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A few last images from the retreat - thanks to Arthur Hyam for being there and capturing the moment(s). Find him on Facebook. Arthur Hyam Photography. Were you there? Post your own in our ‘Imagine the Buddha’ space! Or let us know the link if they’re elsewhere…
German and French translators in action on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, as Ratnaguna prepares to give his talk ‘the Voice of the Buddha’ - available already on Free Buddhist Audio.
It’s the International Retreat - and we’ve persuaded a very international collection of dolls to come and join us! They’re hidden around the site, we’re hoping the children will find them one by one and add them to the shrine. Right now they’re pretty busy helping out!
A little photo documentary showing Buddhafield (and friends) putting up the 450-person food tent for the International Retreat… Click through the images (the < and > buttons) to track its progress!