lokabandhu's picture

Triratna Design Competition launched

From Triratna News on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 15:35

Triratna Design Competition launched

From Triratna News on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 15:35Jnanarakshita writes from Triratna’s Development Team with news of the first Triratna Design Competition, open to all members of the Triratna Buddhist Community. He says -

“We’re looking for fresh and dynamic images, ideas and slogans that our Buddhist centres and groups can use on websites, flyers, and posters: not too soft or new-agey, but attractive and meaningful to people who might be interested in triratna community and the dharma.

“You can enter as many times...
Vidyamala's picture

Text on pain and pleasure

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 12:10

Text on pain and pleasure

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 12:10

Here is a text version of the tips on pain and pleasure that I videoed and were posted on Monday. I thought there may be people out there with sight or hearing impairment, or who can’t watch video/listen to audio for any reason who would like to be able to read some thoughts on this topic.

Please click here to access the article

Maitridevi's picture

Maitridevi - Practising with the Worldly WInds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 06:00

Maitridevi - The Worldly Winds, International Urban Retreat 2011 by thebuddhistcentre

Listen on iOS or get the app. Here’s Maitridevi’s beautifully cogent look at working with the Worldly Winds, as a Soundcloud.

Download this track

For more information about using Soundcloud see our notes on experimental Dharma discussion.

lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Wednesday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 21:00

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼

vajragupta's picture

Exercises and reflections for Wednesday: the stories we tell

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 17:38

Exercises and reflections for Wednesday: the stories we tell

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 17:38

We’re now making use of all three sections of the practice diary – resolve, remind, and review. Have another look at your diary today, and reflect on how the practice is going.  You can print more pages, if you need to, here.

Today, we’re going to have a bit more “Dharma input”. We’re going to look a bit more closely at what is happening when we’re caught by the worldly winds. We’re going to look at the ‘stories’ that...

Kavyasiddhi's picture

Effort, sweat, and eternalism – and what makes a good week.

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 17:23

Effort, sweat, and eternalism – and what makes a good week.

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 17:23

Here’s my fourth mini-video for the Urban Retreat. I’m reflecting on effort, sweat, and eternalism – and what makes a good week.

Vishvapani's picture

Ch'an Story

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 16:31

Ch'an Story

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 16:31

‘There was a well-known scholar who practiced Buddhism and befriended a Chan Master. Thinking that he had made great stride in his cultivation, he wrote a poem and asked his attendant to deliver it to the Master who lived across the river. The Master opened the letter and read the short poem aloud:

“Unmoved by the eight worldly winds, * 
Serenely I sit on the purplish gold terrace.”

A smile broke up on the lips of the Master. Picking up an ink brush,...

Vishvapani's picture

It Was Like This: You Were Happy

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 16:03

It Was Like This: You Were Happy

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 16:03

This poem by an American Buddhist poet reflects on vicissitude by looking back when life is over. What stays with you? What does it mean? The poem strips away the dramas and interpretations that embellish our experience leaving just the raw material






It Was Like This: You Were Happy

It was like this:

you were happy, then you were sad,

then happy again, then not.

It went on.

You were innocent or you were guilty.

Actions were taken, or not.

At times you spoke, at other times you were silent.

Mostly, it seems you were silent—what could you say?


Manjupriya's picture

Manjupriya - Pleasure and Pain

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Tue, 11 Oct, 2011 - 06:00

Manjupriya - Pleasure and Pain by thebuddhistcentre

Listen on iOS or get the app. Here’s Manjupriya in conversation with Jnanarakshita as a Soundcloud. (NB. There are passages of very poor sound quality, but it should all be listenable now.)

Download this track

For more information about using Soundcloud see our notes on experimental Dharma discussion.

lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Tuesday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 21:00

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼
