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The International Gathering at Adhisthana is now underway! As usual, we’ll be bringing you the best of the event online throughout the weekend: talks, interviews, podcasts, video and pictures as people come together to explore the Dharma and celebrate community.
What the world needs, and has always needed, are people dedicated to helping both themselves and others to overcome suffering. This is the essence of the Bodhisattva Ideal. With the ever-increasing population in the world there is more and more suffering, so there is an urgent need for us to extend an even larger hand of friendship to all beings.
We have our wonderful urban Buddhist and Retreat centres that help people find ways to deal with the fundamental problem of dukkha...
The Development Teamare five Order members supported by Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA) to provide central services to Triratna in Europe – also enjoyed around the wider Triratna world. (Pictured, left to right: Munisha, Amalavajra, Nandavajra, Prajnaketu and Mokshini.)
We’re a warm, friendly virtual team, meeting on Skype or in person every few weeks to check in and organise our work.
Team Leader is Nandavajra, who lives in Devon, UK, and describes himself as “a grizzled but youthful Triratna veteran who...
Next Saturday sees the start of Triratna’s International Urban Retreat 2015. The theme this year is the Greater Mandala - Sangharakshita’s teachings on the spiritual importance of learning to waste time (and how live a life more beautiful, rather than one that is merely useful and efficient.) Join the retreat online.
Want to go on retreat next week? No time or money? This is a retreat you can do in the midst of everyday life at home and work, with others or by...
By Candradasa on Tue, 6 May, 2014 - 14:22If you’d like a wee flavour of the magic and mystery of the event, here’s a video from the online archive of our 2012 International Retreat on the theme of ‘Imagining the Buddha’. It was made by Lokabandhu (on his ‘not-smart’ phone!) very early in the morning on the last day of the retreat:
“On the last full day we held a 24-hour cycle of ceremonies to the Buddhas of the Four Directions, starting with a Dawn...
By lokabandhu on Wed, 21 Aug, 2013 - 05:49The Ecodharma Centre, a Triratna Buddhist Community initiative in the Catalan Pyrenees, has recently established a new training course helping people to develop the skills necessary to work most effectively with others in groups, teams and organizations. As part of their efforts to support one of Triratna’ European Chairs’ Assembly priorities – “The Power of Dharma to Transform Society” – Ecodharma are developing trainings to provide people with the essential skills to engage in collaborative endeavors...