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Tag: international retreat

The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
Imagine the Buddha

Audio from the International Retreat 2012

By Candradasa on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 17:05
Here all the main audio recordings we made on the International Retreat in May, now with added Soundcloud goodness!

You can also hear delightful little audio snippets from the retreat over on audioboo, and subscribe to our ongoing podcast there featuring little bits of life from around the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Last night by the fire...

By sanghadhara on Tue, 5 Jun, 2012 - 12:42
Me and friends by the fire for the last time…
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Next to the fire, yet again

By sanghadhara on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 22:27
Me and Jnanarakshita as the fire gets going for the evening…
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Before Supper

By sanghadhara on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 22:25
Here I am with Matthew Widdowson, in the sunshine of the final full day…
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Before the workshops...

By sanghadhara on Sat, 2 Jun, 2012 - 22:16
Me with Kara and Judith before Sona’s workshop saying hello to the world!
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Next to the Fire...

By sanghadhara on Fri, 1 Jun, 2012 - 23:12
Me and friends around the campfire - first night!
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat

How do YOU imagine the Buddha...?

By Candradasa on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 20:13
Lokabandhu (“pretending to be a journalist”) wandering amongst the 70 or so folk who have arrived early to help set up the retreat. The first of many such forays one suspects…!
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat

Buddha Shakyamuni mantra chanting on the international retreat setup

By lokabandhu on Tue, 29 May, 2012 - 15:16
There’s lots of hard work to be done setting up the International Retreat - but we’re determined to make the setup itself as much of a retreat as possible… Here’s some beautiful mantra chanting from the evening Puja.
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat

And we're off!

By lokabandhu on Mon, 28 May, 2012 - 15:11
Freshly arrived on the International Retreat setup, Lokabandhu and Vajragupta tell us a little of what’s in store and what they’re hoping for…