Bodhimitra's picture

The Spiral Path and Stream-Entry

From Shabda Articles on Thu, 19 Dec, 2019 - 13:33

In this article I present a model of the Path of Wisdom derived from the Theravada tradition that slightly but significantly differs from Sangharakshita´s Spiral Path. This model seems to suggest that Stream-Entry coincides with liberation (vimutti) and therefore comes after withdrawal (nibbida) and dispassion (viraga). Having presented the Theravada model I attempt to draw some conclusions from this different way of understanding the Path.

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Stream-Entry72.65 KB
Sadayasihi's picture

Nuevo Curso Online - Dharma en Español / New Online Dharma Course in Spanish

From Triratna News on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 11:22

Nuevo Curso Online - Dharma en Español / New Online Dharma Course in Spanish

From Triratna News on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 11:22

En el ajetreado mundo de hoy, cada vez más organizaciones ofrecen cursos online: las ventajas son una mayor accesibilidad para los participantes, pero también permite que participen una gama más amplia de personas, más allá de un área geográfica limitada. Aprovechando estas posibilidades, el Centro Budista de Valencia organizará un curso de Dharma en línea sobre el tema de la ética budista. ¡Lo interesante de este curso es que no solo está abierto a personas de habla hispana de todo...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Sub35s: Precious Qualities - Energy

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
In one of his best known teachings, the Buddha taught that there are five precious qualities that we need to nurture in order to realise our true potential. These are the qualities of faith, wisdom, energy, concentration and mindfulness. And whilst growth can never be linear or exactly the same for each person, these qualities give us a valuable road map as to what that unfoldment might look like for us. Jinamati explores the precious quality of energy or Virya.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Why I am a Buddhist

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Three talks from three mitras from differing backgrounds on 'Why I am a Buddhist'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Tantric Scrooge

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
With his cold personality, cynical speech and rationalist mind set, Scrooge is an unattractive and decidedly miserable character. Yet perhaps he isn't so unusual in these aspects - perhaps we are more like Scrooge than we would like to think! Fortunately, Vadanya's Vajrayana version of 'A Christmas Carol' has plenty of hidden tantric teaching and offers hope for even the most miserly 'bah humbug' character of all. Vadanya shows us how Scrooge carries his hard demeanour as a shell to protect against emotional pain from the past, until one Christmas when his inner Tantric guru can bear the spiritual stagnation no longer, and makes him leave this self-made prison behind. Through the shocking action of three ghosts, Scrooge encounters the Four Reminders and traverses the Five Aspects of the Dharma Life before being spiritually reborn as a happy man. Questions for reflection and discussion: Are there reasons for the ways in which you might be like Scrooge? Have you ever met your inner Tantric guru or noticed your daemon at work? Do you listen to your daemon? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 17.12.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sub35s: Precious Qualities - Energy

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
In one of his best known teachings, the Buddha taught that there are five precious qualities that we need to nurture in order to realise our true potential. These are the qualities of faith, wisdom, energy, concentration and mindfulness. And whilst growth can never be linear or exactly the same for each person, these qualities give us a valuable road map as to what that unfoldment might look like for us. Jinamati explores the precious quality of energy or Virya.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Why I am a Buddhist

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Three talks from three mitras from differing backgrounds on 'Why I am a Buddhist'.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Tantric Scrooge

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
With his cold personality, cynical speech and rationalist mind set, Scrooge is an unattractive and decidedly miserable character. Yet perhaps he isn't so unusual in these aspects - perhaps we are more like Scrooge than we would like to think! Fortunately, Vadanya's Vajrayana version of 'A Christmas Carol' has plenty of hidden tantric teaching and offers hope for even the most miserly 'bah humbug' character of all. Vadanya shows us how Scrooge carries his hard demeanour as a shell to protect against emotional pain from the past, until one Christmas when his inner Tantric guru can bear the spiritual stagnation no longer, and makes him leave this self-made prison behind. Through the shocking action of three ghosts, Scrooge encounters the Four Reminders and traverses the Five Aspects of the Dharma Life before being spiritually reborn as a happy man. Questions for reflection and discussion: Are there reasons for the ways in which you might be like Scrooge? Have you ever met your inner Tantric guru or noticed your daemon at work? Do you listen to your daemon? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 17.12.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

Eternity and Time

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 17 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
Stories from the White Lotus Sutra
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Free Buddhist Audio

Colchester Practice Night - The Three Laksanas

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 17 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
A series of talks given on the Three Laksanas as part of Colchester Practice Night. Talk One - Impermanence by Silanatha Talk Two - Dukkha by Sthiranaga Talk Three - Insubstantiality by Srikirti
