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May the Flames That Transmute Samsara Into Nirvana Arise (FBA Podcast)

Taking the line ‘May the flames that transmute samsara into nirvana’ from the familiar Triratna Dedication ceremony as his starting point, Jnanadhara explores the transformative power of mindfulness. What exactly are those flames? How does mindfulness help us ‘transform, transmute, transfigure’ in the words of Bhante Sangharakshita? Taking a deep dive into the Tantric symbolism of Padmasambhava and drawing on poetry and his love of music and mantra, Jnanadhara presents us with an excellent grounding in how we might pass through the flames of transformation and live in a more sacramental world. Talk given as part of the Padmasambhava Day celebrations at the Dublin Buddhist Centre, 2024.


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