mind. The mantra is...
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

Mindfulness of breathing meditation

By Vimalasara on Thu, 5 Dec, 2013 - 05:25
Day 19 is a meditation on the breath, seeing the nature of thoughts. In the meditation we label our thoughts to help us disentangle from them and see their nature more clearly. When we catch ourselves caught up in our thoughts we can label it as thinking. This can help us let go of whatever it is we are caught up in. Have a day mind full of breath. The music has been composed by The Alaska None.
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Kamalashila's Quarterly No.1

By Candradasa on Wed, 4 Dec, 2013 - 17:25
A delightful conversation with Kamalashila, one of the most experienced meditation teachers in the Triratna Buddhist Order. This first interview of a proposed quarterly series was recorded in summer 2012 and affords some lovely insights into Kamalashila’s own history of practice as it interweaves with that of the Triratna Community since the early 1970s. A thought-provoking look back at the roots of our community, and an optimistic look forward in the light of many changes and new kinds of realities…
