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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra 1 - Historical Perspective

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Taranita instroduces his series of talks on the Heart Sutras by discussing its historical, symbolic and mythical significance.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra 2 - Avalokitesvara

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Avalokitesvara plays a key role in the Heart Sutra, and in this talk Taranita charts the history and symbolism of this archetypal figure across Buddhist history and cultures.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra 3 - The Five Skandhas

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
In the third talk of the series, Taranita explains the Five Skandhas - a traditional Buddhist description of the universe - using practical examples, and quoting a Richard Dawkins' explanation of why we sense the world in the way we do.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra 4 - Sunyata

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Sunyata is central to the Heart Sutra, and here Taranita discusses this subtle Buddhist teaching - often translated as Empitness or Voidness. In doing so, amongst other things, he compares Christian transubstantiation with Buddhist insubstantiality.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra 5 - The Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Nidanas

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
In the fifth of this series of talks on the Heart Sutra, Taranita discusses the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and the Twelve Nidanas; relating them to our own experience and raises the question of why Avalokitesvara appears to negate them in the sutra.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Meeting Padmasambhava In the Care of the Heart

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Padmasambhava means the Lotus Born. He is a historical and mythological figure who established Buddhism in Tibet in the eighth century.

This talk was given by Dayanandi during the Padmasabhava Day Festival at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 6th October 2011.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Loss and Gain

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
Lokabandhu explores the worldly winds of loss and gain, enjoining us never to go passive and give up in response, but to develop the 'emotional muscle' of equanimity that can hold strong emotions, and to transcend the two by practicing generosity.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Buddha Mandala

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Oct, 2011 - 00:00
A short talk in which Taranita discusses the Five Buddhas of the Mandala, their characterstics, how their wisdom may manifest itself in everyday life, and how their features may benefit the Western Buddhist practioner.
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Urban Retreat starting soon: prisoners, artists ready worldwide

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Oct, 2011 - 21:54

Urban Retreat starting soon: prisoners, artists ready worldwide

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Oct, 2011 - 21:54

Triratna’s International Urban Retreat starts this Saturday October 8th, and the map of who’s taking part worldwide has been growing day by day.  The map poster will be released later this week (and distributed to all participating Buddhist Centres - over 50 by now), but the live and ever-expanding online-version is available on Picasa here

The retreat has attracted interest from all over the world, and from people in all walks of life.  Akuppa, a Buddhist prison chaplain...
