Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Closing the home retreat - Turning Arrows into Flowers

By kusaladevi on Fri, 22 May, 2020 - 12:57

Closing the home retreat - Turning Arrows into Flowers

By kusaladevi on Fri, 22 May, 2020 - 12:57

We’ve come to the end of this home retreat, “Turning Arrows into Flowers”. Find the Post retreat resources here

However you have used the resources this week, we really hope that Training your Mind and having a sense of community online have benefited your Dharma practice at this time. Let us know here how you have found the week, we’d love to hear from you.

Please give now, so that we can offer home retreats and other resources to more...


Donation to the Buddhist Centre Online

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 13 May, 2020 - 17:08

Donation to the Buddhist Centre Online

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 13 May, 2020 - 17:08

Since Adhisthana closed, we have been cancelling retreats and refunding those booked on a rolling basis. When contacting people we have also been inviting them to donate their deposit (or more), to be distributed to those Triratna centres and organisations that will need additional help with funding during these uncertain times.

There has been a massive outpouring of generosity from people, and you can see some of the team talking about this in more detail in one of our blog post ‘...


Community members donate to get food to Indian families in lockdown

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 13 May, 2020 - 13:04

Community members donate to get food to Indian families in lockdown

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 13 May, 2020 - 13:04

A few weeks ago, just after India had abruptly gone into lockdown, Aryajaya brought to the community the story of her friend Abhyanavita.

Abhayanavita did the Adhisthana International Course in 2018, and then returned to her home in Amravati, a city in Maharashtra. She runs a project there with a team of 4 Order Members and 6 Mitras running a hostel to enable vulnerable women and girls to step free of domestic and sexual violence and giving them the tools they need...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Closing the Being Divine Online home retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 1 May, 2020 - 17:01

Closing the Being Divine Online home retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 1 May, 2020 - 17:01

We hope you have enjoyed Being Divine Online with us this week! 

The retreat ended with this beautiful song by Ratnavandana, which retreatants sing together at the end of her Brahma Viharas retreats.

Thank you so much to Ratnavandana for supplying us with these fantastic resources around the Brahma Viharas, for sharing her practice and experience so fully and for her wonderful evocation and explanation of the Divine Abodes in the Q & A where 138 of us gathered together.

Look out too for a ...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Personal Reflections from the Week - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 19:21

Personal Reflections from the Week - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 19:21

It’s been quite a busy week for me - I started two new jobs in the last three weeks and have had various deadlines this week. But despite that, I have still enjoyed and benefited greatly from the Home Retreat. Thinking about Vajragupta’s reflections has given me a very particular focus to my Dharma practice this week, and helped me...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Money Issue (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 13)

By Centre Team on Thu, 9 Apr, 2020 - 22:54

Communities of all kinds all over the world have been facing up to the huge economic impact of Covid-19 and the ongoing lockdown. In the Triratna Buddhist Community this has meant financial stress at Buddhist Centres and an urgent need for help navigating the next few months, which will be crucial to the survival of many Centres, large and small.

Enter our two guests! Amalavajra and Danayutta are two former investment bankers, now working hard with Future Dharma Fund to...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Giving the Gift of the Dharma

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 10 Sep, 2019 - 16:01

Giving the Gift of the Dharma

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 10 Sep, 2019 - 16:01

Dharmapriya is a Triratna Order member currently living in Berlin. He’s involved with a variety of projects for the movement and is currently concentrating on organising and editing translations.

Forty years ago, when Dharmapriya was still a mitra, he recognised Sangharakshita as a ‘spiritual genius’ and appreciated that his writing was ‘a treasure to be guarded and used’. Over the years, as Sangharakshita’s works were published, Dharmapriya bought them all.

Dharmapriya was delighted when The Complete Works was released, but he hesitated about subscribing;...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Dana as Practice

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 18 Jul, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is called Dana as Practice. Here Samachitta puts the practice of generosity under the microscope in this engaging talk on the first paramita.

When we perform an act of generosity, what exactly is happening? How does it relate to the development of Wisdom? Is there such a thing as purely mental generosity and how effective is it?

This talk explains the ‘why’, ‘what’ and how’ of Dana-Paramita.

From the talk Dana - the Emotional Life of...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Hear the Call to Give

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Jul, 2018 - 11:47

In this Dharmabyte podcast, ‘Hear the Call to Give’, Vidyamala reminds us of the Buddha’s words that at the very least we can give. Our Bodhisattva journey, giving is the first paramita, the first training, because it is the complete opposite of grasping. Anyone can have a moment of open-handedness!

Excerpt from the talk ‘From Pinball Machine to River’, a talk given on the Manchester Buddhist Centre Sangha Retreat at Adhisthana on 21 May 2016.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes Podcast.


FutureDharma Major Grant Round Open

By Viryanaga on Tue, 29 May, 2018 - 15:48

FutureDharma Major Grant Round Open

By Viryanaga on Tue, 29 May, 2018 - 15:48

FutureDharma Fund’s Major Project round for funding in 2019 is now open for applications. Major projects are those seeking more than £3,000 overall, which can include large multi-year projects.

Although demand usually always outstrip our capacity to provide funding, inviting a broad range of applications each year, particularly internationally, helps to ensure that we support the most effective projects which offer the best value for the funding available.

Major projects funded in 2018 include:

  • Supporting the development of Young People’s activities throughout
  • ...
