Over 175 Order members from around the world, excluding India, have booked for the Order Convention in India next year. We still have space for more, but time to book the inclusive hotel and Convention package is running out.
If you want to book the inclusive hotel and Convention package, we must receive your booking and £100 deposit by the 30th September.
There are two ways to take part in the Convention.
On 26th August, 99 years ago, Urgyen Sangharakshita was born and at Free Buddhist Audio we have an extensive collection of his lectures given in his 40+ years of public teaching.
We are getting ready to celebrate his centenary next year by remastering his talks for audiences new and old! Using various remastering tools, we share these previews of a remastered talk. You can listen to the original and remastered preview of this famous talk “Who is the Buddha?”, which...
Maitrisara explores the second fetter, doubt and indecision which Bhante calls vagueness. The antidote is clarity but also faith. This wide-ranging talk weaves together both theoretical and personal themes and differentiates between wholesome and unhelpful doubt. It explores why we might get stuck in doubt, and how to work with it. The talk draws on a sutta from the Samyuta Nikaya about what feeds doubt. And what therefore counteracts it. From the talk Clarity: The Unobscured Mirror...
We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be privately ordained during an Ordination retreat at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, New Hampshire, USA starting on 24th August.
The public ordination will be at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday 7th September at 11:30am local time.
Nancy Artz from Portland, Maine Private Preceptor Dharmasuri Public Preceptor Amalā
Laura Rivchun from New York City, New York Private Preceptor Padmadharini Public Preceptor Amalā
In his first talk on Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara Padmavajra speaks of Sangharakshita’s evocation of the Bodhicitta. He goes on to talk about his discovery of the Bodhicarayavatara and what is known of the life of Shantideva. The main part of the talk is Padmavajra’s discussion of some of the verses of the first chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara, especially of verse ten, in which the Bodhicitta is likened to the highly potent quicksilver elixir of the alchemist, capable of...
We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be publicly ordained at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 am local time.
We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be publicly ordained at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 am local time.