The tradition tells us that once The Buiddha became enlightened he had a question in his mind ‘Who or what should I now revere?’. In one sense, being the only enlightened being on the planet there was no-one to go to for higher teachings or instruction and so he decided he needed to go to the Dharma as something to give his reverence to; the principles and teachings that provided the means for anyone including himself to go to for...
Tune in to the London Buddhist Centre’s Facebook page at around 7.20pm UK tonight. Jnanavaca, Chair of the Centre, will be giving his annual Mandala Evening talk to kick off the year.
The spiritual community, the Sangha, is the ideal context in which we can practise the Dharma. It is also a force for good in the world and an ideal in its own right. But how is the Sangha sustained? Continuing our exploration of ‘The Four Sangharavastus’ (or Means...
In the latest NewsByte video from Clear Vision, we hear about the Second International Buddhist Youth Convention, held last October by India’s National Network of Buddhist Youth at Bordharan, attended by Order members and mitras from all around the world (11.5 minutes).
At the end of this month’s gathering of Triratna’s European Chairs, there was a show of hands to establish how many centres now had Safeguarding officers and policies for the protection of children and “vulnerable adults”.
Of Triratna’s 35 urban centres and retreat centres in Britain, Ireland and the rest of Europe, 30 had Safeguarding officers and had adopted safeguarding policies, or were in process of doing so.
This is an extremely good rate of progress. We began talking...
We’re delighted to announce our new program for Winter-Spring 2017 after starting the new year off in such fine fashion with a beautiful Mitra ceremony.
We have 5 new intro courses (tell your friends!), a brand new practice night on Wednesday evenings (5.45-6.45pm) for anyone who knows how to meditate, ourfirst Seacoast Sangha retreat (March 3-5) -...
Triratna is now so large, it can be hard to remember that there are still many countries without any Triratna activities at all, even in Europe. In Vienna last September I got together with Thomas and Carina Rotter, Austrian Buddhists longing for someone to start Triratna activities there.
Triratna may well be one of the Buddhist movements making greatest use of online communications and, as you’ll see, they’ve certainly made determined use of it!
In October 2016, the National Network of Buddhist Youth held its 2nd International Buddhist Youth Convention in Bordharan in India, attended by Order members and GFR mitras from all around the world.
Welcome to the new season of Dharma classes here at the Portsmouth Buddhist Center! For the next 7 Sundays we’ll be looking at a set of qualities we think it’s essential to have present if being part of a Buddhist community is going to make a difference in our lives.
This week we’ll be exploring what it means to draw inspiration from the whole of the vast, deep, varied Buddhist tradition. Come join us! Meditate, question, and let’s see...