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Tarabodhi: 1926:2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 30 Oct, 2011 - 06:02

Tarabodhi: 1926:2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 30 Oct, 2011 - 06:02Dayasara writes to say – “I am sorry to report that Tarabodhi died peacefully after a short bout of pneumonia in the afternoon of Tuesday October 25th aged 85. This was at the nursing home in Bath where he had lived for about 3 years. His daughter Charlotte and other family members were with him.

He was ordained in 1998 at Padmaloka. He was a devoted Amitabha practitioner and used his Order name in most situations. Before his retirement...
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4th annual UK gathering of young Triratna Buddhists - numbers double again!

From Triratna News on Sat, 29 Oct, 2011 - 21:41

4th annual UK gathering of young Triratna Buddhists - numbers double again!

From Triratna News on Sat, 29 Oct, 2011 - 21:41Last weekend saw the annual UK gathering of young Triratna Buddhists. This was the fourth such national gathering, with over 120 present – the numbers having doubled each year the event has been held! Even better, it shows signs of spreading beyond the UK – this year there was a substantial contingent from Paris, plus individuals from Ireland, Germany and Belgium (and London, Cambridge, Manchester, Birmingham, Colchester, Ipswich, Norwich, Leeds, Sheffield, Scotland, Oxford, Nottingham, Exeter, Cardiff, Bristol, and...
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Buddhism in Hungary, October 2011

From Triratna News on Wed, 26 Oct, 2011 - 05:50

Buddhism in Hungary, October 2011

From Triratna News on Wed, 26 Oct, 2011 - 05:50Sam Rawlings, Subhuti’s secretary, writes with news of a little-known but very exciting Triratna Dharma project, working with the Gypsy Buddhists of Hungary. He says -

“Last week Dharmachari Subhuti returned from the second of his twice-yearly visits to the Gypsy Buddhists of Hungary. He has been supporting the work of the Jaibhim Network since its inauguration six years ago and is a keen advocate of their organization and mission. The Dhammamitras of Hungary have been making significant progress,...
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Buddhism in Barcelona - a report by Rijumati

From Triratna News on Mon, 24 Oct, 2011 - 05:29

Buddhism in Barcelona - a report by Rijumati

From Triratna News on Mon, 24 Oct, 2011 - 05:29For the past year Rijumati, Sinhendra and others have been working to create a Buddhist centre and Sangha in Barcelona. Things are going well, and he sends us this report -

“This autumn we’re greatly expanding our Sangha activities in Barcelona and Catalunya. Up until now our time’s mostly been spent maintaining the weekly class that was initiated some while back by the Sangha in Valencia and establishing ourselves in a new community with Bernard Stevens, a mitra from...
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Free Buddhist Audio

This Being, That Becomes - a Five-Week Seminar

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 24 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Five-week seminar given at the LBC's Dharma Night class. Based on Dhivan's book 'This Being, That Becomes', the seminar was rounded off in the fifth week with a presentation by the author himself.
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Bodhishri: 1936:2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 23 Oct, 2011 - 18:49

Bodhishri: 1936:2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 23 Oct, 2011 - 18:49Jnanagita writes from Finland with the sad news of Dharmacharini Bodhishri. Ordained in 1973, Bodhishri was one of the longest-ordained members of the Order. Jnanagita says -

“I am sad to tell you that Bodhishri died on Friday 21st October, some minutes after midnight in the Terhokoti Hospice in Helsinki. She had a long and painful period of illness behind her. Just one day earlier we were eight Finnish Order members there, doing a sevenfold puja for her. We...
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Six men ordained at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 06:23

Six men ordained at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 06:23The following men had their Public Ordinations on Thursday, 13th October:

Stephen Hudson becomes CHITRAMATI, ‘He who has an excellent or distinguished mind’
(Private Preceptor Jinapalita)

Julian Drury becomes NANDAJAYA, ‘Joyful Victory’
(Private Preceptor Saddhaloka)

Tony Keogh becomes MAITRIKAYA, (long second A) ‘Body or Person of Loving Kindness’
(Private Preceptor Dharmadipa)

Vincent Stokes becomes SATYAVASIN (long third A), ‘He who abides, dwells in the truth’
(Private Preceptor Paramabandhu)

Ian Carter becomes...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Work-Place Politics and Creativity

From Windhorse Evolution on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Saddharaja gives a fourth talk in his new series on Right Livelihood Practice, this time focusing on the challenging theme of work-place politics. How do we work creatively with it?

After an overview of the dramatic Tudor dynasty of the English middle ages, he identifies the unpleasant components of work place politics, namely; rivalry, power-play and status, gossip and sexual scandal, and manipulation. He contrasts this with the Buddhist Right Livelihood aims, which are the opposite. Love Mode rather than Power Mode.

Saddharaja reminds us of the six realms of existence on the Tibetan Wheel of Life, and how these realms relate to work place politics. He reminds us of what the Buddha is offering in these realms - and how this can work for us.

Finally, he suggests three further creative practices for transforming work place politics, and finishes with a poem from William Blake.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Work-Place Politics and Creativity

From Windhorse Evolution on Fri, 21 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Saddharaja gives a fourth talk in his new series on Right Livelihood Practice, this time focusing on the challenging theme of work-place politics. How do we work creatively with it?

After an overview of the dramatic Tudor dynasty of the English middle ages, he identifies the unpleasant components of work place politics, namely; rivalry, power-play and status, gossip and sexual scandal, and manipulation. He contrasts this with the Buddhist Right Livelihood aims, which are the opposite. Love Mode rather than Power Mode.

Saddharaja reminds us of the six realms of existence on the Tibetan Wheel of Life, and how these realms relate to work place politics. He reminds us of what the Buddha is offering in these realms - and how this can work for us.

Finally, he suggests three further creative practices for transforming work place politics, and finishes with a poem from William Blake.
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Urthona issue 28 due out soon

From Triratna News on Thu, 20 Oct, 2011 - 13:59

Urthona issue 28 due out soon

From Triratna News on Thu, 20 Oct, 2011 - 13:59The new issue of Urthona, Triratna’s annual arts magazine is nearing completion and will be available in November.

This year’s very rich issue has three main themes. We cover the intriguing activity known as Psychogeography - something anyone can do on their home patch - tuning into the layers of memory, history and nature in landscape and city scape, looking for the mysterious presences of place that deeply affect who we are. We feature wonderful paintings of dynamic seascapes...
