Kavyasiddhi's picture

How I approach advice like 'don't take it personally'

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

How I approach advice like 'don't take it personally'

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

Here I’m talking about how I approach the advice ‘don’t take it personally’ in relation to the worldly winds. I give an example of how identifying with a ‘story’ can create a filter for my experience. I’d like to say a big thanks to my colleague Deborah for helping get these videos online - she works with me here at windhorse:evolution.

vajragupta's picture

Sunday Video teaching: Working with the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

Sunday Video teaching: Working with the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

This is the second of the two main ‘teaching videos’ I’ll be posting during the retreat: another 20-minute talk offering a series of suggestions how we can create effective methods for working with the eight Worldly Winds that blow about us all the time - and even turn them into spiritual opportunities.

vajragupta's picture

Exercises and Reflections for Sunday 9th: Sailing the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:27

Exercises and Reflections for Sunday 9th: Sailing the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 17:27

Welcome back to the on-line Urban Retreat! Yesterday I was asking you to identify situations in your daily life where the worldly winds were blowing, and to be more aware of your response to them.  How have you got on with that? Was it easy or difficult? Was yesterday a calm or stormy day?!

Like yesterday, we’re going to listen to a 20 minute video talk – to get ideas and input – and then reflect on how those teachings apply...

Vishvapani's picture

Practicing at Home

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 11:20

Practicing at Home

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 11:20

For many years I was able to go on retreat for several weeks each year. Much of that time I was living in residential Triratna communities where I could sit in the shrineroom each morning. More recently my life has changed. I now live with my wife (Kamalagita, who is also an Order member) in Cardiff with Leo, our two year-old son. We share the childcare, which is great in many ways, but it has brought many changes and challenges...

lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Saturday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 01:30

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Retraite En Ville 2011 - Les Vents Du Monde

From Community Highlights on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 01:00
Une série de présentations préparées dans le cadre de la retraite en ville 2011 sur les huit vents du monde.

Cet enregistrement comporte une introduction au thème de la retraite en ville donné par Vassika puis une série de petites conférences de 5 et 15 minutes chacune par différents membres de l'Ordre.

Pour ceux qui participent à la retraite, les présentations sont destinées à être écoutées chaque jour de la semaine pour offrir du soutient et de l'inspiration dans votre pratique quotidienne.

Si vous ne participez pas à la retraite en ville, c'est peut-être l'occasion de découvrir ou de redécouvrir cet enseignement présenté par de nombreux membres de l'Ordre Triratna.
vajragupta's picture

Exercises and Reflections for Saturday: Blown by the Wind?

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 00:30

Exercises and Reflections for Saturday: Blown by the Wind?

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 00:30

Welcome to Triratna’s 2011 International Urban Retreat ‘Sailing the Worldly Winds’! You’re joining lots of other around the world participating on-line, as well as hundreds of people at over 50 Triratna Buddhist Centres. Feel free to add your comments to the site, we look forwards to hearing from you…

These screens will guide you through suggestions for today’s practice; check back tomorrow (or anytime after 5.30pm UK time) for tomorrow’s material. There’s quite a bit on this page, so make sure...

vajragupta's picture

Saturday Video Teaching: Introducing the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 00:30

Saturday Video Teaching: Introducing the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 8 Oct, 2011 - 00:30In this 20-minute talk, prepared for the first day of our Urban Retreat, I’m introducing the eight Worldly Winds, or Lokadhammas. If for any reason it’s hard for you to watch the video, most of the material is on-line in the introduction to my book ‘Sailing the Worldly Winds’. Another video tomorrow with suggestions how to work with the Winds!
Candradasa's picture

Launching the Urban Retreat 2011

From Triratna News on Fri, 7 Oct, 2011 - 19:04

Launching the Urban Retreat 2011

From Triratna News on Fri, 7 Oct, 2011 - 19:04Many thanks to the over 200 people who have registered interest in the online version of the International Urban Retreat for 2011, in 55 different places from San Francisco to Toowoomba. We’re delighted to say that the retreat is now open for you to join in.

If you’re not sure how an Urban Retreat works, check out our quick guide, or jump in and test the waters (it’s completely free of charge)…

Kavyasiddhi's picture

Reflections on the importance of stillness

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 7 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

Reflections on the importance of stillness

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 7 Oct, 2011 - 17:30

First of a series of short (3 minute) videos from me, here in Cambridge UK at the offices of Windhorse:Evolution where I work - Triratna’s largest and most successful team-based Right Livelihood Buddhist business. Here I reflect on how the importance of stillness fits with the momentum of movement in the worldly winds.
